
chapter 17- did he find out?

"you're late, arin....." -I forgot that this guy was in the academic club.

"....Not that I mean anything bad."


I was a bit embarrassed. It seems that eun-woo understood that i felt embarrassed so he gave me a little smile before listening to the lecture.

I wanted to read some webtoons but, that would be even more embarrassing. so i just stayed put and tried my best to not fall asleep.



at the end of the 2 HOUR lecture, I thought that like any lecture it would be boring. but it was fun. the crazy president explained about many things like- the vital points of monsters, compatibility between attributes, and the difference between a magic and a spell.

No matter how much crazy he was, he did have responsibilities to fulfill.

I didn't care much about the vital points of the monsters. I felt like compatibility between attributes, was common sense for a person who reads too many action and fantasy webtoons.

The difference between a magic and a spell was interesting.

As i was pondering over this eun-woo approached casually and asked me-

"are you going?"


"The after-party. Are you going to the after party?"


"are you busy?"

"yes. I'm very busy. are you going?"




it was awkward. I didn't mean to but i totally became a Convo-Breaker. I made things so awkward!!.


Thankfully a loud voice broke the silence, as me and eun-woo turned to where the loud voice came from.

"....Don't you think you're being too pushy?"(the president)

"Am I bothering you?"(hajin)


it was none other than the crazy president, hajin and yeonha arguing.

"Heh."- the crazy president smirked at hajin because of the reply yeonha gave.


I personally don't mind hajin being treated badly because i know, he will surprise everyone and they will be regretting treating hajin like that.

but that smirk, oh i hate that 'how you like that' smirk. How dare that measly dust particle treat a MC like that.

as i was freaking out and cursing that damned president. he gently spoke to yeonha.

"um, yeonha ssi -"

well, he tried to speak since, yeonha had already walked away from there.

as if to take revenge hajin gave him the same smirk he had given to him.

HAH! eat that!!.

With a distorted face, the president chased after Yoo Yeonha as hajin just.....stood there, thinking about something.

"do you know him?" - said eun-woo innocently pointing at hajin.

normally it would've been fine, we're not too close to them and, hajin has his back to us. But it's hajin we're taking about here, he is the MC!!!. with the gift he has, he can probably find out that eun-woo is pointing at him... and unfortunately, he did....

"run!" I whispered to eun-woo before holding his arm and dragging him with me.

"stupid, stupid eun-woo!!!!! how can you be so stupid and point at a random stranger. How can you do such a rude thing with an innocent face!!!."- is what i'd love to say to him.

how can I say that when i'm the one who's rude. how can i just rudely turn away from a stranger and run from him.

sure I know hajin but, he doesn't know me!!! so of course he would've considered that to be rude.


eun-woo took a short breath before assuring me and questioning me.

"A-Arin, we're far away from that guy. you don't have to worry anymore. why did we run from him anyway? Is he a bad guy?"

"no no, he's just someone i know but.... he doesn't know me."

"i see....."

an awkward silence stayed for a while. as if fate finally tried to be nice to me, an alarm rang from my smart watch.

*ringg, ringg*

[9:15 pm - online anime figurine auction reminder ]

thank god for the auction reminder!!!.

"uhhh, i think i have to go eun-woo. if you don't have anything to say i'll take my leave."


it did seem like he wanted to ask something but, like usual he didn't ask anything. I'm quite thankful that he doesn't ask anything.

"now let's get that figurine and continue my streak of luck!!" is the thought i had, as i happily hopped away to my room.

{ for any curious person, no i didn't get the figurine.}


"As you know, a guild's database contains many useful information. But most of the time, you have to reach a certain rank to get access to them."


as the professor was blabbering about something, I just sat in a sleepy position with one of my hands on the chin and the other on the table holding a pen. It was a very ordinary scene.

In any case, I see this lecture as a good time for arranging and thinking about my thoughts on various things.

for now I am thinking about when, what and how I should tell hajin about myself.

the novel is still in the beginning phase where hajin is getting strong. so if i befriend him now, he may help me survive and think of me greatly.

another reason is that, hajin is all alone in this. I want to be there for him when he needs any help.

I also didn't complete reading the novel and I don't exactly remember every incident in the novel. There are many life threatening incidents in this novel which i don't know of. C is also making changes. considering these factors there is a high chance that I may die. but I don't want to die.

I want to live... i don't want to die..... not till I do the things I want to. I want to eat nice chocolate cakes, read all the novels and webtoons. I -

"...Now, let's continue after a little break."

tch, can't you wait a little professor. I was being all emotional and thinking deep thoughts, you just had to interrupt it, just to tell that it's a break time???.

as I was groaning about the professor's deed, I saw hajin bending to right a little. normally I would have ignored it, but i could see that he was chatting with yoenha.

as I smiled a bit weirdly, I bent a little to get a closer look.

[What do you want?]

[It's simple. I need a weapon.]

weapon?.... A WEAPON!!!!!. Is he getting 'desert eagle' weapon from yeonha????.

Desert Eagle High Metal 17 14 A masterpiece handgun, it serves as Hajin's main weapon. Hajin's desert eagle is a masterpiece weapon that can transform into other weapons. a few of it's transformation modes are - Shotgun Mode, Sniper Rifle Mode, and much more.

hehehehe hehe ...

forgive me if i sound weird but, imagine me and future hajin fighting using our dream weapons. of course I still have to adjust some of the elements on my sword.

[Is it possible to get it by tomorrow?]

[Yes, I'll take care of it.]

oh, it seems like they're done. hajin seems really~ happy since he had a smile on his face.

"Get back to your seats."-the professor said, as he resumed class after drinking some water.

well then, lets get back to thinking.....


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