
Chapter 124.2 Assassination Conspiracy

After the press conference, Wilhelm had just returned to the temporary residence in the presidential palace when a stern-faced Reinhard hastily entered. "Your Highness, we discovered a significant amount of weapons, ammunition, and blueprints of the presidential palace in a civilian house on a nearby street."

Wilhelm raised an eyebrow slightly. Planning an assassination? "Have they been captured?"

"We apprehended three of them and have taken them in for interrogation. For your safety, it would be wise to change your residence!"

Wilhelm waved his hand, signaling him to calm down. "No need to be so anxious. Look at the high walls and thick walls of the presidential palace. Unless there's artillery support, it's challenging to breach, isn't it? Don't forget, there's also a regiment of the palace guard stationed here, and troops are positioned on the outskirts. What significant event can happen?" Is the mastermind behind this assassination attempt a fool? It's probably not the work of England and France, as they wouldn't risk another Sarajevo incident. The prime suspect is likely a local Czech.

"But..." Reinhard was still uneasy, about to continue persuading when Wilhelm interrupted him. "No need to persuade further. I'll sleep here tonight. Your task now is to find out who is behind these assassins. Go."

"I will reinforce the defense of the presidential palace.", saluted Reinhard and left.

The night passed without incident. Early the next morning, as Wilhelm was just waking up, Reinhard came to report. "Your Highness, we have clarified the situation. It's a conspiracy involving some middle-ranking officers from the former Czech military. They colluded to assassinate you, and they obtained the palace layout by bribing the steward. We apprehended them all last night."

"Well done.", Wilhelm trusted the capabilities of the intelligence department. "Send them to a labor camp and provide the detailed information and confessions to President Hácha. I feel he's not an entirely trustworthy person." Despite the abolition of the Czech Republic's government, Hácha's presidency had been retained, and he later cooperated with the exiled Czechoslovak government. "Tell him I can let this matter go without further investigation, but if there's a next time, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"You don't intend to investigate further?" Reinhard seemed somewhat unwilling. "But, Your Highness, I believe these people are not the only ones harboring ill intentions. I think we should continue to dig deeper and expose those..."

Wilhelm smiled. "So, we're going for a purge? Arresting and executing anyone who seems to harbor ill intentions? Plunge the entire Czech into fear? Everyone trembling in anxiety?

Remember, conquering a country is easy, but conquering a nation is challenging and not something achievable in a matter of days or months. While bloody slaughter can make people kneel and obey, it won't gain true submission. If slaughter were effective, the entire Europe, even half the world, would now belong to the Mongol Empire. Has anyone killed more than they did?" Historical records indicate that during the establishment of the Mongol Empire, Mongol forces massacred a total of 200 million people, creating the most disgraceful and bloodiest Guinness World Record in human history.

"Reinhard, let GSP (Geheime Staatspolizei or 'Gestapo') thoroughly infiltrate Czechoslovakia. Choose someone capable and ruthless to serve as the deputy administrator for the Czech region. I want this place to Germanize as quickly as possible."

Reinhard volunteered. "Your Highness, I would like to go personally to supervise the work."

You're asking for trouble. Wilhelm snapped to attention, decisively refusing. "No, that's too dangerous. Don't forget your identity. If something happens to you, even burying the whole Czech Republic won't compensate for the Empire's loss. Send someone reliable instead." In this spacetime, he wouldn't send Reinhard to become some governor elsewhere. Even though Germany wasn't engaged in insane massacres at the moment, they had made quite a few enemies, and Wilhelm didn't want to witness another "Action T4" plan.

In the original timeline, after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Germany began systematically relocating its military industries to the relatively safe hinterlands of Czechoslovakia, which was by then facing a two-front war. Reinhard took charge of the affairs in the Czech region, using a clever mix of "carrot and stick" to gradually Germanize the region. Soon, the Czech people submitted to Germanization.

As a result, Czech leaders in exile, like Beneš, were dissatisfied. If the Czechs willingly accepted Germanization, how could they lead a rebellion in the future?

So, the British intelligence system dispatched several specially trained Czech paratroopers to ambush Reinhard. In retaliation for Reinhard, Little Mustache massacred Czech villages. As a result, these conversion efforts finally went bankrupt.

Ignoring Reinhard's surprised expression, Wilhelm continued to instruct, "In governing Czechoslovakia, we can use the 'carrot and stick' approach. The stick is to suppress disobedient nobles and resistance organizations, while the carrot, of course, is to distribute to the lower-class populace, especially the working class.

The treatment of the working class here is far below our German standards. As long as we implement similar salary and welfare systems, improving their lives, we should be able to minimize their resistance." Reinhard in the original timeline once said, "Czechs, as long as they have enough to eat and don't go to the battlefield, can become the best military producers for the Empire."

Reinhard solemnly responded, "Understood, Your Highness. I will arrange for the most suitable person to execute this."

Wilhelm nodded thoughtfully, then asked after a moment, "Where did the former president Beneš go after resigning?"

"After resigning, he went to London. He should still be there, Your Highness. Do you want to find him?"

"Heh, these people..." Why do they all like to run to England? He remembered that after the outbreak of World War II, various countries, including France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, established exiled governments in England. "Find an opportunity to get rid of him. It's better to prevent him from establishing an exiled government and causing trouble for us in the future."

"Yes, I will handle it as soon as possible."

After discussing Czech affairs, Reinhard brought up another matter. "Your Highness, we just received news that Britain has simultaneously sent envoys to Poland and the Soviet Union. As for the content of the visits, further investigation is needed."

Wilhelm dismissively smiled. "Is there a need for further investigation? It's definitely our Mr. Peace Ambassador's good temper coming to an end. They think we no longer listen to them, so they want to use Poland to intimidate us. If one Poland isn't enough, they probably want to persuade the Soviet Union to provide support to Poland at the right time." After all, in the Spanish Civil War, the Soviet-supported government forces and international volunteers were humiliated by Germany. If the Soviet Union wants revenge, they might agree to Britain's proposal.

Shaking his head, Wilhelm continued, "If you can't see through the true colors of England and France from the Czech incident, then Stalin is a big fool."

The enmity between Poland and the Soviet Union runs deep. To make the Soviet Union support Poland, Britain would have to pay a considerable price. Wilhelm didn't think Britain could afford the Soviet Union's demands. "Britain is really desperate; they even chose Poland. It's better than choosing Italy." During the German annexation of Czechoslovakia, Poland also seized the Cieszyn area, claiming to "protect" the local Polish residents. This opportunistic invasion angered the Czechs, and if Germany were to act against Poland, both Czechoslovakia and Lithuania would likely join in attacking Poland.

"Don't bother with them; we'll find trouble with Poland sooner or later. If Poland willingly walks into death, that's what we want. We'll secretly send envoys to ask Stalin if he's interested in dividing Poland." Wilhelm didn't take Poland, the jumping clown, seriously at all. With one sentence, he exposed and shattered the conspiracy of England and France.

Reinhard continued his report, "Your Highness, there are escalating internal purges in the Soviet Union again. Even the international volunteer units fighting in Spain are affected. Some places even witnessed fratricide. Their combat capability is declining rapidly, and they are retreating step by step. According to the analysis of the General Staff, Franco is expected to end this civil war within half a year."

"That's good news." Wilhelm nodded. "Then execute the 'Replace' plan as soon as possible."

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