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As I followed closely to my father, I could hear the occasional sniffing coming for Anthony as if he was alert for something. His ears were perked up and his tail standing tall to show that he was prepared for a fight. 

To this I simply shook my head, believing that he was unused to the area and was gathering the smells so that he may get used to it. Leaving him to it, I looked ahead of me and saw that we were nearing our cabin. It was quaint but the air around it felt fresh and nice.

As if it felt homely to me, like I belonged here. Releasing a small smile, I walked next to my father who came to a stop.

" Why don't you head inside lad. Get changed and get ready as we'll be heading to Robb's place tonight, heard his wife will cook us a nice stew. " My father told me. 

" Yeah, I'll go get changed. Where will Anthony stay?" I brought out a question

"With you." He replied 

Nodding to him I opened the cabin door, and pulled the leash to tell Anthony that he may enter. To which he followed, Taking my boots off I kneeled next to Anthony and removed his collar.

"Why don't you go rest, boy" I vocalized while pointing to the corner of the room.

Entering my room, I closed the door behind me and started to unclothe myself looking around, I saw another door wondering what it led to I opened it and saw a toilet and a bucket with I assume to be water. Seeing this I entered and closed the doors behind me happy I'll finally be able to shower.


40 minutes later: 

'Man that water was freezing.' I thought shivering to myself as I dried myself with a deer pelt I found hanging in there. 

Throwing it on the floor, I walked over to the closet and checked the clothing. Searching around, I found a tunic and some nice trousers that seemed to go well with each other, the tunic even seemed to have some Norse designs. Although that just might be me over thinking it.

Putting the tunic over my head, I tightened the neck as it felt loose on me. Now onto the trousers, they were pretty easy to put on as they fit perfectly and were tightened by a leather belt that was found in the closet. 

Deciding my outfit was good, I did some exercise such as around 100 sit-ups and 50 pushups. To which I was able to pump out quite easily, meaning this body clearly went through some training before. Even if it was only minor, the work out just felt too effortless and easy to complete. It took no less than 4 minutes. 

Deciding to give up on that I exited my room, and grabbed the deer towel on the way, using it to try dry my hair out .

Folding it, I placed on what I thought to be a drying rack and grabbed my boots, placing them on my feet while tying a double knot in the laces. Today I had a bit of a hop on my step, I don't know why but I think it's due to me feeling a bit excited to finally explore the town. 

Opening the door and feeling the cool breeze always brought a smile to my face no matter the mood, " Father, where are you! " I called out to him

"I'm by the tanning rack on the side of the house! " I heard him shout back

Hearing him I decided to go see what he was doing, turning the corner I saw him placing the deer pelt onto the rack.

"Where'd you place the meat? " I inquired tilting my head to the side confused.

"In the cellar, I had to use some of our salt but it will last us half a year if we don't waste it. " 

Hearing him I simply nodded my head and watched as he placed the pelt on the rack. Before standing back up from his kneeling position. He looked towards me before smiling and walking near me to pat my head.

"Why don't we head to the tavern, before we go to Robbs house. Let you have a taste of some beer." 


"Of course, your grown enough now. You're a hunter."

Hearing him, my mouth turned into a wide smile, " When can we go?" 

"How about now." He spoke while looking into the sky raising his hand above his eyes as if to cover the sun.

My father entered a stroll as he walked in the direction of what I assume to be the tavern, seeing this I waddled behind him, like a bear cub following it's mother. I tilted my head back and placed my hands on it, staring into the sky. Looking back down again, I saw that we were in the town that caused my jaw to hang low. Confused on how I suddenly appeared here when I only looked into the sky for a few seconds.

Entering the town so suddenly brought a slight shock upon my face but I was quickly able to recover, walking through the town was nice, the cool breeze hitting one's face cooling them down while heading out for a quick drink before going to meet family friends at their home would bring a smile to many peoples faces unless they did not like gatherings.

I gazed at the shops around, they sold mostly pelts and weaponry, after all most of the other trade was monopolized by the local butcher and carpenter.

"We're finally here lad. The Bulls inn. Ahh, It brings back old memories." My father released a large sigh as he spoke before entering, looking upwards I saw the logo. It was a large bull standing tall and mighty releasing smoke through its nose. Truly descriptive imagery, deciding to follow my father I finally made my way into The Bulls Inn.

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