
Chapter 102 : Heartflutter

Midori fell asleep before Ryouichi returned home that night, thus they didn't get to talk about anything at all.

When the first rays of the morning sun kissed the roof of their new house, Mai awoke from her slumber with a big yawn. When she saw Midori sleeping on a futon next to her, she quickly slapped a hand against her mouth.

How dared she disturb Ojou-sama's sleep! Quietly, Mai left the bed chamber to prepare breakfast. When she was in the middle of slicing some vegetables, Ryouichi came downstairs.

"Good morning, Mai-san," Ryouichi nodded at Mai, who almost dropped the knife out of surprise.

"G-good morning, Mas... I mean..."

A polite smile played along the corners of Ryouichi's lips upon watching Mai fidget with the correct word to address him.

"You can refer to me as Ryouichi, I don't mind. No need to call me 'Master'."

Mai swallowed hard and gripped a wooden tray against her chest.

"I... I am sorry," she stuttered.

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