

Caelus looked up curiously when he heard Aero experience a shiver. The scholar raised a questioning brow at his apprentice.

Aero rubbed his shoulders as though he were cold, but shook his head, "I just had the most abrupt feeling that something awful is happening..."

"How t-trivial," Caelus replied. "It's likely just the weather outside m-making you feel that way."

"Huh? It was really nice out earlier," Aero stated, visibly confused.

Caelus sighed. "It isn't anymore. I'm sure Nazmi d-doesn't know-know this, but the w-weather here often changes with her mood sometimes... and, uh..."

Aero rose from his seat and stretched his back for a moment. He took a short walk to the window and lifted the curtain slightly to look outside – it was as Caelus said, the weather had taken a turn for the worse.

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