
Back in Dragonstone

( 2 out of 2 chapters this week)

On Thursday after classes, Raynor took his girlfriend and her Queen with Arno as his wingman to explore the area where the Hangars are.

"Isn't this the place where food is distributed throughout the city Markets?" Arno said that as they saw all the buildings.

"I think? To the smaller settlements around as well." Ryanor said that as he looked around as well.

"That's the hangar Satan Lucifer got for you." Sona pointed at the one at the front.

She can sense demonic energy in the air.

"But damn man! Satan himself! You work fast!" Arno said with an awed tone. Raynor was back for less than a week but he already got deals with the leader of Devils!

"Well, because I met Sona that it happened."

The black-haired devil girl slightly grimaced. She realised that it was because of her that everything happened. But she is pleased as well. Since Devils got access to Fertility Potion.

"Well more like her sister."

"You have a sister?" Arno snapped his gaze at the glasses-wearing girl.

The Heiress slowly nodded. She didn't want to dive into that subject.

"Satan Leviathan, we fought. I made her my summon. I can brag now that I am more powerful than some Necromancers who have Lich King as a summons! I have a freaking Satan!" Raynor bragged for a second about his new summon.

"...Wait! what!?"

"Yeah, Sona's sis didn't like me much, you know blood magic, soul magic, she thinks they are too dangerous."

"Ughhh… can we not talk about my childish sister? I can't believe she attacked you because of such a pathetic excuse."

"Yeah, I think she just wanted to keep you to herself."

"... just don't talk about it. It's embarrassing, she is a Satan for the Satans sake!"


"It's hilarious how you use that in the opposite direction. We usually say… God…"

At that moment Tsubaki and Sona grimaced.

"They can't say Big G's name that's why." Raynor pointed out as he patted his girl's shoulders

"Oh…sorry…" Arno quickly apologised, he finally understood that these guys are truly devils… though they look so human…

"... It's fine…we didn't talk about the differences before. I am quite happy to know how quickly you realised that Raynor." Sona said with a small smile.

He simply shrugged.

They continued to walk a few more metres. They breached the barrier in this place.

Upon entrance, it was an empty place. The only thing inside was a lot of empty bottles the same size Raynor had given to Sirzechs.

'He is truly Lucifer… he didn't give bigger bottles but instead much more of a regular size. He is already considering future buying.'

"... that's a lot of bottles…how are you going to fill them up?"

"With Aquamancy."

"You can use water manipulation!?" Sona was quite shocked to hear that.

He can do the same stuff as her!?

"Yeah, Terramancy and Aeromancy as well."

"...I thought you were a hunter and a shaman!" She exclaimed at him.

"I am, these are bloodlines I conquered and added to myself. If you are going to be a good girl I will help you add some more to yourself as well."

For a second she gulped down. She could see benefits in this…alot of them!

She slowly nodded at him. She is a good girl!

"Good now let's find a big bucket…nah…not a bucket but a container or something… time to mass produce!" He said quite happily.

Sona decided to help him so she teleported away and returned a few minutes later with a massive container meant for water storage. These are used to make drinks for large soft drink companies.

Raynor started by filling up the container with his Aquamancy which was quite difficult with his amount of magic.

'Hmm…I should bring this…'

"Wait, this is pointless… let's go to Dragonstone." The Wolf King said with a deep breath he was tired. Hell, it's easier to slaughter than just use Aquamancy. This magic was still new to him.

"...What's Dragonstone?" Arno asked him curiously.

"My lands."

As Raynor said that he pulled the container into his inventory he then looked at the girls and his friend motioning to come closer to him.

As they did a white portal opened in front of them.

"Follow me."


"Holy…fuck…look at the size of that Volcano!"

"...That castle… it's enormous!"

"This place…it feels strange…"

The trio looked around.

"Welcome to Dragonstone. A volcanic island in Blackwater Bay, East from the continent of Westeros and West to the continent of Essos."

"...Wait… I think I know what you are talking about…I think I read this before… I-It a book is it?" Sona said with a deep thinking look she is trying to remember this since he mentioned the rebellion.

"...You mean A Song of Ice and Fire? A Game of Thrones?" Raynor said with a grin.


At that moment Sona realised one crucial thing! They are in a book!

"...D-Do you know what this means in a bigger picture!? That book's worlds are real!? That—"

Raynor put a finger on her lips.

"You do realise that you said yourself…the Dimension gap exists. Why is it such a huge thing? The gap between Dimensione exists. Do you even know what is in other dimensions?"

"..Y-You are right…" She slightly deflated. That place does exist…

"...Shit…man…we are in a book? How cool is that?"

Raynor deadpanned for a second.

"Imagine being shoved into a world where ice beings exist with powerful necromancy, where winters last for years, and you have no immediate powers to speak off.

Being given a guide who trains you how to hunt and the basics, after that he ceases to exist. That was my beginning in this world, where slavery is real in many different forms… oh and I was just in a 9-year boy's body when I awoke in this place."

Arno had a horrified look while Sona went over and just hugged him.

"It's fine. I eventually enjoyed the challenge after getting over it."

"You are a strong person. Raynor-san. Many would have given up." The Queen of Sona's peerage said with a respectful nod.

"I guess, though it helped that I knew the place. It's one of the franchises I have been studying for a while. The author is a great writer."

"He is… so does this mean we are where the Dragon Lords originally came from?"

"Well not originally, this is their Ancestral home after the Doom. I took this place for myself after pillaging Pentos." He casually said that as he motioned for them to follow. Though…he was in Westeros he changed into his Hunting gear.

Which made everyone look at him… he looked domineering in this!

With an array of knives sheathed and something which looked like a banner on his waist. The guy looked like a Rogue Lord with all that leather.

"In this place, people recognize you by clothes and banners, reputation means a lot." As he said that they continued to walk.

Eventually arriving at the place where Raynor was building his lodge, people could see the Weather totem in the distance. There was a certain aura around this wooden thing.

"... It's magical."

The first thing Sona said when she saw the Totem even from a distance she could point it out.

"Even I can say that it's special, and I don't even have magic."

"It's the Totem that manipulates the weather around this island. That's why you have such a sunny day.

Anyway, follow me."

As he said that he made them follow him to the place where the totem of water was located.

They followed this newly made stream up where it starts.

What they found is a house size pond and at the front was another totem.

"...This…is impressive. The way this thing makes water…"

"Oh? Impressed? Why don't you try learning to use water through nature?" He suggested tapping into nature's magic.

She fixed her glasses for a second before thinking.

"Possible…but it would take a lot of work."

"Well, you can study this if you want. I am going to use this stream to fill up the container."

As he said that he summoned the container and then made the water rise from the stream.

It is as many times easier as the water originally is his…so it is easier for him to control it.

After half an hour of doing this, he was tired. But it did help him train. It was a good thing.

"Anyway…let me show you the castle."

"Is it fine? For people to see us? There are people on this island?" Arno said that with some curiosity.

"...By the way," Sona said with a small amount of nervousness.

"You didn't marry, did you? We are in a world where marriage is an extremely common way to get alliances."

Hearing how nervous she was he smiled a bit before explaining to her.

"People wanted to…but I never married. It's not that easy to bind me."

"...But I did?" Sona pointed this out.

"You were honest about it. Most of the ladies in this place are not that honest." He said with a shrug.

"So…you had no women in this place?"

"I do have Daenerys and Margaery." He said with a simple tone.

"...I see… you can summon them or they are in this castle?"

"Summon them. I won't leave them alone. This place is too dangerous. You would never know when someone is going to stab or poison you."

"...But you never summoned them."

"Because of the cultural gap. I resisted summoning them. Some free time was needed. I was thinking of doing that this weekend

"...Can you summon them now? I wish to speak with them."

"Sure why not?"

Just like that a pair of girls just popped out of nowhere.

Sona gulped down seeing them. Both were extremely pretty… especially Daenerys…she was like a doll. Etherial with silver platinum hair and lilac eyes. She looked nearly unreal.

"...My Lord?" Daenerys said that as she looked around. It appears that she was summoned.

The brown-haired girl looked around…she was wondering who these people were with their weird clothes…

"Hello, Ladies, I haven't seen you for 5 days now."

"...Five days?"

"Yes. Been busy. This Lady here is my betrothal, she is a Devil Heiress." Raynor motioned towards Sona.

Hearing the word 'Devil' freaked the hell out of the pair.

They quickly and respectfully bowed at the same time. They did it in a lady's fashion.

This made Sona's eyebrow twitch for a second how casually Raynor is doing his introduction. There is a more smooth way to do it!

"It's an honour to meet an esteemed devil. I never heard that they exist."

"Yes. I only heard stories."

The pair quickly started to introduce themselves.

"There is a table where you three can talk." Raynor reminded them that there is a table where he is building a lodge.

"Right. Follow me then. Let's talk about things."

Sona motioned to follow her.

The pair stiffly nodded and followed her, Tsubaki did so as well as she was the Queen of Sona's peerage and her wing woman.

"Dude…does this mean you have a harem?" Arno chipped in from the side as he realised that he has three females which can be classified as small-size Harem!

"...I guess? Wait, you are right… I have eight girls in total…"

"...wait! what!?"

"Yeah, Margaery's ladies-in-waiting are mine as well. She brought them to the bed. Quite a crafty way to try to wear me down."

"...Wow…this world is wild!"

"You don't say. Human life here is cheap."

This made the blonde gulp down from nervousness as he looked around with a nervous look.

~~~~~~With Sona~~~~~~

The black-haired girl is thinking the best way to approach the subjects which she wants to address.

"My lady, a warning about your future husband. He is an absolute monster when it comes to bed activities. I do not know how devil bodies work but he leaves me and my ladies bedridden for nearly a whole day when he feels like he wants to punish us.

His trick is to lure a girl with sweet words and strike her like some sort of predator. In truth, well he is a predator. He sees women as some sort of prey or something he wants to dominate." The brown-haired girl explained with a smooth and melodious voice.

This made Sona instantly remember how he acts around her. It was just like how this girl described it!

Though she and Daenerys had a blush.

"I will keep it in mind."

"Wonderful. Apart from this, he knows Fertility Magic… which makes controlling him a hard thing to do."

"I assume you tried to control him?" Sona's words made Margaery look slightly bashful.

"I did what I had to do to be his Queen. Now this title will belong to you. I do wish you will have a greater success than I had."


"...Wait, Queen?"

"He didn't say that he is a King? Not any King…people call him the King of Wolves, the Conqueror of Stormlands, the Great Wolf, and even a Hero to some people. He single-handedly ended an era."

Sona for a second felt fluffy, she might hear things from his perspective but now she is hearing about the same thing from someone else.

It finally hit her home. That guy has achieved a lot…

"He even plundered a Free City, Killed three Kings…" Margaery said with a smile.

"...And brought the Dragons back… he is known as Father of Dragons."

Daenerys added her two bits. Which she thinks is even more impressive in her opinion.

"I see…a lot of titles…"

Sona was baffled by this point. It's like…it was proof that she was in a medieval world and for each action there is a title…

"...now he has another one," Margaery said with a smile and Daenerys nodded in turn.

"Betrothed to a Devil. That would terrify the Faith of Seven."

"...We should keep that a secret as long as possible."

Sona said with a nervous look. It's sensitive stuff, people will get terrified if they learn about this in such a medieval world.

"As you wish, My Lady."

"You don't need to call me that."

This made the pair confused.

"It's only appropriate that I call you such. I don't want to anger Our Lord."

"...Does Raynor persist in being called 'Lord'?"

"...Not to my knowledge, he accepted that he is our Lord, and we follow him." The brown-haired girl explained simply.

"...I see…"

The group of four arrived at the table and took their seats.

"I would like to start by explaining a few things."

Sona was relieved to know that her explanation worked, it appears her being a devil helped to explain that she came from another world.

The pair of girls understood that devils don't truly exist in Westeros or even Essos. Maybe in the Shadow Lands…but that's a stretch…

"...Umm…how did you two meet?"

"...This… well, Raynor was spirited away from my world into this one."

"...Oh…this is why he has his magic… he brought magic back with his visit," Daenerys said with an understanding look.

"But who did that to him?" Margaery said with a thoughtful look. Someone with some impressive power did it.

"I have some speculation on this. Regardless, I will be teaching you two things related to my world. In return I expect to learn things from you two about this place."

"I understand. Let me summon my girls. They all are Our Lord's lovers and my helpers."

The Black haired girl sighed upon hearing that. Moments later an array of pretty girls appeared one after another. All of them had their unique qualities from flirty to wild…

'I was trained for this! Managing Harem is the Devil Wife's job!'

Sona pumped herself into something she has no idea what to do. For one…these girls are not shy… for another…they are very much curious about the Devil in front of them…


For now, Raynor unsummoned the girls as he will be returning to his home dimension. He first needs to train them to operate in his world. Until then he will be unsummoning them.

After resting and returning the Wolf King proceeded to fill up the container with Fertility magic and then started to fill up bottles one after another.

This was where Arno could help him so he did.

While Sona left early, she decided to get some books and teaching equipment.

This felt like a job just for her. She wants to teach so this is the best time for her to shine.

And so just like that Friday arrived and the teen Hunter gleefully called forth Serafall after his school was over.

Oh, he did say to his mother that he will be away for the weekend. She of course could not say anything and let him be.

"...My cute Satan, how are you?" Raynor said that Serafall was sitting on his lap while he was hugging her from behind. Leviathan looked quite defeated.

"...been better." She said while trying to sound annoyed. Though she did like this kind of attention… if only she was not enslaved by him.

She even went to Ajuka to see if he could cancel whatever this was.

Though what she learned has horrified her. If she tried to remove this alteration she would either die or turn into a vegetable as it would fry her nervous system.

Whatever it was, it has permanently altered her. It was some sort of ancient and diabolical magic.

Something the old devils would love to use.

"Jeez you sound boring… let me help you out~" As he said that he started to nibble her neck which made her slightly bite her lower lip.

'This guy…'

"Are you sure you are not a devil behind that human skin?"

"...sadly I am only engaged to a devil and an owner of a Satan…"

"Very funny ahhhh~" The black-haired Satan softly moaned.

"...so this is the spot. You are sensitive here~"

Serafall panicked when she heard that. If this continues she will be most likely eaten!

Then… a doorbell rang.

"Oh, it appears our quality time has to be postponed."

Raynor stopped his kissing and said that with a disappointed tone.

The older sister of Sona sighed in relief. It appears she was saved for now.


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