
50. Returning To Vaul 81

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Feeling a mix of satisfaction and anticipation for the future, Sico headed back to his quarters in the vault, looking forward to what the new trading hub would bring to Sanctuary.

The next day, Sico woke up in the vault and enjoyed a breakfast prepared by Jenny in the mess hall. Afterward, he exited the vault using the elevator to the surface. The sunlight greeted him as he made his way to the marketplace near the Sanctuary bridge.

The bustling sounds of traders, settlers, and the clatter of commerce filled the air. Sico observed the marketplace in full swing, pleased with the ongoing activity and the positive impact it had on Sanctuary.

Sico circled around the bustling marketplace, weaving through stalls adorned with a variety of goods. Traders enthusiastically pitched their wares, settlers engaged in lively conversations, and the overall atmosphere exuded a sense of vitality.

As Sico moved through the marketplace, he took note of the different commodities available—weapons, armor, food, and various odds and ends. The economic hub was not only providing essential resources but also fostering a sense of community among the settlers.

Arriving at the robot assembly room, Sico headed to the machine monitor to assess the progress of robot production. The monitor displayed a comprehensive overview of the number and types of robots that had been assembled.

From the machine monitor, Sico gathered the information that 60 Protectrons, 25 Sonya units, 15 Farmer Robots, and 8 Sentry Bots had been assembled.

After reviewing the information on the machine monitor, Sico decided to halt the robot production temporarily to conserve supplies. Understanding the importance of resource management, he made his way to the production controls to turn off the machines.

Sico: 'For now, let's pause the production. We've got a solid number of robots to work with. We'll resume when needed or when our supplies allow.'

He ensured that the machines were safely shut down, acknowledging the importance of balancing production with available resources.

Sico, after pausing the robot production, left the assembly room and used the vault elevator to return to the surface. His next stop was the armory, where Mel oversaw power armor production.

Upon arriving, Sico shared his plan with Mel.

Sico: "Mel, I want to relocate the robot assembly line to the surface. Let's put it near the vault elevator. Work with Sturges to set up a building for it. Coordinate with your team, and let's get it moved."

Mel, always ready for a challenge, acknowledged Sico's instructions.

Mel: "You got it, Sico. We'll have it up and running in the new location in no time."

Sico, after discussing the relocation of the robot assembly line with Mel, shifted the conversation to the progress of power armor production.

Sico: "How are things going with the power armor production, Mel?"

Mel, surrounded by the hum of machinery and sparks flying, responded confidently.

Mel: "Power armor production is on track, Sico. We've got some solid sets ready, and enhancements are coming along. The team's doing a great job."

Sico, satisfied with the update, nodded.

Sico: "Keep it up, Mel. Let me know if there are any resource needs or if you encounter any challenges."

Sico, entering the militia command center, turned his attention to Preston.

Sico: "Preston, how many militia personnel do we have now?"

Preston, reviewing the latest reports, responded,

Preston: "We've got a solid force, Sico. At least 150 men are actively involved. They're patrolling settlements, ensuring safety, and recruiting more folks to join."

Sico nodded, pleased with the progress.

Sico: "Good to know, Preston. Keep bolstering our numbers, and ensure everyone is well-equipped. Safety in numbers is key."

Sico, satisfied with the militia's overall strength, inquired about the protection details for the robotics disposal ground.

Sico: "Preston, how many men did you send to guard the robotics disposal ground?"

Preston, referencing the mission report, replied,

Preston: "I sent 15 men, along with 5 Protectrons, 5 Sonyas, and the Sentry Bot you assigned. They're maintaining a strong presence to ensure the area stays secure."

Sico, acknowledging the effort, nodded.

Sico: "Good job, Preston. Keep a close eye on that area, and let me know if there are any unusual activities."

Having commended Preston for his diligence, Sico bid him farewell and left the militia command center. He then made his way to the command center, where paperwork awaited his attention. Surrounded by the hum of activity, Sico delved into the administrative tasks, ensuring that the Minutemen's operations continued to run smoothly.

After finishing up the paperwork, Sico took a moment to reflect on the ongoing tasks and the challenges ahead. Deciding that it was time to discuss certain matters with Robert and Jenny, he called his secretary to arrange a meeting in the command center.

As Sico awaited the arrival of Robert and Jenny in the command center, the hum of activity around him served as a backdrop to his contemplation.

Moments later, the door opened, and Robert and Jenny entered the command center, ready for the meeting.

Sico: "Thanks for coming. There are matter we need to address."

Sico, after expressing gratitude for their attendance, took a moment to address a personal matter.

Sico: "Thanks for coming. I've been thinking, how about we head back to Vault 81? I miss my parents and want to see them."

He looked at Robert and Jenny, awaiting their response.

Robert nodded, showing understanding.

Robert: "It's been a while since we leave Vault 81. I agree; it could be a good idea. Besides, catching up with folks there would be nice."

Jenny, sharing a smile, added,

Jenny: "I'm on board. A trip to the vault sounds like a plan."

Sico, satisfied with their response and told them they will depart tomorrow, then began making arrangements for the journey back to Vault 81.

Sico, content with Robert and Jenny's agreement, took charge of organizing the trip to Vault 81. He went to see Preston, instructing him to prepare a group consisting of 20 militia, 5 Protectrons, and 2 Sentry Bots for the journey for him tomorrow.

Preston, respecting Sico's decision, asked with curiosity,

Preston: "Why do we need such a security-heavy group for a visit to Vault 81?"

Sico, considering the potential dangers of the wasteland, responded,

Sico: "I want to ensure the safety of everyone. You never know what challenges we might face out there, Preston. Beside i thinking of bringing my parent here."

Preston, understanding Sico's concern for safety and the additional purpose of bringing Sico's parents to Sanctuary, accepted the reasoning.

Preston: "Alright, Sico. I'll get the security detail ready. While you're away, who will be in charge here?"

Sico, with confidence, replied, "You're in charge, Preston. I trust you to keep things running smoothly. If anything comes up, handle it. I'll be back soon."

Sico, having entrusted Preston with the responsibility, thanked him and bid him goodbye. He then made his way to infirmary to see Curie, wondering if she would be interested in joining the journey to Vault 81. Sico approached Curie with the proposal to visit Vault 81.

Sico: "Curie, we're planning a trip to Vault 81. Would you like to accompany me, Robert, and Jenny?"

Curie, her robotic features expressive, replied with sadness

Curie: "As much as I'd love to join, Sico, I have concerns about leaving the infirmary unattended. Who will oversee medical matters in my absence?"

Sico considered Curie's valid point and nodded, appreciating her dedication to the well-being of the community.

Sico thanked Curie for her commitment to the infirmary, understanding the importance of having medical matters overseen. After expressing his gratitude he leave the infirmary, then he gathered Robert and Jenny to discuss the journey, finalizing logistics, detailing the security group that would accompany them, and setting the departure time for tomorrow.

Sico, Robert, and Jenny spent the next hour finalizing plans for the trip to Vault 81. They ensured that the security group was well-prepared, logistics were organized, and departure time was set for tomorrow morning.

Sico: "Everything looks good. Let's make this journey safe and memorable. We'll leave at sunrise. Get a good night's rest, and we'll meet here before departure."

Robert and Jenny nodded in agreement, ready for the upcoming journey.

Sico, Robert, and Jenny dispersed to their respective quarters, each preparing for the journey ahead. The anticipation of visiting Vault 81 brought a mix of emotions, and as they readied themselves, the promise of a good night's rest hung in the air.

Sico woke up early on the day of the journey, his mind filled with a sense of purpose and excitement. After a quick check of his gear, he went to see Preston to ensure everything was in order before their departure.

Sico checked in on the security group, ensuring that the militia members, Protectrons, and Sentry Bots were ready for the journey. Coordinating with Preston, he finalized any last-minute details to ensure the group's preparedness and safety.

Sico, satisfied with the preparations, headed to Robert and Jenny's quarters in the vault using the vault elevator. He gathered them for the journey to Vault 81, a mix of excitement and anticipation filling the air.

Sico, Robert, and Jenny made their way to the surface, where the security group awaited them. The security detail, consisting of militia members, Protectrons, and Sentry Bots, stood ready for the journey to Vault 81. The morning sun painted the wasteland with warm hues as they prepared to embark on this trip.

The group set off towards Vault 81, their footsteps echoing against the desolate landscape. The familiar crunch of gravel beneath their boots intertwined with the mechanical hum of the Protectrons and Sentry Bots in tow. As they ventured forth, Sico couldn't help but reflect on the journey that led him to this moment – from the fragmented world of the wasteland to the prospect of reconnecting with his roots.

Sico, as the group moved through the wasteland, gathered everyone for a brief moment.

Sico: "We're on a six-day journey to Vault 81. Stay vigilant, and stick together. The wasteland can be unpredictable. Let's ensure everyone reaches our destination safely."

With a nod of determination from the group, they continued their trek, mindful of the challenges the wasteland might present during the journey.

As the group advanced through the wasteland, the air grew tense. Suddenly, the sharp sounds of gunfire echoed, and a group of raiders emerged from the shadows, launching an attack.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 7,44

P: 5,44

E: 6,44

C: 7,44

I: 9,44

A: 3,45

L: 5

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, Beginner Medical, and Hand to Hand Combat skills

• Inventory: 16.540 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, and Ashmaker.

• Active Quest: None.

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