---Diagon Alley, Declan's shop---
After he heard the voice, Shane quickly looked around the shop.
When he learned how to block his Legilimency, he knew that he can only do so with enough practice.
Because of that he started meditating, but quickly came to the conclusion he can't block his gift.
After a lot of thinking, he realized he can control it instead. Thanks to that he could exclude all the living beings he discovered, from his ability.
Since his perception increased a lot after his reincarnation, him still reading somebody's mind meant that this person was hiding really well or was invisible.
After his Legilimency swept through the room again he heard 'Why is this boy looking around like that? Is he trying to find something?'
Shane quickly locked onto a green beetle, hiding between the books. He quickly stepped forward, capturing the beetle and wrapping it in his cloak he took off.
"I will first return to tell mister Ollivander and miss Olivia about our success" he said to Declan, while tying his cloak on both ends.
"Go on boy" said Declan not even turning his head from the development plan Shane wrote before they went to the ministry "Remember to return for the grand opening in Friday" he added waving his hand behind his back.
Shane entered the fireplace, holding the cloak, from which the beetle tried to get out.
Fortunately the cloak was well enchanted, and gave beetle no chance to escape.
After he entered the fireplace he shouted "Ollivanders' house!"
As Shane appeared inside the fireplace in a burst of green flames, he realized that there wasn't anybody on the first floor.
He quickly walked up the stairs holding the writhing cloak.
After he entered the attic, he realized it was as empty as the rest of the house. He put the cloak in the corner and started taking out some tools.
Although physical work was much harder than his other endeavours, with the help of the tools he created using runes he fairly quickly managed to build a human-sized wooden cage.
After that Shane took out a knife enchanted with sharpness, smooth connected with wound, and
He started meticulously carving runes, mostly placing them on the top of the cage, while keeping an eye on the cloak, that was now lying still in the corner.
As he finished, he took out his pen, and started filling up all the runes he made on the cage with silver.
Most of them were absorption connected with magic, unbreakability and the rest were auxiliary runes like hole and lock.
As the cage was something he crafted for purpose of quickly locking the beetle, it wouldn't work for long only about three weeks, but that's enough.
After the cage was covered in mysterious symbols, he picked up the cloak, and opened the cage's door.
He untied one end, quickly locking the cage behind a beetle that fell out from the cloak disorientated.
'Where am I? Oh that stupid kid locked me in a cage for humans, I can easily fly out of here.' as Shane heard that, the beetle spread it's wings and flew towards the bars.
When it was almost out, it suddenly hit an invisible wall at high speed.
"Miss Skeeter, you will only hurt yourself like this" said Shane looking at the beetle flying chaoticaly around the cage, bleeding from labial palp.
'How does he know my name? Did he catch me on purpose?' the beetle transformed into a middle aged woman, with disheveled hair.
"You better release me boy!" shouted with an angry look on her face "You don't want to face my wrath!"
Shane pointed to a parchment lying in the corner of the cage.
During his research he stumbled upon something called blood contract. It was a thing similar to unbreakable vow, but the person who broke the vow would only lose magic.
It wasn't widely used because of the cost and usability. This one parchment cost Shane tens of Galleons' worth of money, and if somebody was very determined, they still could afford the cost.
"As long as you sign it, I will let you go" said Shane not even flinching at the woman's threats.
Rita picked up the parchment, and started reading.
"What do you mean listening to every order for indefinite period of time?" she shouted hitting the bars "It's enslavement! It's illegal! As soon as I get out-"
"You won't be getting out anytime soon Rita" said Shane with his emotionless voice "Not until you sign the contract"
"I will never!!!" shouted Rita trying to tear the parchment apart.
Unfortunately for her, not only were the parchment's materials carefuly chosen, it was also enchanted with many runes.
"I hope you can change your mind soon" said Shane hearing the doors opening on the ground floor "Until then" he added.
Afterwards Shane covered the cage with a blanket enchanted to keep the noise out, and left the room.
'I will get this kid to Azkaban as soon as I get out' was the last thing he heard before blocking of Rita's thoughts.
As he descended down the stairs he saw a golden haired boy a little shorter than him, standing in the kitchen preparing some meat.
The boy turned around hearing the footsteps, and immediately smiled.
"Master, you are finally back!" shouted Kyle while jumping towards Shane "Will you stay longer this time?" he added looking up at Shane while hugging him.
Shane stiff as wood responded "Unfortunately I have to go back in Friday"
Kyle looked like a puppy that was abandoned by his owner, only lacking tail and animal ears.
"But this time I can bring you with me" added Shane, making the shorter boy immediately brighten up.
"Haha, I can finaly be with master aaall the time" he started jumping around happily.
"Why isn't miss Olivia at home?" asked Shane stopping Kyle's frolicks.
"Oh, she went to the Diagon alley to buy me some ice cream" said Kyle stopping for a moment "And it was already some time ago so she should be back" as he said that, he looked at the fireplace.
Surprisingly, there was nobody inside of the fireplace. Kyle siged and asked Shane whether he wants to go outside and rest in the grass.
As Shane was about to refuse and already turned to walk up the stairs, he suddenly remembered, about a paragraph from a medical book he read in his previous life.
'It is scientificaly confirmed that family bonding can help the children to grow healthier and better. There is increasing evidence from the fields of development psychology, neurobiology and other studies that neglect, parental inconsistency and a lack of love can lead to long-term mental health problems as well as to reduced overall potential and happiness.'
Thinking about that, Shane turned back and told Kyle who wore a dejected expression, that he will go with him.
Kyle immediately jumped up with happiness and pulled Shane through a beautiful garden, to a hidden spot near the edge of the forrest.
The golden haired boy pulled out from behind a tree a waterproof box, he asked Shane to create for him before he left.
He took out a few blankets, and spread them on the juicy green grass on the hill.
As Shane laid down, Kyle started talking to him about his daily life during Shane's absence.
He spoke about his new hobby of just lazying around in the grass, or running after deers.
Kyle also said that he hunted one in his Valrawn form, and it wasn't as good raw as it was cooked.
After he finished speaking what was on his mind, Kyle fell asleep. Shane looked at him, and started the meditation.
Maybe influenced by nature around him or the fact that he didn't sleep the day before, Shane slowly fell asleep.
Usually in his dreams, he didn't see anything. It was just him and a white space.
This time however, it was different.
He saw, as if through a fog, a crowd of people around the counter in front of which was sitting Declan. He was smiling happily, speaking something Shane couldn't understand and pointing at him.
Shane looked around, and saw one of the floor to ceiling shelves slowly tilting towards the people gathered in the shop.
Surprisingly none of the people saw it, until the last moment when Declan pulled out the wand and called something inaudible to the boy observing it.
Unfortunately it was too late, and the crashed to the floor, injuring a few people, and maybe killing few pressed under the heavy giant shelf.
Shane looked at the pool of blood slowly spreading, and his consciousness was pulled into the beautiful crimson color.
Kyle looked at Shane with a smile, when he suddenly opened his eyes, and raised up.
Kyle quickly dodged, almost being hit by Shane's head.
"Master, miss Olivia came back!" he shouted happily hugging Shane "She told me to let you sleep for a while more, so I have been only looking at you!"
"How long ago did she come back?" asked Shane looking at the sun, that moved from being far east to the now more midday-ish position.
"Three hours!" answered happily Kyle "She also said to call you for ice cream, as soon as you wake up!"
"Let's go" said Shane standing up stiffly, and walking towards the beautiful white house.
As they entered, they saw miss Olivia reading a book.
How to keep your husband short' by Alice Wayker read the title.
"Oh, you are here my dears" she said while putting the book on the cabinet near the sofa "You finally came back Shane. Do you know how sad was Emily that you didn't go and say goodbye to her, when she was leaving for Hogwarts?" she added, while standing up and hugging the boy.
"We had an important part of research to do on that day" he said calmly "I came back to tell you, that we finally finished our research, and the shop will be opened in Friday"
"Really?! Congratulations!" she said and started asking him about the details happy for him.
Although miss Olivia heard that their research was about a new communication method, she was still shocked about how world changing it will be.
"To think you can do so much at such a young age, and my useless husband was already dating few girls and wasting away his youth" she sighed with emotions, deep in thought.
After Olivia woke up from the past, she patted Shane, took the book and walked out from the room not forgetting about asking Shane to leave them a good place for the shop's opening.
Shane walked with Kyle back to the attic, telling him to not uncover the box covered with blanket.
A few hours later came Ollivander welcomed with a speech from miss Olivia about how he wasted away his youth. Not knowing what he did wrong, poor wandmaker could only agree and apologize.
Shane went down hearing the commotion. Ollivander looked at him like a saviour and quickly walked to welcome him, trying to ignore the angry gaze of his wife.
Hearing about the success he was even more shocked, and asked Shane to get him a few copies of premium handcrafted mirrors.
After that he was pulled back by angry Olivia, who just got another letter about Ollivander flirting with other women.
Shane walked back to his attic, and returned to studying runes for his next invention.
---Two days later---
Shane woke up and quickly went to eat the breakfast, while waking up Kyle on the way.
After eating he told Kyle, who was just coming down still half asleep, to not enter the attic today.
When he returned to the attic he activated the silencing spell inscribed on the door.
He pulled down the blanket and saw Rita Skeeter, although in much worse condition.
Rita's nails were chipped, she was missing fake stones in her scarf, and her hair was lank and unkempt. Her glasses were laying abandoned in the corner, together with her wand.
Shane waited for her to wake up, while continuing to correct runes for his next project.
After a few hours Rita woke up. She looked around grogily, however immediately jolted to life after seeing Shane.
"De-devil!" she shrieked while backing away into the corner of the cage.
After spending a few hours in complete quiet, only hearing her own muttering Rita started worrying about herself.
She tried a lot of different spells, while almost drowning herself testing whether the water can go through the gaps.
However, it became even worse when she exhausted herself of the magic.
The whole cage went completely dark, and without sound Rita slowly started going crazy.
After two days of this torture, she was losing her mind, while surrendering to the thought of signing the contract.
"So, miss Skeeter" said Shane turning around, after hearing her scream "Will you sign the contract, or should I lock you for a few months?"
"I will, I will" said Rita terrified "But I don't have a pen" she added after crawling near the contract.
"This contract is signed with blood" said Shane, making Rita shudder from hearing his emotionless voice "If you break it, you will explode" he added, making her even more terrified.
She picked up her wand, using a cutting spell, and signing her name below. Suddenly she shrieked in pain.
"If somebody writes a different name the contract won't accept it, instead hurting that person" said Shane calmly seeing how she wrote Skiter instead of Skeeter.
After Rita finally managed to calm down, she learned her lesson and wrote her true name.
She put the contract near the door of the cage, allowing Shane to read it.
'I can't believe I did it' heard Shane a sobbing voice of a young girl in his mind
After he confirmed it worked, he opened the door to the cage.
"Glad to be working with you" said Shane looking at the dejected Rita sitting on the floor "Now hop hop, back into the beetle!"
I am sick, and I can't focus on anything.
I barely managed to finish this chapter, so sorry for mistakes as i didn't correct it yet.
If you know any good fan-fics with Raven as a female lead, please let me know in the comments...
Until next time!
I'm tired. I was listening to heavy metal while sick, and now I'm even more sick and my head hurts.
I should go back to classical music, maybe it'll help me sleep.
I just found a good dc fanfic yesterday. Something about vector manipulation. I hope Mc can be with Raven.
Btw does anybody know some good fics with Raven as the female lead? Please comment it and let me know, I need it...