
As a mother (2)

"Enough! Speak of this for another second and I will have you escorted out of the palace or should you like to spend the night in the dungeon?" Tobias questioned, seriously considering the latter.

Tobias never thought there would be a day that he would think of sending his mother to the palace dungeon, a place not suited for her, but it was her fault that this was being considered. What couldn't she understand about not wanting to speak of this now?

"Tobias," Jeffrey warned. "Now is not the time."

"Ha," Tobias released a dry laugh. "You say that now after I advise her that now is not the time? I am sick of her pushing the limit and you allowing it to happen. This is my palace now. I don't need to listen to either of you."

"You can still respect our opinion," Tabitha said. Just because they were no longer king and queen did not mean that they shouldn't have opinions which were to be heard. 

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