
Guidance (1)

Tabitha wanted nothing more than to grab Tobias by the ear and drag him out of the room to talk some sense into him. As always, he failed to see how his actions led to others having to clean up his mess. 

Tobias could have waited a little longer to propose to Hazel and then there would be nothing wrong in the eyes of the court or town. There would be no one angry that he had ignored tradition and no one questioning why all of this was being done so fast. 

Tobias should have at least given Tabitha and Jeffrey a warning that he was up to something so they could be prepared for what would happen after. If he had told her something and spoken of his love for Hazel, Tabitha would have tried to help him as best as she could. 

Tabitha was all for him finding love, but not for him doing something to have her or Jeffrey rush to clean up this mess.

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