
Good night (1)

"Why do you look so stressed when you were the one to let him plan tonight? Just come to bed," Jeffrey said, patting the space beside him. 

Jeffrey was too tired to be up thinking about what Tobias was doing with Hazel. He wanted to go to bed and he wanted Tabitha to join him.

"I am not stressed. Just thinking," Tabitha answered, looking out the window in the direction of the garden. "If only this tower wasn't in the way I could see the garden. Why would he choose to take her to the garden when he doesn't care for it?"

"The answer is easy, Hazel must like gardens. Sometimes you put up with what you don't like to make someone you love happy. Like how I take part in some of your hobbies and you with mine. Certainly, you don't like everything I like," Jeffrey said, turning around to fluff his pillow. 

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