Naturally, the first word that came out of Lianna's mouth was:
The administrator cracked a smile.
"Don't believe me? Go ahead and check my status. It's okay, it'll work this time."
Lianna hesitated just a little. The potential verification was a little too much for her to bear. And yet, curiosity alone fixed Lianna's eyes on the woman and she did as the lady asked.
Cynthia Taylor
MP: 500/500
L: S+
Lianna was in shock.
Not because this was, undeniably, the strongest individual Lianna had ever come across, but because she was actually her.
Miss Cynthia Taylor. Lianna's guardian angel, a mere abstract set of letters on a page before this moment, was standing right in front of her.
Lianna felt a tear pop up in her eyes.
"Come on," Cynthia said, smirking down at her. "Put some clothes on. I'd like to treat you to some breakfast."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: