
Expansion quest

[Mission: Recruit more villagers in nearby village]

Aizen gathered several men to explore the dark lands. He went to extend his realm and so he needed to explore them. The place and surroundings were a forest after many years that it was uninhabited.

They set up tents and Aizen then grabbed his map of the Dark lands. It was once the kingdom of humanity but now were either inhabited by demons or monsters. Sentries then stood guarding the camp all around each corner and the crickets soon sounded. Bathing the vicinity with its echoing songs.

The place they will settle in will be their current location. Having a safe place for the supply chain will be a good investment for the future.

Aizen then planned his next actions. There was a castle nearby that was infested with goblins. Their past castle itself. Either inhabited by monsters or demons now. He would have to ask a scout to scout the place. As for their current goals. They should make at least an outpost here or a fort. For a more secure area. Securing the place will be a top priority.

In the morning, the workers chopped trees and made several logging tents. Also, a hunter's cabin for hunting animals.

After several days, Aizen then sketched the wooden walls for security. It would suffice for now.

It was then, that they put up barracks and garrison. The soldiers were training in the training fields there for now.

Aizen then made the scouts scout the nearby castle. He bid them safe travels and wished they could come back. He then went to manage the camp.

Slowly, they were making houses made of logs that they cut. Expanding the camp little by little.

The walls were slowly built and then a small portion of the land was made into a base. With the minus of the walls and towers. All was put into place.

As for the resources, it was slowly depleting but the food was sustained by the hunters. Also making some leather from the newly established tannery. As for the blacksmith forge, they have to find an iron vein in the land to have a mining station.

Aizen then made the miners scout the mountains for potential ore veins early in the morning. With several guards of course. They departed with excited faces as if they were on an adventure.

The construction was put to a halt after the storm hit their camp. Heavy winds and rain lasted for a day. They can only huddle inside their shelters in the meantime while waiting for the storm to pass by.

The walls then were finished to put up and they looked intimidating from the near view. Chiseled tips were its structural design and it was relatively good and sturdy looking. As for the gates, they were made of wood. Small canals were dug and had spiked thorns on their bottom.

The base then was settled and was a little bit well-established. It was halfway to perfection and still lacked several things.

It was then, that the scouts arrived and reported that the castle was inhabited by goblins. They nearly died on their mission after being surrounded. But, luck was on their side and they survived with a couple of bruises and aching feet. It was a story to tell.

Just after several days. The miners reported that they found iron veins up west, a mountain was up ahead and will be a source of their weaponry. It could be used for other means too if they wanted. But for now, it will be a good source of weaponry for their recruited soldiers.

Morning came and they established mining tents and began their work. They delivered their ores to be smelted by the blacksmith artisans at their smelters. A happy face was seen on Aizen and he was greatly happy to know that all was going well.

As for their security, it could get worse if their activities will get discovered by enemies. As of now, no monsters were seen but it will change as they have to expand their areas of activity. They were lucky to have peaceful days as they had time to do their work without worries.

Workers then soon built towers for sentries with archers on them. They would have to build other watchtowers for more viewing distance. Equipped with telescopes and a bell for alarming the base of potential dangers.

Soon after, they trained the peasants in the training fields to be made into militias. The trainer was busily training them all day with all kinds of training regiments. In the future, they will have to become more disciplined soldiers and will be upgraded into more advanced units.

Aizen then prepared to conquer the castle with goblins. It would be a nicer place compared to his current one. But that would be a greater danger for both him and his men. It was said that the place they will conquer has more ogre camps located in the north and it will be a more tedious task to eradicate them.

Well, it will be for the future. For now, he will have to prepare. A battle for conquest will take place sooner than later.

He then went to manage the camp. Slowly, they were making houses made of logs that they cut.

Soon after, they trained the peasants in the training fields to be made into militias. The trainer was busily training them all day with all kinds of training regiments. In the future, they will have to become more disciplined soldiers and will be upgraded into more advanced units.

The tannery produced leather and artisans made them into leather armor. Blacksmiths then made iron swords that they equipped.

Also, the hardwood artisans made wooden shields. The bows and arrows were then made next. Further advancing their weaponry in the process. They also made torches in case to delving into dark places.

They trained recruits and then made 14 militias. There were 5 Light infantry and 3 Archers that he gathered for their mission. There were 2 scouts to lead the way and scout for potential dangers.

The project lists were then updated.

[Project lists]

Defenses & militia drills will give +1 security and +1 militia recruits per day.

Housing gives +1 population growth and prosperity – construction materials.

Woodcutter's hut that gives +1 construction materials per day.

Irrigations that provide +1 food production and nutrition.

Food distribution that gives +1 morale and loyalty + 1 wellbeing –1 food.

Hunter's hut gives +1 food per day and +1 nutrition.

Farming +1 food per day and +1 nutrition and well-being.


[Bloodsworn village subordinate list] (74 population)

Defenses & militia drills (15 trainees)

Housings (10 workers)

Woodcutters (10 workers)

Irrigations (10 workers)

Hunter's hut (14 workers)

Farming (15 workers)


[Barracks] has soldiers now. Full of noisy soldiers inside the said building. Also, the [Training grounds] were lively, with the training equipment being used by several militias and soldiers alike. The [Garrison] was full of soldiers and needed to be expanded.

The [Keep] has been stationed with watchers. The [Cellars and Storages] that were empty were slowly filled with supplies. The [Stables] were also slowly put with horses that were tamed from the wild. The [Well] was cleansed now for their water source.

The [Blacksmith tent] was heard clunking with metals and the [Hardwood crafting tent] has started making wooden shields and pikes; bows and arrows too. Making the [Armory and Weaponry] filled with more weapons and armor alike.

[Farm] was starting to plant seeds with the workers. [Messenger outpost] was now up and ready for their services. [Healing tent] was installed for healing wounded soldiers just in case.

[Research tent] was also made for Aizen to research knowledge. [Alchemy tent] was also installed and [Enchanting tent] too.

They finally finished the installation of new tents and Aizen rested for a while. Sitting on the window side while sipping tea. The environment was foggy and breathed out steam from his mouth.

Next chapter