

In a rich oriental pavilion made of dark wood, shaded by two cherry blossom trees in eternal bloom, a cute grandmother sat on the traditional pillow seat. 

A maid in neutral clothes served tea to her. The chrysanthemum in the tea bowl looked so fresh, with dew still glittering on it's petals. The tea water glistened, with a hint of emerald, yet, when one looks at them, looking clear. 

The green and gold mixed in the cup, creating a harmonious image of the tao circle. 


Just as the grandmother held the tea cup, a small tremor ran through the entire court yard. The tao circle was disturbed, splattering into thousand flakes. For a moment there, the angle shifted, making the water in the bowl look as brown as dried blood. Just as the angle was corrected, the water in the cup shone as bright as red blood. 

The color leached out of the chrysanthemum, making it look bleached white of a funeral chrysanthemum. 

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