

The aftermath of their meal brought a new challenge – the daunting task of dishwashing. Typically, they relied on Myra's purification ability for this chore, but with the current body swap, the girls found themselves in a predicament. Myra, trapped in Ashley's body, couldn't use the purification ability, creating a considerable dilemma.

"You have got to be kidding me," Josh (Dylan) groaned. The boys had agreed to help with the dishwashing, but the sheer volume of dirty dishes caught them off guard.

"We were also shocked when we saw it for the first time," Ashley (Myra) remarked.

"This is a bit much, isn't it? I mean, I have never even washed a single dish before," Josh (Dylan) confessed.

"Ah, so you're useless," Ashley (Myra) teased ruthlessly, earning an uncomfortable glance from Josh (Dylan).

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