
Passionate Love: The Birth of a New Bond

Meanwhile, we met at the rocks on the next day, a Saturday. We found Mr. Markus at his post, and all being secure, we proceeded to action.

It was Suzy's turn to take the first watch.

Our friend constituted himself master of the ceremonies.

He desired me to take off my breeches and Shine to take off her gown and ease her corset, for as yet she wore no stays; then, telling me to lie down on my back, he made Shine kneel at my head, with her bottom to me, and then to press back so as to bring her charming little cunt over my mouth, her under-gown and chemise being well canted over her shoulders.

I thus had complete command of her clitoris with my tongue, and she could sink her buttocks quite down on my face, so that I could shove my tongue well up her cunt and lick up all her spendings when she discharged; and at the same time, while embracing the charming plump hard buttocks with one hand, the other was left free to frig her bumhole and stimulate her passions up to the utmost.

I have already told you how naturally she has taken to posterior pleasures.

While thus engaged, Mr. Markus proceeded to gamahuche my prick in the most delicious manner, for he had an art in this delightful accomplishment that far exceeded that of the many by whom I have been gamahuched—of course, he added the position, as the French say, by frigging my bottom hole at the same time.

He made me most voluptuously discharge in his mouth at the very instant dear Shine was pouring into mine her delicious spendings.

We lay enraptured for some time before we could stir.

Then, rising, I wished to return the compliment Mr. Markus had paid my prick by sucking his. But this he declined, saying,

"I shall teach you all a new pleasure before we part, and my powers are not quite as active as your youth enables you to be, so for the moment we will indulge in close observation and sweet caresses of our members until, by gentle titillations, I get you two more prepared for the amorous contest."

He gamahuched Shine while handling my prick, and a very short period elapsed before he had us both in such a state of excitement that we were ready for anything he chose to direct.

This time he also required me to lie down on my back, but he placed Shine on top of me and guided my prick himself into her delicious, tight little notch.

When fully inserted, which was completely accomplished before she quite lay down upon me, he desired us to go slowly to work.

For a short time, with his face close to my cods, he watched the in and out movement of my prick, inserting a finger into both Shine's bottom and mine. Then, rising, he said,

"Stop a little, my dears, but don't withdraw. I am about to give your sister a lesson in the double action of most delicious pleasure."

Then, spitting on his prick and applying a quantity of saliva to the rosy orifice of her bottom, he proceeded to insert his prick—little thinking about how fond she was of taking pleasure in this route and how often she had already enjoyed it.

He took every precaution not to hurt her and to be as gentle as possible, telling her to push out her bottom and to strain as if she wanted to void something, which he told her would facilitate his entrance and give her less pain.

You may imagine how secretly pleased Shine was.

She did all he desired, and with great gentleness, he succeeded in sheathing his prick up to the close junction of his belly against her buttocks.

"My dear, you have borne it admirably. I see you will make an apt scholar; now you will have nothing but the most ecstatic raptures from the action of two pricks at once. Now, Alexander, it is for you to work and for your most charming sister to continue only the exquisite pressures she is already at this moment so rapturously conferring on our excited members."

We thus commenced the first lesson we ever had in the double fuck.

Dear Shine was almost mad with the agonizing sensations of rapturous pleasure the double thrusting produced upon her erotic nerves.

I, too, felt the rubbing of Mr. Markus's prick so closely upon mine, for the slight membrane dividing the bottom passage from the vagina, by the powerful stretching of the two members between which it was sandwiched, became so thin a division that it really appeared as if there was nothing between our pricks.

Such ecstatic excitement brought matters to a speedy conclusion.

Shine screamed so loudly with her excess of pleasure that it somewhat alarmed Suzy, who came running up to see what the matter was.

Her surprise was great at the sight she beheld, but we were far too deliriously wrapped in the lap of the most salacious luxury and lubricity to be sensible to any interruption.

As for Shine, she was in convulsions of ecstasy, which ended in quite a hysteric attack, which rather alarmed us and made us withdraw from the exquisite sheaths in which we had been engulfed with such rapture.

It was some time before dear Shine recovered her senses, and then she burst into tears, declaring she had never before known what pleasure meant and that she had been in the seventh heaven of delight and that she could wish for no better death than to die in such agony of pleasure.

She then threw herself into Mr. Markus's arms and, kissing him with the utmost fervor, said,

"Oh, you dear man, how I love you for teaching me such a delicious way of loving; you shall have me whenever and wherever you please.

I shall love you as much as I do, my darling brother Alexander."

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