
Chapter 31: A Date and Team completion.

As they planned, they first went through the European countries. Trini shared the stories of where she went and who she met in her travel. She took him to different places. After the training they were able to control their power to minuet level. They can now completely compress their power and appear as regular humans.

Pyran took her to the places where he found Saoirse and Astrid. He then went to the villages where the Magicians wreaked havoc. It seems the life went back to normal. When they went to the village where Saoirse and Astrid were born and raised, they people monumented both Saoirse and Astrid as the heroes and their family home was repaired and preserved as a shrine. Pyran took Saoirse and Astrid immediately because after the fight as the people started to revere and fear both of them. After few more years this will affect their Psyche in a negative way. So, he immediately took them saying that he was taking them on a training journey.

After visiting the village, Trini took him to Luxemburg, there she explained to him how she found her. When they went there was a war going in between Germany and Luxemburg. Germany is on the verge of conquering Luxemburg. They saw lot of deaths, plundering and all atrocious acts. They would've saved them if they have not reached the concept level. But after reaching this level they understood that Humans are just like any of the races but with Kindness that can surpass saints and Cruelty that is worse than that of Satan. And it is in their blood that all the sins and virtues get mixed and will flourish as they wished.

They can be whomever they wished to be. So, these conflicts are normal for humans. If others meddle, the human race will not be able to reach their full potential. After further understand they reached the conclusion why all the Pantheons have refrained from interfering and why they wanted to have they humans to be as their entertainment. They are creatures with small lifespan with potential larger than that of any pantheon. They are like blank slate that can be molded to what the wanted to be but also have the determination for to live even when faced with insurmountable odds.

They were able to glimpse into what the gods feel when they have long lifespan when the broke through Concept level. They will loose the drive to grow. They will loose the feeling of overcoming odds. So, they find humans fascinating and drawn to them. Some like Greek, Mesopotamian, Shinto, Chinese, etc. fall in love with them and produce offspring. 

So, Pyran and Trini watched the war and did not interfere. They also do not want to draw attention to them when they are enjoying the vacation. 

Trini took pyran to the village she found Leonara. The battlefield was completely under the control of Germans and they were killing wantonly. They were treating the villages like slaves and women like stress relief. Trini was breaking into anger fits now and then. Pyran has to console her. But they both lost it when a German soldier wanted to defile a woman infront of her husband and son. 

They saved the villages and killed all the German soldiers and staged a fake coup. They called a team from the dimension to send the villagers to safety. As the Pocket space was completed. There was shortage of manpower. They have already moved 5 million people into the Pocket space for development. The new ones they saved are being sent there. It is developing in the correct direction. It might take upto 10-20 eons to complete basic structure of his defense system.

After that, Trini took Pyran to the grave of the girl and her father. She spent a day cleaning and rebuilding the grave. She was still dissatisfied. So, she called for a team to move the graves to the dimension. Pyran did not stop her. He knows that this was a regret for Trini that will not go away no matter what he said or how he consoled her. So, he just left her to do what she planned to do. 

When they reached London, 6 months passed already. They then set up a small bakery for their stay there. They planned to act like a newly married couple who came to the city for starting a new life. Which is not far from the truth. But some elements were missing so it became an act. 

After 2 months they were quite popular among the street and they were not yet pestered by any noblemen. As their stay there became stable, the mundane life of a commoner brought a new kind of flavor to their life. They were both working and having a good life like a couple. They also sealed away their powers and put restriction on themselves to act more like humans. 

Trine was getting ready. She was dressed fashionably and was excited. This was one of their date nights. On these days, Pyran will go out to make arrangement and will come by in a rented horse carriage to pick her for a date. She was always satisfied with the surprise he will manage to bring on each date nights.

Like always, she was excited for the date. When she finished getting ready, Pyran arrived. She went to the door and opened. Pyran was standing there with a suit and a bouquet. It made him look like a knight. Only them both will be able to see their full charm. For others it will look like a regular every day face when they look at Pyran or Trini. 

Pyran said, "Care to join me on a date in this wonderful evening, Lady Trinity." While presenting the bouquet with his right hand and stretching his left hand for her to take hold. 

Trini with a small giggle, "Why of course, dear Sir Pyranos!"

While they were doing their small skit, one of the neighbor aunts called out to them asking, "Oh my~, the Gren couple is going on one of their dates, eh?" with amusement.

Their date night has become a somewhat of a trend in their block. All the families tried to follow and it gave them a wonderful result. There were few families expecting additional family members in the coming years. So, all were fond of this outing that they plan once or twice a month. 

Pyran and Trini laughed while Trini replied, "Yes aunt Carol! Pyran here has arranged yet another surprise for today."

Aunt carol replied, "I'm not sure how you husband comes up with these ideas. But glad it works out. My husband got few ideas from Pyran and I'm already in the lookout for skunks that comes his way. I'm really impressed how your husband only has eyes for you unlike mine who lets his wander around anything that has women clothing on it." with a laugh.

After few more sentences, Pyran took her on the carriage ride to the market place. When they reached. He took her out to some small street vendors brought few treats. They then wandered around the market talking and laughing. They met few acquaintances who gave them playful teasing smiles. 

After enjoying the evening in the market place, Pyran too her to an orphanage. There was a small skit he arranged for her with the help of orphanage kids. He made them a skit month ago and taught them how to act for 2 weeks. He left them to practice saying that he will come by 2 weeks to watch the play in full. 

When Pyran informed her about the skit she was ecstatic and surprised. She knew why he used kids for this. It is not that he is low on money but this will help the kids in a small way and it will teach them they can earn money in different way rather than going down in a wrong path.

Both were excited to go down to their Date spot but they were pissed when they saw what was happening on the orphanage. The orphanage was being ransacked by a group of soldiers and they kids were on the side restrained while they cry.

When they asked the person standing near, they were informed that this was an orphanage under former Duchess Russell who was accused of being Traitor. The soldiers were ordered by the queen to conduct a thorough investigation over all the properties owned by the Duchess. 

That's when it clicked for Trini who the Duchess was. She really did not keep an eye out for all the people she met. Now that she met one of people that made a good impression on her, she wanted to save them. She then informed Pyran about this.

As soon as Pyran heard her, he knew that stay in England was no longer possible. But he still did what she asked for. Once the soldiers went away after confiscating everything, the orphans were left to their own devices. Pyran and Trini went to make arrangements for the kids who were apologizing for spoiling their preparations.

Trini gave them a gentle smile and consoled, "These are just material that can be destroyed and created whenever they can. But your safety comes first. All the thing he taught you are still in your head. We can have the skit done at a later time. But let get you under a new roof shall we."

The kids stopped crying and started to clean up and salvage whatever they could from the destroyed orphanage building. Pyran came back with the matron who was informed about that they will be moved to a new city. The city being the one in the pocket dimension. He then informed Trini about the arrangement who gave her approval for such arrangements. She too did not want the kids to stay here under such depressing atmosphere.

Once the kids were moved out, they both teleported into the Prison where the duchess was held. They masked them with invisibility spell and went near the cell of the duchess who was chatting with someone. Trini informed, "That is her dame. It seems they developed in a different direction." She said in an amused and playful tone.

Pyran first teleported into Adelene's cell and took her along with Trini to Catherine's cell. Once inside, they could see that the Duchess and her Dame was have a confused expression as they were questioning their sanity.

Pyran looked at them both and thought, 'Interesting'. He decided these two will be the Last two pieces of his team. He then introduced himself, "Hi there! My name is Pyranos Grenzaros. I'm the head of Grenzaros clan and one Progenitor of the Race of Chaos originals."

This made Catherine and Adelene to get confused and shocked. But more Pyran explained the more they understood and the more questions start to raise. Finally, after the introduction from Pyran and Trini and the offer placed by Pyran, Cathereine asked the most important question, "Why us?"

Pyran then clarified, "You see, you both have some kind of scared gears within you. This will push you to the supernatural society even if you don't want to. It may get awakened tomorrow when your execution takes place and might help you escape your death in public. But after that, you will be exposed to supernatural beings and will be hunted down. But there are silver linings that someone good will take you under them, but that's a rare case. 

But I'm not doing this out of pity or greed. I have a skill called [Empath] that allows me to tell if someone is lying to me. But after I grew stronger it evolved into something more. It now has some additional function such us giving me hint about a person's true character. I'm getting a very good feeling from you both, so I would like to have you in my team. So, I will let you guys think. If you are not okay with it, I will just save you both and will send you somewhere else. After that you both will be responsible for your own safety."

Both went into thinking and after an hour of discussion with each other, they agreed to the deal. Pyran was happy and gave them a detailed explanation about the Origin pieces. It further helped them in cementing their choice. As soon as they were made in to this team. Pyran teleported them both to Catherine's mansion where her parents are staying leaving a homunculi clone of them both behind. She wanted to take them out too. Adelene did not have any such requests. 

Once there, Catherine explained to her parents and after a few hours for back and forth, her parents agreed to come with them. Pyran made 2 more homunculi clones in Mansion and teleported them to the dimension. Then he left his clone with them and teleported back to Trini who was left behind in the mansion for some finishing touches.

After that, they both teleported back to the town they were residing. They appeared near a dark alley then they walked back to their home. They decided they will stay her for a month and will start traveling again. As of now a year has passed since they started their vacation. They spent the month in saying goodbyes to their acquaintances.

After a month they started to travel again. They went to Greece, Germany, Russia, China and many more places. They enjoyed their travel. They faced one or two annoyances here and there from nobles to some young masters. But the journey was very enjoyable and helpful for them. It was so helpful that in 10 years they are both at High-concept level beings after their ever-active energy stated to calm down and getting consolidated.

Like everyday, they were travelling, suddenly they found 2 Low-Satan level being fighting nearby. They went to check what was happening. That when they found that 2 dragons were fighting each other. But Trini's focus was on a one of the dragons. She was the dragon that Trini was waiting for. She was Tiamat, the Chaos Karma dragon King.

They watched the battle in which Tiamat came out on top. But she was injured. It will take her few years to completely heal. Tiamat suddenly found 2 energy signatures approaching her. She was not sure if it was enemy or just someone passing by. As soon as they came into view, Tiamat was able to feel something that she lost eons ago. The primal feeling of familial connection, that she lost when she lost her mother.

The first thing that came to her mind was they somehow got some of her mother's body and made something out of it. So, she snarled at them, "Who are you and why do you smell like mother. What have you done with her body?"

Trini was shocked but then a gentle smile appeared in her face. She said to Tiamat, "We both come in peace. Hear us out before you jump into conclusion. We did not do anything to your mother's body."

Tiamat wanted to lash out but she really wants to know about why they smell like her mother. So, she nodded her head like she agreed. While Trini on the side was ecstatic. Then Trini started to explain everything from the start. The more she explained the more Tiamat anger went down and started to change into human form.

This also allowed Pyran to use some healing spells on Tiamat. Her human for was like that of a Girl in early 20's nearing late 20's. She had ocean blue hair with dragon scales in few parts of her body like shoulders, neck, wrist and ankles. She had a pair of emerald blue eyes with Draconic pupil. 

After hearing the story of the mother and till what happened to Trini, she was able to pieces out all the bits and pieces of memory she got when she was still a hatchling and when she ate her egg shells. She now understood what her mother meant. She did not want her to collect treasure. She just has to live happily. She started to cry while Trini gave her a hug. The hug made her cry more loudly. She felt the warmth of the family that she wanted after so many years. 

Trini and Pyran decided to cut short their vacation. Trini wanted to spend some time with Tiamat. Pyran was okay with it as they only had 2 years and both their team was completely filled, he wanted plan for their training. So, they Traveled back to the dimension while Tiamat talking to them. They both can hear how happy she was. Like that they started their travel to the Dimension. After that they will plan for the Celebration.

Next chapter