

Mystic Grills

"Nice ring you got there man, how did you get that?"

Viktor said a to a man sitting at the bar counter having a drink while minding his own business.

"Umm, my wife gave it to me. You are Viktor right? The former history teacher"

The man replied while looking at the ring his late wife gave to him before she died.

"Yeah, and you must be Alaric, I've heard about you, you are the one who took my place as a history teacher" said Viktor as he also order a drink for himself.

Alaric smiled when he heard that "but you became the maths teacher and the coach of the sports team, I find that really cool" he said as he took a sip of his drink.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here, Mystic Falls have a lot to offer" said Viktor before turning around and left.

Alaric looked at Viktor for brief moment before going back to his drink.

Viktor on the other hand was having a headache right now, with Alaric in town and having the Gilbert ring, that means Isobel is alive but now what would be her relationship with Elena and the rest of them.

It wouldn't be a surprise that Damon was still the one who might turn Isobel into a vampire but what led to her doing that and what would her relationship be with Elena and Margaret.

"Hey, I'm here"

Viktor was brought out of his thought by Daphne who just walked into the Mystic Grills, the place where they are supposed to met.

"You are on time Daphne" said Viktor who called Matt over to give her a drink.

"Of course, I would be, this is an important matter and I am not going to just laze around about it. So without any further delay, why did you do that to me? Why did you turn me into a werewolf?" Said Daphne whispering in a low voice that Viktor can catch.

Viktor simply smiled as he looked at her, he wanted to use this line ever since he learnt he could turn someone into a werewolf "the bite is a gift" he said which made Daphne just looked at him with a raised brow making Viktor laugh "I'm sorry, just wanted to say that for a long time. Actually, the reason I turned you was that he were supposed to die that night and not the other way round. Logan Fell was supposed to drain every single drop of blood he could get from you leaving you to die but out of the goodness of my heart, I gave you the bite to have a fighting chance"

"Here is your drink, Mr. Viktor" matt said as he he brought the drink meant for Daphne.

"Thank you, Matt, right?" Viktor said while passing the drink to Daphne.

"Yes sir" said Matt.

"You should take this, you deserve it"

Viktor gave Matt a large tip as he really admired his character in the series, the only human in the Mystic Falls gang and also the blood bag for his vampire friends who also outlived them all.

Matt thanked him and wanted to reject it but Viktor didn't give him the chance and chased him away.

"You mean, I was going to die that night?" Daphne asked to which Viktor nodded "if that was the case, then how did you know about that?"

Viktor sighed as he was now getting tired of this questionings as if he was being investigated "let just say that, I can the future and since I suppose you don't have any other question, then I will have to take my leave and if you do have any question, you can ask Malia, she would gladly tell you whatever you need" with that, Viktor chugged his drink and left the Grill but not without seeing how Alaric looked at Andre who just walked in a while ago with Jenna.

[Andre might have been the one who turned Isobel, given by the way he looks at him, it the same look he gave to Damon] said Viktor in his head as he walked to his car and drove off.

Daphne also drank her drink and stood up and looked at Andre who smelled the same way Logan did which tells her that he is a vampire but he appears to be very strong as Logan did not give her that dangerous vibe like the way Andre did and to her surprise, Andre also looked at her and smiled.

She smiled back and immediately walked out of the Grill to get to the hospital, her work place.

"Who's that?" Asked Jenna who saw Andre smiled at Daphne.

Andre turned to look at Jenna "I don't know, maybe a friend of Viktor" he said because he just saw her with Viktor and from the looks of it, she might be a supernatural creature, but he does not know which one.

Jenna didn't dwell on it anymore and just went to the bar with Andre and sat closed to Alaric who was looking at Andre secretly.

Mikaelson Compound

"This I going to be fun, a house filled with different supernatural beings, this is going to be exciting" said Margaret who was happy as he has the opportunity to visit the Mikaelsons after she knew about their secrets.

She is here with Elena and Bonnie who wanted to had class with Qetsiyah on Magic and she is taking it seriously after the recent event of her deceased ancestor, Emily possessing her and leaving her for dead if not for Malia being there to save her.

Malia sighed as she still did not understand why Margaret followed them here "will someone please shut her up?" She said as she released her claw on Margaret's face.

"Okay, I will keep my mouth shut, but don't gut me, I still have a lot to live for before I will be ready for death" Margaret said but her mind was on Malia's claws which she finds fascinating.

Bonnie and Elena laughed which further irritated Malia as she put her claws back.

"Hey, so your mother is my ancestor, so what does that make you?"

Bonnie asked Malia who raised a brow at her for the sudden question "I think, still your ancestor" she said as she did not know the answer to that but she believed she was still Bonnie's ancestor.

"I don't think that is right, you are like her great, great, great, very great grand aunt, since your sister or brother is the one that started the Bennet family legacy" Margaret, the intellectual one said.

Malia looked at her and smiled "and nobody asked for your opinion" she said.

"Just saying" Margaret said as she moved back from Malia.

"Speaking of sister or brother, where are they?" Elena asked about the Malia's sibling thinking that they might also be the child of Viktor.

"Don't know, don't care, all I know is that they are long dead even before my father was even born" Malia said.

Bonnie, Margaret and Elena were shocked as they realized that Qetsiyah is that old.

Before they could say anything any further, they entered the house only to see Amara coming down from her room.

"You've got to be kidding me"


New book

A New Stefan Salvatore

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