
Prelude to the Plot, Malachai


Hey everyone, I'm currently partaking in the WPC for Dec and Jan, so I would like you to support my novel, The Omnipotent System by adding it to your library and also when you are bored or just feel like reading something you can check it out and tell me what you think, thanks.


May 9, 1994, Gemini Coven

"Phasmatos Infero Eseri Gratas, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Victamas Veras. Phasmatos Tribum, Niha Sue Exilum, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Levam, Mina Sue Te, Disasustos Vom, Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te. Phasmatos Veras. Fes Matos Tribum, Mas Pro Tes Unum. Victas Ex Melam, Phasmatos Vanem. Mas Pro Je Ta Sue Te"

A group of six people held hands together as they chanted a spell that caused a large storm and an inferno as well as inflicting pain to the surrounding people.

The six people were the heretics Kol had turned back then, they are currently attacking the Gemini Coven together with Malia who also came of Malachi Parker.

Screams filled everywhere and smokes could be seen as the heretics didn't hold back and went full power on the coven.

Malia Vamp - speed as she searched for Josette and Malachai, she wanted to save Jo because of the two twins in legacies and she was in a good mood, so she decided to do a good deed today.

It didn't take long for her to see both Malachai and Jo together who were also screaming in pain.

She approached Jo first and cast a spell that relieved her of the magic effect if the heretics.

Jo: "who are you, why are you attacking our coven, we never offended you in any way, so why, why are you doing this?"

Jo asked as she readied herself for a clash with the stranger before her.

Malia: "hold your horse there young lady, I'm not the one attacking you and if I wanted to have a fight with you, you would have been dead by now, so feel relaxed and also that's not the way to say thank you to someone who is saving your life, I'm just saying in case of next time when someone might save you as your thanks means nothing to me, now unto why I am truly here"

Malia looked at the screaming Malachai and smiled as she also freed him.

Malachai: "who are you, you are brimming with so much magical power, it is intoxicating"

Malachai said as he raised his hands towards Malia only to be kicked aside.

Malia: "what is wrong with you Parker's, one is ungrateful and the other one is a power hungry psychopath"

Malia said as she looked at Malachai who is coughing up blood.

Malachai: "hahaha, I like you already, I can't wait to have you crying in pain why I siphon all those magic from you"

Malachai had a maniac grin on his face as he said that.

Malia: "I knew this would happen and to say I am thrilled to kick your ass would be an understatement"

Malia said as to Malachai but pause as she turned to look at Jo and told her to leave.

Jo: "I can't leave, not without my family"

Jo said as she wanted to run away to go look for the rest of her family that survived the onslaught of Malachai but Malia appeared before her.

Malia: "I did not intend to do this but 'leave'"

Malia said as she compelled Jo to leave the premises.

Jo complied as she left without any protest from her.

Malachai: "who are you really, to be able to compel a witch so easily, you are not our everyday vampire, are you?"

Malachai seeing how Malia easily compelled his twin sister asked.

Malia: "well I would have loved to indulge you but we still have some unfinished business to attend to or have you forgotten?"

Malia said as she transformed into her partial were coyote form and looked at Malachai who was already having second thought to engage her in battle.

Malachai: "actually, forget what I said to you before, I was not thinking straight that's all"

Malia: "well, I am already in the mood, so your opinion doesn't count"

Malia said as she lunged at Malachi and punch the living daylight out of him.

Malia: "since you are going to die anyway, might as well torture you"

Malachai: "you are one hell of a psychopath, and that means a lot coming from me but I still don't know why you are trying to kill me, but seeing as you have no intention to then I won't bother to ask"

Malachai said while trying to run away from Malia.

Malia: "come on, you can't run away from me, it is inevitable and I don't want to bore you with the details of why I am trying to kill you but I just want treat you with your specialty before killing you off"

Malia said as she rushed at him again and caught him and continued.

Malia: "now let the party begin"

Malia said as she feed him her father's blood before proceeded to an hellish torture.

A few hours of Torturing

Malia sat down on a chair as the heretics walked into the room with a bantered and bruised Joshua Parker, the current leader of the Gemini Coven.

Joshua: "why are you targeting my coven, we have never wronged you I anyway, so why, why cause so much destruction"

Malia raised a brow at Joshua before she turned to look at the heretics.

Malia: "why didn't you explain your reason for doing all this to him, that was the first thing you should have done, stating your reason for attacking the coven, how they threw you away because of your different magical nature, how they treated you like plagues, you know, stuffs like that, well it is too let now for an explanation"

Malia said as she sighed at the heretics for not following a normal script.

The heretics didn't answer and just left to finish up the rest of the coven members.

It didn't take look for Malachai to wake up and saw the scene before with his bruised up father which he now found appetizing.

Malachai: "what have you done to me?"

Malachai asked Malia as she was the one who did something to him.

Malia: "well you are now a hybrid of two creatures, a heretic and to complete your transition, we brought you dinner"

Malia said as she pointed at Joshua who has his eyes opened widely when he heard Malia's word.

Joshua: "no, no, no, no, no, stay back, you don't want to do this, she is clearly manipulating you into doing this, I am your father, clearly, you are not going to kill me right?"

Joshua said frighteningly as he did not want to die.

Malachai seeing his father pleading for his life triggered his psychopath nature as he smiled at him.

Malachai: "oh, I'm going to enjoy this, keep on begging, it will make everything even more fun"

Malia sighed at the bastard's psychopathic nature and told him to meet her outside when he was done before she walked away.

She didn't even get that faraway from the room when she heard screams coming from inside.

Malia: "sigh, that psychopath"

A few moment later.

Malachai: "hah, that was fun, I wish you had come before I killed off the rest of my siblings, that would have been epic"

Malachai said as he walked up to the others waiting for him while licking his bloody hands.

Malia: "whatever, let's go, we are done here and with your psychopathic nature, you might end being his favourite pal"

Malia said as she thought of how her Uncle, Niklaus would love Malachai as they are similar.

Malachai: "before that, where are we actually going to and how did the Gemini coven offend you for you to eradicate them like that?"

Malia: "don't ask me, ask them and please for the love of God, shut up, you can ask them later"

Malia said as she opened a portal, a spell her father made which was similar to the shadow hunter warlocks used for movement.

Malachai: "wow, that's incredible, how did you ...."

Malachai didn't finish his sentence before his neck was snapped by Malcolm, one of the heretics.

Malcolm had blue eyes and short, dark brown hair. He had a tall stature and a slim build.

Malcolm: "you are welcome my lady, Malia"

Malcolm said to Malia with a smile.

Malia: "that was unnecessary but thanks altogether"

Malia said as she walked into the portal and the others also followed suite with Beau, another heretic carrying Malachai.

May 23, 2009, Wickery Bridge

A car can be seen driving through the bridge when it came to an abrupt stop as someone who was flying appeared before them and said.

Idola: "Elizabeth, it is time, hand her over"

Idola said as she stretched forth her hands as if waiting for something.

Elizabeth who was in the car with her husband and daughter was frightened and did not know what to do.

She has come to love her peaceful life here with her husband and her two children, Elena and Meredith and she did not want to subject her children to that cruel fate she lived.

Elizabeth: "I can't give her to you Idola, let's forget about the Old Ones and move on, please"

Elizabeth pleaded to Idola as she held her husband's hands for support and prayed that her daughter does not wake up from her slumber.

Idola: "I know this was bound to happen, the moment you gave up your powers and began to mingle with humans, you have started acting like them, so I will have to take the girl either by force or you hand her willingly, your choice"

John: "stay away from my family, we don't want any part in your games"

John, the husband of Elizabeth and father to Elena and Meredith said as he knew about everything from Elizabeth.

Idola just waved her hands instantly killing John as she viewed him to be a nuisance.

Elizabeth: "Noooo, what have you done, Idola"

Idola didn't answer and tried to walk to the backseat of the car to take Elena when Elizabeth held her back to which Idola who was already pissed off by the fact that Elizabeth was allowed to bore a human child while Ryannen had to suffer because of it, accidentally used her strength forgetting that Elizabeth was without her powers pushed her away which made her hit the Girder of the bridge.

Idola didn't mind that as she can be able to save her friend later but for now, she has a mission at hand.

She reached for the car door as she opened it but she was flunged away from the door by someone.

"I cannot let you continue whatever you were trying to do here, I know it isn't any of my business but I was passing by and I happened to see you here, a guardian, I remembered you have a beef with us but I never thought you would target humans also and you are the good guys, sigh, what an irony, but I have to stop you here"

The man said as he looked at the angry guardian who was looking at him with eyes filled with hatred.

Idola: "what do you want, Old One?"


Christmas Eve Special, Enjoy

600 power stones - 1 extra chapter on Saturday

1000 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday

2000 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

3000 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.

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