
Chapter 080 Enclosure Wall_1

The phantoms meandered idly on the streets, seeming to regard Qian Cangyi as if he didn't exist.

Can they not see me?

Qian Cangyi approached a phantom with a large gaping wound in its abdomen, then waved his hand in front of the phantom's eyes to test his hypothesis.

The phantom walked right through Qian Cangyi's hand, showing no signs of reaction.

As I suspected, they can't see us. But then, what purpose would these people serve coming out here?

Qian Cangyi dropped his hand, unable to understand this part. He then turned his focus to the hunchbacked old man, who seemed to find the phantoms emerging from the houses quite interesting. He quietly watched the phantoms milling about as though it was usual.

A little girl's voice rang out from behind Qian Cangyi, "Brother, can't they see you either?"

Qian Cangyi quickly turned around, realizing that a little girl with pigtails, who seemed to be about ten years old, was standing behind him.

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