
Pregnant not pregnant

General Lucas left Andrey alone at home in the evening for the Prince's rooms. Andrey buried himself into some books about politics to kill time. Well, that was until he got bored and decided to go back to the ship.

 It wasn't an easy thing to do because after THE INCIDENT, Lucas has had more eyes on him than usual. But he didn't really care whether Lucas would find out that he went out. He took a horse and set for the fastest route. When he came near to the dock where they had left it, he found that the ship was dirty. He got off the horse and went in.

 "Oh my poor baby! What has nature done to you" he spoke in English "I had told Derrick not to park you here... oh wait, I didn't. But he shouldn't have. You'd better be in better condition when I come back again" He went further inside

 "Okay, *HISPS*, let's see if you're still functional" *Highly Indestructible Solar Powered Ship* He pushed a button under the control panel to turn it back on, pressed a few buttons and a full green bar appeared on the dusty screen.

 "You've been in the sun for so long, you have a full battery. That's a good thing. Now to activate voice command" he pressed another button on the screen


 "Alis, when was the last time the ship was operative and who came here?" Andrey asked


 "Why was he here? What did he come to do?" Andrey asked as pushed other buttons to open the cabinets.


 "As expected, you're still functional"


 "Not a compliment, Alis" He bent down and took out a puzzle box written in Chinese characters. "Alis, change the language sequence"


 "Chinese (Mandarin)"


 "Good. That would be all" He left


 "I should definitely come here more often. All the beef in the refrigerator would wasted and my canned tomatoes too. You can barely get good and refined ones here. Everyone here is an animal. Maybe I should have taken some with me. No no no! It's written in English. Lucas would be mad at me"

 He put the puzzle under the saddle and mounted the horse. "Time to go back. I'm so tired of speaking Latin all the time. Good thing I took a lot of classes back in Rome" He set off to leave as the horse walked in the direction they came from. It was already dark so he had it speed up a little bit.

 "To actually think of it, I've never slacked off once in my life. Why?! Good thing I didn't. I wouldn't have went to history class, or fencing class, or animal control class, or pottery class, or cooking and baking class, or linguistics class, or even go to countries like Africa, China, Greece, Japan, Russia, England and Madagascar. Haaa" he breath out a sigh of relief "I'm so damn rich"

 "So you're actually rich" Someone stood in front of his horse and said to him in English. He was dressed like a professional Chinese assassin with a mask on his face

 'oh no! English man. If anything I've learnt from Lucas, it's that where there's English, there's bad news. I'd better run him over' "Hee yah" He beat the horse and it charged towards the man. He dodged it and watched as Andrey ran off fast on the horse.

 "Wait, I'm not a bad person. I just want to talk to you....and he's gone. Okay" he rubbed the back of his head with his palm and jumped on a tree branch, which was technically his home.

 Andrey rode back as fast as possible. When he got home, he got off the horse and let all the vomit out. The maids went to get water and the servants began to panic. The soldiers at the resident immediately alerted General Lucas, who has been looking for Andrey and turning the manor upside down, about his arrival and the condition he was in.

 Lucas rushed outside to see that Andrey was truly vomiting. His body was soaked in water. The maids over did it a little. He immediately sent for Caesar, the physician, to come check up on him.

 Andrey was taken back into the manor to rest. The horse was taken back to the stable, and Caesar was brought against his will. He knew that it would be a minor injury like the previous times General Lucas had sent for him. Once, because Andrey had a splinter, another, because Andrey had a nosebleed when he was bathing with Lucas, and many more other times.

 Caesar was yawning all the way till they got to the manor. He saw that Andrey had been wrapped tightly in thick layers of clothing that he was sweating profusely.

 "What the heck happened to him?" Caesar asked, looking at General Lucas

 "He has a fever. Look at how he's sweating" General Lucas replied as he watched the maid clean off the sweats from his face. "Quick, add more blankets"

 "He's sweating because the blankets are too much. Take them off. He'll die if you add one more. It's suffocating him" Caesar aided the maids in taking off the blankets

 "But he was shivering and vomiting"

 "That may be because of something else, General. Think about that next time before almost killing him"

 "*Gasp* Is he pregnant? I knew it. I just knew it"

 "You may go, ladies" Caesar dismissed the maids and then turned to Lucas

 "Duuuuuude! A guy can't get pregnant"

 "Oh and you'll possibly know that"

 "Yes, actually, I do. I'm a very renowned Doctor where we came from. As a matter of fact, I was going to China to collect an award when I accidentally got here. Do you know how hard it is to get an award from the WHO? Of course you don't. Guys can't get pregnant. Never seen it, never heard of it. Although there is a way, we don't have the proper equipment s"

 "Alright, so he's not pregnant. What's wrong with him then?" General Lucas took a sit

 "Explain to me what happened"

 "I went out and when I got back he was already gone. My soldiers came to inform me that he got back on a horse and started to vomit. The maids poured some water on him for ease"

 "That's very straightforward. From that, you should be able to know what happened yourself. He rode so fast on the horse that it made him nauseous. It's a cold weather, the maids pouring water on him made him cold. That's why he's shivering, there's nothing wrong with him. Also, it's dark already, I can't go back until tomorrow so I'll be staying here. Just show me to my room, and I'll be gone"

 Caesar was escorted by one of the servants to one of the rooms downstairs, where he would be staying. The cold had knocked Andrey out long before Caesar got there. General Lucas just slept next to him instead of taking a shower first and went to sleep.

 The next morning, Andrey went to see the maids about his puzzle box, when he found Caesar wasted in the kitchen while talking to the maids.

 "Caesar!" he rushed over to him and dismissed the maids "Leave us"

 "My lord" the maids bowed and then left

 "It's so early in the morning and you're this wasted" he sat with him

 "I heard from Pontius that the General's manor is occupied by good wine. I wanted to try all of them before leaving"

 "When did you get here? Why did you come? Is someone injured?"

 "You- Can't I come here for a visit? What's all this?!" he slammed the table gently

 "Sorry! I didn't mean it that way"

 "Anyways, General Lucas had his soldiers drag me here in the middle of my beauty sleep. Do you know how hard it is to maintain this pretty face and sexy slim body in a place with limited resources. I have to make creams in my free time and I don't get a lot of that while working in the palace. I have no one to talk to. Even Derrick isn't allowed to move as he wants. We don't see each other a lot you see" Caesar sipped another cup of wine

 "Right! I heard about what happened. How's he doing?"

 "Don't worry! He's alright. You'll see him soon. The Derrick I know will do anything to stay with you when you're not well. It'll surprise you how fast news spread from here to the palace and vice versa"

 "Yeah. That's what makes here more exciting. It's like the paparazzi but more complex. Hmm, which reminds me, When we were in China the other time, you talked about helping your friend with a date. How'd it go?"

 "The guy messed up pretty bad. It must have been embarrassing for the both of them. Chen yi is a badass girl, she loves flirting but it just put Dylan in an awkward situation which later but her in an awkward situation. Let's do this again sometime, said neither of them"

 Caesar got up to leave when a guard came to get him. Andrey walked him to the door as they continued with their conversation .

 "Your life sounds boring. Do something better with your life" Andrey suggested

 "What if I do something now? I'll regret it later because we'll leave eventually. I'll be broken hearted"

 The expression on Andrey's face changed slightly. "We don't have a way to go back"

 "There is a way. You know I deal with all branches of science. One way or the other, I'll figure it out"

 "So you haven't figured it out yet?"

 "Well, I have but there's no probability that we'll go to the current day. We might end up going way back into time or a little bit into the future. Don't let me rack your brain. Like you said, my life is boring" They stopped at the entrance

 "Find love, get a man!"

 "Andrey, I'm straight"

 The doors opened and a very refined man came in. He was dressed in a Golden armor with red leather panties. A red robe covered half and a quarter of his body on the side. He had a sword in his right hand which was covered in dried blood.

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