
Chapter 26

My Best friend is straight (chapter 26)

Continuation from last scene..

Chigozie quickly climbed on Mike's body... His body was already arose and his diick was very hàrd. He then kisséd Mike's neck region roughly.... Then kiss the ears.. then go back to kissin the lips softly..

Mike: hmmm.. this is wrong! This shouldn't be happening, I have someone else right now! He said in his mind while recievng the kiss...

Chigozie: without wanting waste time.. he quickly used one of his hands..to draw his own trausers down.. while still kissin Mike..

Few seconds later he was done doing that...he didn't remove all his trausers and boxers.. he just drew it down showing all his àsss...towards the lap region!

Since Mike was wearing a short already it was very easy for him to help Mike to remove his own..as he was still doing that while maintaining a soft and kiss..

Mike: no! No! Stop. Chigozie stop it!

Chigozie: breathing very fast... Stop what? Why? He said in a romantic way as he continues to kissin Mike..

Mike: I say stop chigozie! He shoutéd slightly..

Chigozie: Mike please.. please don't do this to me please...he begged with a soft voice while looking at Mike deeply in the eyes..

Mike; no chigozie. I can't do this. I just can't please.. I don't want to do this

Chigozie: why? Please na..abeg! He said while lying on top of mike.. looking at him with a pity face..

Mike: don't look at me that way please.. don't give me that look now..

Chigozie: please na.. abeg! He said and kisséd Mike very fast again..

Mike: trying to stop him..and pushing him away..

Chigozie: pressed the whole of his body... On Mike while kissin him forcefully...

Mike: stop chigozie... stop!

Chigozie: ignored and continue kissin..

Few seconds as they were still struggliñg.. chigozie quickly used his right hand to hold his diick trying to insert it in Mike's àsss..

Mike: no no no..I don't want chigozie stop...he said with a soft soprano voice..

Chigozie: still ignored him trying to find his way in.. few seconds after trying so hard... It eventually entered..

Immediately it entered...

Mike: 😩😩 he moàn and grabbed chigozie's body very tight and strong.. frowning his face in pàíñ..😩

Chigozie: without wasting time... Started bàñging slowly..

Mike: chigozie....stoooooooop. I don't want this.... Pleaseeeeee stoooopppp... He said in a moáning voice while recievng the diick!

Chigozie: increased the speed immediately... Bànging Mike very hàrd and fast.. as he gumed his his lips on Mike's own not wanting to removing it so that Mike won't be able to moàn out too loud..

Mike: ahh....ahh..ahh

Stop! Shít... Chigozie stop you're doing it to fast! He moàn out...

Chigozie was obviously carried awày because of the lack of sexx. It has been long he had sexx so all his energy and anxiety for sexx was placed on Mike who unluckily fell for the trap. There was no way for mike to get away from chigozie... Not with the sexx position he had him...

Chigozie was Carried away with urges of wanting a good sexx..and didn't care more about the recievng side which was Mike... Things like this do happen even between lovers.

Chikozie continue to fvck him and began to moàn out too as he was about to cumm.. the sexx hasn't even lasted for 10 minutes and his homones were all ready to tell him to ejaculaté...

Few seconds later...

Chigozie double the speed of the sexx as he already reached the climax of pouring out his thick creamy spèrm Inside Mike..

Not less than 30 seconds later he poured everything inside Mike and he makes some loud moáning sounds with a very deep voice.. he kept on pouring Inside Mike for about 8 seconds! That was evidence of person who hasn't had a good sexx for a very long time..

Immediately after pouring everything inside Mike.. he fell on Mike's body breathing very fast and relieved.. mission accomplished!

Mike: trying to pushh out the deposited cummm inside of him..

Few seconds later he that..

Chigozie: raised his head looking at Mike..... Smiling so wide.

Mike: get up from my body..

Chigozie: winks 😉😉 at Mike In a naughty way..

Mike: I'm not laughing with you please get from my body I need to use the rest room..

Chigozie: kisséd Mike very fast on the lips.. then looks at him again..

Mike: what is the meaning of that?

Chigozie: kisséd his cheeks again the looks at him I'm the eyes...

Mike: stand up now... It's not funny..

Chigozie: kisséd him on the lips again..

Mike: hmmm....

Chigozie: the more you talk the more I'll kíss you!..he said and winks 😉 at Mike..

Mike: trying to pushh chigozie awày from his body..

Chigozie: see you. Can you pussh me nii? He said and laughed..

Mike: then stand up from my body na.. he said shouting slightly..

Chigozie: kisséd him again! I told you if you talk I'll kisss you..

Mike: keep a fair angryy expression..

Chigozie: looking at him and smiling in a nàughty way...

Mike: I'll bitè you oo..I say stand up... He said looking serious

Chigozie: looking at Mike very closely.... Breathing his fresh breath on him..

You're so handsome 😍..he said to Mike...

Mike: 🙄🙄🙄

Chigozie: why are you keeping that face? I'm very serious and honest.. you became more handsome with this beards on you! I can kisss you all day.. he said and kisséd Mike softly

Mike: bitès chigozie on the lips..

Chigozie: ouchhh 😣... Why did you do that? He said and raised his head up..

Mike: pushh him away..

Chigozie: fell on the bed and still trying to grab Mike by hand..

Mike quickly stood up and entered the bathroom..

Chigozie: sat at the edge of the bed.. locked his hands together, licking his lips... smiling very wide...☺️☺️☺️☺️while shaking his right legs..

He was obviously so happy! It was written all over his face.. he felt so much and accomplishment..

Few seconds after that he released his hands and rested them on the bed from behind.. still smiling and happy...☺️☺️.

Immediately Mike came out of the restroom..

Chigozie: stood up from the bed immediately smiling and looking at Mike..

Are you done? He asked while walking towards Mike..

Mike: hmmm....

Chigozie: what is it? Are you tired?

Mike: so it's your family that owns this company?

Chigozie: yes? He said smiling

I'm the one managing it now.

Mike: ok good..

Chigozie: what about? When did you gain knowledge about business? I was expecting to see you in the hospital working..

Mike: I just came here to represent my sister. She is not feeling to fine..

Chigozie: oh sorry about that..

Mike: please what happened today should never happen again please. I'll let this slide..

Chigozie: his faced changed immediately..

What do you mean by that?

Mike: you know what I'mm talking about. Don't force yourself on me again..

Chigozie: I'm sorry if I made you feel that way! I thought you wanted it also..

Mike: chigozie I have a different person now! I don't chéat in relationship. This is the first time this is happening.. please let keep this to ourselves and move on

Chigozie: move on to where? Mike please don't be like this..

Mike: are you okay chigozie? What's wrong with you. You're selfishh..

Chigozie: yes! I know I'm selfishh. Allow me to be selfishh, in as much I'm doing it to you I don't mind...

Mike: just listen to yourself now! Huh? Chigozie. Please allow me leave my new life in peace..

Chigozie: hahaha..... You know that won't be possible again. I won't allow you go anywhere again.. no! Never.

Mike: you're stupeed! You're so selfishh..

Wait let me ask you something.... I thought you said you're straight?

Chigozie: Yes I'm straight! I don't see other guys.. I have never looked at any other guy twice.. this stuff we're doing is only between the both of us and I'll like us to continue please

Mike: continue what? Hmm? We should continue what? You want to turn me to spèrm dump.. right?

Chigozie; no no no please. Mike that is not what I mean... He said as he gets more closer to Mike...

Mike: hmmm listen to me. I have a new person in my life now! And I'm not ready to leave him for someone who's married with kid

Chigozie: hmmm... You're yet to understand me.. I'll suggest we leave this conversation for now! Till when we have enough time to talk about it..

Mike: we don't have anything to talk about chigozie! After this program we won't meet again..

Chigozie: huh? What? Says who? You're joking right? Mike I won't allow you run away again! Just know that now.. see see see Mike.. listen to me. Don't even think of going anywhere again please.. I beg you. All we need to do is talk out things and understand ourselves..

Mike: funny! Ain't you getting it? I said I'm in a relationship.

Chigozie: you will end the relationship!

Mike: I will what?

Chigozie: you will end the relationship!

Mike: laughing in a funny way. I should end my relationship? This guy don kolo ( iñsane)!

Chigozie: you can say what ever you want Mike.. I don't care.

Mike: please leave my room..

Chigozie: but this is my hotel?

Mike: WOW like seriously? Is that what you want say now? You want to do show up for me?

Chigozie: calm down Mike.. you haven't changed a bit..still the old you! Sturboñ and sweet..

Mike: get out of my room.. now! He shouted

Chigozie: ok ok it's fine.. I'll go now! You don't have to shout again..

Mike: goooo! He said stressing the word

Chigozie: looking at Mike in a naughty way....

Mike: I said leave...he said in soft voice while looking so serious..

Chigozie: kisséd Mike suddenly..

Mike: pushh him away and slaap me... Breathing very fast in angerr..

Chigozie: 😂😂😂... We'll meet tomorrow at the proposal room! He said and winks 😉😉 at Mike while walking in backwards way towards the door and still winking at Mike... 😉😉

Mike: get out!

Chigozie: 😉😉😉ok! He said and left the room..

Mike: hmmm should I tell Nelson ( his current boyfriend) about this? He said in his mind as he sat on the bed..

Then he pick up his phone dialing Nelson's number..

It rang several times but no response from Nelson.

Scene 2 ( the following day at the proposal )

Secretary: good morning everyone. Today is the last day for the proposal and we have about 10 more companies that are yet to give us thier presentation... So we will be starting with Bla bla bla bla company..

The person stood up and head to the presentation stand.. while everyone was clapping for him..

Chigozie: his eyes were placed on Mike.. he kept on staring at him and smiling..

Mike: locked eyes with chigozie..



Mike: 🤨🤨😠😠😠

Chigozie: 😉😉😉😉😍😘

Mike: smiled a little and removed his eyes from chigozie own..

Chigozie: 🥺🥺why did he removed his eyes? I was enjoying it..he said in his mind while looking at Mike..

Few hours later.. everyone was done presenting..

Secretary: now we will give the managing director opportunity to say something.

Chigozie: good morning everyone. It has been a nice presentation by everyone.. we will access it properly before going into the voting..

But before then please who's the person representing Bla bla bla company?

Mike: 😳😳 that is my company.

Sir! He said and raised up his hands while looking at chigozie..

Chigozie: ok please can you briefly come summerize your presentation again? I didn't pay attention to yours yesterday..

Mike: chigozie is trying to play with me here... He said in his mind while walking to the presentation stand..

Chigozie: are you okay with that?

Mike: sure yes Sir!

Chigozie: 😉😉 okay go on. He said and winked.

Mike: ignored him..and faced the audience

Good morning everyone I'm by name Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...

Then he started talking..

Chigozie: 😘😍😘😉😉 winking and making different funny facial expressions to Mike..

Mike: trying to look awày and focus his attention on others..

But chigozie wouldn't stop!

Chigozie: 😍😍😍😘😘🙄☺️😉😉..

Mike: chigozie stop! He said shouting slightly...

The whole people in the room shocked 😂😂..

Mike: 😳😳 oh sorry guys.. sorry please! The managing director was looking at me some way..

Everyone laughing so loud..😂😂😂

Chigozie: 😂😂😂

Mike: thank you! He said and went to his seat..

Chigozie: are you done sir? 😂

Mike: yes sir..

Few people still laughing 😂..

Chigozie: ok ok.. we will start with the voting for best presentation..

Then the secretary brought out a little basket and asked them to write the name of the company they thought had the best presentation..

Few minutes later they were done and the program was dismissed.

Immediately after that Mike took his laptop and left the room immediately..

Chigozie: followed him out immediately..

I know he would want to run away again..he said while walking very fast so he could get to Mike..

Mike: got outside looking around for where he packed his car..

Chigozie: behind him.

Don't tell me you're trying to run away again...

Mike: turned as saw chigozie...

Hmmmm what are you doing here?

Chigozie: you want to go without telling me? He said calmly..

Mike: hmmm... Why should I tell you ?

Chigozie: Mike stop! Stop please. Stop making it too hard for us. I don't like it.. why will you go without telling me.. I don't even have your number or know anything about where you live.

Mike: give me your phone..

Chigozie: gave him the phone..

Mike: typed his number on the phone..

Chigozie: collected the phone and dialed the number..

Save mine... Now

Mike: I'll..

Chigozie; no. Now! He said authoritatively

Mike: saved the number... Can I go now?

Chigozie: no. Tell me where you live. I need to know. You might decide not to answer my call I know you with that..

Mike: hmmm... Chigozie what is your problem?

Chigozie: just tell me what I asked for! He said looking at Mike with a serious face..

Mike; hmmmmm... Ok I stay at Bla bla bla..

Chigozie: you better don't lie to me! Because I won't like it..

Mike: I'm not lying oga.. but please call me before coming..

Chigozie: 😉😉😉 okay!

Mike: ok bye.. he said and left..

Chigozie: yes! Finally 😉☺️ he said to himself while looking at Mike driving off..

Scene 4( Mike and chigozie at Mike's family house)

Kate: oh oh chigozie! Long time...how are you?

Chigozie: fine dear. And you?

Kate: fine how is your family? You finally decided to visit us today..

Chigozie: hahaha.. I have always wanted that.. just kinda busy...

Kate: ok please come inside.. let me call your friend for you..

Chigozie: ok.. thank you he said smiling..

Few minutes later Mike came out and met chigozie at the living room talking with his mom and sister.

Mike: 😳😳😳.. what are you doing here? He said loudly..

Mom: what do you mean?

Chigozie; 😉😉😉😉...

Chapter 27? Loading..

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