

At this time, the wind was blowing from the southeast on the ocean, and the ship was sailing downwind, in a direction directly opposite to the wind.

"Please steer the ship towards the southeast."Upon hearing Bai Tian's words, Xiao'er immediately instructed the helmsman to change course.

After saying this, Xiao'er went back into the hold, planning to get something to eat before coming back out to check on things.

Seeing Xiao'er go in, the chief helmsman muttered, "We just need to tweak the sails a tad. Just a gesture, really. We shouldn't change our general course."

Looking at Xiao'er, a young girl barely out of her infancy, the chief helmsman assumed her instructions were mere child's play. However, he also suspected she was someone of importance, and knew such young ladies were usually stubborn. If he refused, she would make a fuss, so he thought of pretending to comply but actually maintaining the original course.

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