"Under the heavens, all land belongs to the king; along the borders of the land, all people are subjects of the king. Didn't you say that this place is within the boundaries of Yongzhou? Yongzhou is the territory of the Beizhou Country, and I don't believe that the Fosheng Sect can resist the imperial power! Leave this matter to me!"
When Murong Qiqi said this, both the scar-faced man and the dwarf understood that she intended to use Feng Cang as her means.
"Miss, no! You can't sacrifice yourself for this! That sickly Feng Cang doesn't deserve you, I won't let you sacrifice your appearance for him!"
"Smack!" The dwarf received another lash on his head. The previous two times were just ticklish, but this time Murong Qiqi used a bit of strength, making the dwarf cover his head and jump around. "Miss, I'm telling the truth. If you seduce Feng Cang, everyone will oppose it!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: