
The First Monster in a Long Time

Monsters just like humans were able to gain experience, experience was built from past events as well as memories, also creating perceptions of specific things.

Every monster long enough had its attitude towards Phantoms. If it was someone strong, then the monster had already killed quite a few Phantoms along the way, it considered itself stronger and higher than humans.

The Blinding Sylphyre was one of those monsters.

Most of the Phantoms that tried to get to the Fortress of the Lone Serpent tried to take the obvious path - the bridge, respectively facing the Blinding Sylphyre and dying an ignominious death.

The monster expected the lone Phantom to be trembling with fear, or at least be deadly serious preparing for a possibly lethal battle, but...

There was only excitement in Adam's eyes, a desire to fight without even contemplating defeat was not an option.

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