
Chapter 11: Reactions & Life After the Game


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

"Italicized text" : Telepathy,

[ ] : Spells, Techniques and Sacred Gear Casts,

"Bold text": Ddraig & Albion.


Narrator POV

In the underworld, news of Riser's humiliating and brutal defeat at the hands of a human had somehow begun to spread. This elicited different reactions from different families and their heads.

Some of the younger generation of devils mocked Riser, calling him a stain on the pride of devils. Others wished that they could get their hands on the human that was powerful enough to eliminate an entire peerage by themselves without a single wound. At the end of the day, Riser was the butt of the joke.

The current Gremory family head, Zeoticus Gremory, had gone to apologize to the Phenex family head. But instead of being met with an angry reception, he was surprised to see that the family was relaxed about the matter.

The family head even said that it was good that Riser had experienced such a defeat, so that way he could grow out of the overly arrogant mindset he had formed over the years. Safe to say, Zeoticus was surprised but thankful that it didn't balloon into a drastically worse situation.

As for Riser himself, he had been mentally scarred by the brutality with which Haruki dealt with him. The silent rage and thick killing intent that he had been bombarded with still lingered in his mind. He still remembered the agony he felt from Haruki's claws tearing into him, his draconic eyes looking at him coldly as he tortured him for what felt like an eternity. Safe to say, without expert help, Riser would never recover from the experience.

This incident had also gained the attention of one of the Satans, Serafall Leviathan. "Hmm, so this is the boy that So-tan was so interested in. Well, at least he's strong. But that doesn't explain why she'd be so interested in him that she'd ask me to help her gather information about his family. So just what is it that makes you so interesting, human boy?" She asked herself in deep thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by a slam of papers on her office table, causing her to sigh in exasperation as she was being held prisoner by the jailer that is extensive paperwork.

Among all the reactions and thoughts, intrigue was the most prominent of them. Sirzechs, in joy filled revelry, had shown the recording of the battle to the other members of the Gremory family, save for his son Milicas, due to the Haruki's gratuitous brutality.

Another party that had taken interest in Haruki, that being Tannin, the Blaze Meteor Dragon and Queen of the devil Mephisto Pheles. "So this boy is the child of Mephisto's beloved disciple, eh? He's not too shabby. He might even be able to give me a challenge. I guess I'll only be able to find out if I meet him." He said with a smirk as he noticed Haruki's clear use of draconic power.

When he saw his hands turn into claws, a memory of a story he was told in his younger days played in his mind, a story of humans that could use the powers of dragons to kill other dragons, humans that could even utilize the power of dragon kings if they ever grew powerful enough. "Could he be related to them? If he is, then I guess the world should prepare to experience an upheaval unlike anything before."

The person of interest is currently asleep on a much larger bed than the one he had when he woke up in this world for the first time, flanked by a nude Rias and Akeno in lingerie, with Koneko laying on top of him.

You see, a few days back, two days after the rating game, Rias visited Haruki's home to ask his parents for permission to live with them as one of Haruki's women. Hanabi was too happy to accept, after all, if he had multiple girlfriends and they lived so close to him, it wouldn't be all that long before she'd have grandchildren.

Nadeyoshi however, was a bit concerned, as he didn't want any devils that are a part of the leadership coming to his home. They had both gotten the news of their son one-sidedly beating a High Rank devil that is part of the 72 pillars. While Hanabi saw no issue with it, Nadeyoshi did, as Haruki hadn't told them that he'd be doing that at any time.

"Honey, if you keep trying to criticize his own decisions, he'll eventually make the decision to leave, and we both know that we'll be powerless to stop him or make him change his mind." Hanabi told him, letting him understand that while Haruki isn't 18 yet, he is fully capable of making important life decisions for himself and dealing with whatever consequences may follow.

"Fine, but from what she has said, she's going to be living here. How are you going to deal with replacing the enchantments that you've put on this house when she'll inevitably ask for devils to expand or renovate the place?" He said, putting heavy air quotes on expand and renovate.

"She won't have to, expanding space and doing transmutation is a lot easier for me than you'd think." Hanabi said, snapping her fingers. As soon as she did, the room expanded becoming over 5 times its original size. She snaps her fingers again, reverting the room to its former size.

"Haruki is a genius, so I have no doubts that he could learn how to do the same, if he hasn't already. And if you're going to start wondering how I'd feel cooking for extra mouths, you should know that I'd be delighted to do so. So don't worry so much, okay." She said softly and he just nodded with a sigh.

Despite the fact that the conversation was focused on Haruki, he wasn't present. He was somewhere else, busy with someone that hadn't been heard from for well over a week, the stray exorcist, Freed Sellzen.

The artificial human looked like a fading shadow of his former self. His formerly robust form looked emaciated and weak, his eyes were devoid of the mad light that used to be there, his normally loud voice had been reduced to hoarse groans and mumbles.

The one responsible for this transformation was seated in front of him with two large jars filled to the brim with blood. "Seeing you now, I can only say that the members of the Siegfried Foundation outdid themselves. Any other human without a healing factor would have died from what you've gone through, but here you are, still alive, like a fucking roach." Haruki said from his chair.

"I already told you everything that you asked me, so why the fuck are you doing this shit to me?" Freed asked with blood mixing with his spittle. "After a while, I kinda started torturing you for the hell of it. I mean, I have actual dragon slayer powers. I have no need for your blood or Gram. But, your involvement with the Holy Sword Project caught my interest, or rather, your involvement with Valper Galilei."

"Who'd have thought that the person he was closest to succeeding with is also the person who wants to kill him the most?" Freed's expression didn't change, but deep down, he was shaken. Valper had told him of the Holy Sword Project and how it had failed. He also told him about the one closest to success, Isaiah, but Freed had believed they Isaiah had been long since dead, so hearing that Isaiah's alive and wants to kill Valper was disconcerting to him.

"You're probably wondering where Isaiah could be. Well, since I'll be sending you on your merry way today, I guess I could let you know. Yuuto Kiba, that's Isaiah's new identity." Freed's expression shifted to shock. He wouldn't have expected that the Knight of the Gremory heiress was once a member of the church.

"I guess I'll leave you with another bit of info. Your blood that I said I don't need will be put to good use." Haruki said as he created a magic circle, specifically an alchemical circle.

He then placed the two jars of blood in the middle of the circle, then activated it. The jars disintegrated into magic energy and the blood pooled together into a ball that was then compressed into a solid red crystal.

"If they're able to get their hands on Valper, I'll give them this to help Kiba also be able to use Gram." Freed's eyes widened as he thought of the implication of what Haruki had said. If the crystal that Valper had was able to smoothly be assimilated by Rias' Knight, and this new crystal was added into the mix, Rias would theoretically have a Knight that can create swords with holy, demonic and dragon slaying power in them.

"Well, you're no longer needed or wanted, so goodbye." Haruki said and blasted Freed with his destruction flames, leaving no trace of Freed's presence.

Returning to the present, Haruki had just woken up with Rias' bare breasts on his face, his left arm on Akeno's crotch and a nightwear clad Koneko laying on his chest.

He looks at all of them with a smile, then wakes them up. Rias with a sharp suck on her nipples, Akeno with a small jolt to hers and Koneko with a frigid breeze. Rias and Akeno moaned out in pleasure, while Koneko looked up at him with a pout.

"You said that you were going to have your club meeting at Issei's place, so get up." He says, nudging them to get up. They eventually get up in between moans and groans, then drag him to the bathroom to clean up, and get frisky if given the opportunity.

After cleaning up, they went downstairs to prepare breakfast, with Rias and Akeno joining Hanabi in the cooking, while Koneko and Haruki set the table. After the cooking was finished, they had breakfast with Hanabi and Nadeyoshi, then headed to the Hyoudou residence.

Kiba and Asia were already there, conversing with Gorou and Miki, while Issei washed the dishes. Miki was thankful for Haruki's efforts to help Issei lessen his lecherous behavior, and for the fact that he had friends that had proven to be a good influence on her son.

As they were talking, Miki brought out a photo album showing Issei's growth from a baby all the way until middle school. Asia seeing Issei's child form, got a glint in her eyes as something was born inside her mind, but that's a story for another day.

Kiba happened to hone in one one particular photo, one in which Issei was with another child, with a sword being hung on the wall behind them. Haruki checks the photo as well, and calls Issei's attention to it.

Issei says that he hadn't seen or heard from the child or the child's family ever since they moved. Haruki manipulates the sound of their voices, to make sure their conversation doesn't reach Gorou and Miki's ears. "That sword in the background, it's a holy sword. It seems that your friend left because they had something to do as part of the church's forces."

Issei hearing this, was flabbergasted. "So you mean to say that I have very likely had a relationship with people who are part of the supernatural, and I had no idea." Haruki nods in confirmation. "Damn."

"But why would you be so interested in it, Kiba?" Issei asks him, but he stays silent. "It's probably because of the Holy Sword Project." Kiba quickly turns his head to look at Haruki.

"The Holy Sword Project. What's that meant to be?" Issei asks in confusion. "It's not something that we can properly talk about here in your home, Issei. It's better we do so at school." Everyone nods silently.

After the meetup had finished, they all went to school and had the same normal day, with Matsuda and Motohama being chased and beaten up by the members of the Kendo club for peeping at girls, classes being as boring as they could possibly be, due to the fact that Haruki had cast a Mind spell on them that causes them to memorize information that they receive, so they all knew most of what would be taught in class.

Eventually the school day ends and they all head to the ORC clubroom, only to meet Sona and her peerage, who were heading there as well. "Ah, Haruki-kun, I see you're here as well." Sona says happily, much to her new pawn, Saji Genshirou's, displeasure.

"Hey, Sona. It's good that you're here. If you don't mind following us, I've got something important to talk about, and your presence will be required." Haruki replies with a smile. "Oh, sure thing. I'll follow you then." She says, causing Saji to elicit a groan, which everyone ignores.

Upon entering the ORC clubroom, Haruki goes to sit on the president's seat, much to the surprise of Sona'a peerage members, except for Sona herself and Tsubaki, her queen. But seeing that the supposed owner of the seat didn't complain, they remain silent.

"Okay, let's get down to business. First off, the details of what happened prior to me beating up Riser. Rias signed a contract that stated that the moment it was put into effect, she would quite literally surrender her everything to me. In other words, her part of the shared authority over Kuoh that Sona and her have is now mine." Haruki says, causing Sona to enter a short bout of contemplation.

Sona then looks at Rias, wo is smiling happily. "So does that mean that even her consciousness is now yours as well?" She asks Haruki. "Somewhat. Basically, since she is mine, she can never accept another being's claim or command, regardless of the situation or consequences."

"I see. So will you do the same to me?" Sona replies with a smirk, causing everyone in the room to look at her strangely, even Tsubaki. "No, I don't plan to do that. After all, going by your own rules, you're already mine." He says calmly.

"Wait. What's that supposed to mean?" Rias says with a frown. "I beat her in chess. Three times in a row, at that. So going by the rule she put for her engagement, she is technically engaged to me." The sound of something shattering could be heard in the distance.

"Hmm, I see. And when was this?" "About a month before you came to my room." He replies without skipping a beat. "I see. Hmph." Rias sits down with a scowl on her face.

"Well, since the first order of business has been dealt with, we'll get to the second." Haruki says with a serious voice. "That shitty crow contacted me recently." His words raise everyone's brows as they try to identify who he's talking about.

"Right, I forgot that you're not that close to him. I'm talking about the Governor General of Grigori, Azazel." Their eyes all widen, while Akeno claps her hand like she finally understood who he referred to.

"Hold your questions and shock for another time, this talk is more important. Azazel told me that one of the cadres of Grigori is likely targeting both Rias and Sona. To be specific, his greatest suspicion is on Kokabiel." The room begins to buzz with electricity as Akeno's anger shoots up after hearing his name.

"Ehem. There's that, and there's also the fact that he told me that someone stole fragments of Excalibur from the church not that long ago." The atmosphere in the room became heavy after the news. Kiba's eyes seem to darken and go vacant. This talk was not going to be pleasant.

Chapter End.

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Sorry for the late chapter. I'm preparing to write some exams, so shaving time to write has been a bit difficult. Thank you for understanding and have a nice day.

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