
Chapter 6 World 1: Settling Down in Desmont.

"That's just how things go between leaders. Pete must be planning to convert the survivors into our group." Leo posted up next to John. 

"Who takes over if Pete dies?" John asked calmly. 

"Let's not think about that, okay?" Leo nervously chuckled, praying that Pete would win this fight. 

Dagger vs blade, but despite Pete's dagger's obvious length disadvantage, Pete was no worse off against this sword wielder. It made one think that if he had a sword of his own, this battle could've been over already. While Leo cheered on Pete, John took this opportunity to help out any Black Snakes in trouble. John accurately tossed whatever was around him at the rival gang. 

Ever since eating that fruit from the System God, John had impeccable aim. If he had the will, he could hit anything. It made him wonder if he should take up the bow in the future. His flail for close range and the bow for long distance. If he lied that it was for hunting, he might be able to get someone to sell it to him. Regular citizens aren't supposed to be in hold of weapons, but it wasn't as if it was a law or something. The military would just give you a lot of trouble for owning one, as in their eyes, Why would an innocent person need tools for murder? 

It didn't cross their minds that some weapons had more than one purpose. A sword was indeed only useful for killing men, but a bow or knife were very useful tools for hunting. Not that John would know anything about hunting. He was a farmer, after all. 

Eventually, Pete defeated the Hungry Wolves's leader with several deep-blade wounds. Before he could allow himself to be taken for treatment, he stood up straight and looked at all the remaining bandits. Both sides stopped fighting and focused on Pete as if they had no other choice but to focus on this man. 

"Black Snakes are now the underground rulers of this town! All those who were previously a part of the Hungry Wolves, we will take you in as a fellow Snake. If not, feel free to leave your head behind. We Black Snakes have already defeated a commander of the Somar army! Don't you useless bastards want to become a part of something great? A group that will be spoken about in history by those stuck-up asshole scholars and nobles!?" Pete's speech began and ended. 

"Yeah!" More than half shouted in agreement. 

"Then wait till I heal up from my wounds, and I'm going to pave the way of immortality for you bastards. We will never be forgotten or ignored if you follow me!" Pete ended it with that and allowed himself to be carried out by his men. 

John exited the inn with Leo, chatting his head off excitedly next to him. He stared into the air as if focusing on only something he could see. The System God rewarded him, and John felt he was a little bit closer to discerning the purpose of the deity. Acts of banditry gave him rewards. He received two x100 rewards this time. Two books, to be exact, was what he received. The Art of Wielding a Flail and How to Command & Lead as a Leader. 

It was strange to John that he could read the titles of the books because he didn't know how to read in the first place. Most commoners went their entire lives without knowing how to read. John silently prayed in gratitude toward the System God. If the Great One wishes for him to become a bandit, he shall do so wholeheartedly now. Of course, he would become a bandit worthy of the Great One's attention. A bandit that will live on in history... 


"The Black Snakes certainly came this way..." An aged man listened to the reports given by the survivors of Hutmut Village. 

"It appears we'll meet them at Desmont if they don't flee further into the country, sir." 

"If we're lucky, our messenger will be able to inform Captain Frank at Desmont about them to deal with before we arrive." 

"If not, we'll come upon another slaughter of Somar's soldiers by the hands of vagrants, criminals, and low-lives." The weathered veteran had an intense look of rage on his face. "To think our men have fallen so low to fall to mountain bandits." 

"I've already sent out messengers to inform all nearby military heads to increase the intensity of their soldiers' training." 

"Make sure to send out trusted men that can't be bribed to check on them now and again in the future to compare the differences." 

"Yes, General Gordon!" The soldier shouted. 


"So there's some rats making their nest in my town, huh?" Captain Frank squeezed the wine bottle in his hand. 

"They've already taken over the businesses previously owned by the Hungry Wolves! People are saying they've had a dispute inside Greenback's Inn and the Black Snakes came out the victors." 

"One pack of rats for another…" Captain Frank sighed. "Gather the men. Let's go make sure they understand who's in charge and how they're going to scurry around in my town." Captain Frank put down the wine bottle. 

"Yes, sir!" The assistant soldier rushed out of the office. 


John and Lydia read and studied the two books given by the System God. Lydia had no issue reading the books, but that was because she was taught to read at a young age thanks to her well-off cousin who married into a noble family as a fourth concubine. John could not read any text other than the ones in the books. It was unbelievable to both him and Lydia, but he only gave the System God his most heartfelt prayers. 

The books came easy to John. It didn't take long for John to absorb the knowledge within both books over the course of a week. John didn't understand why this was so but once again could only give his Lord his gratitude. And his wife, of course. Lydia was very helpful in aiding John in understanding some of the more complex strategies listed within How to Command & Lead as a Leader. She drew out little symbols in the dirt with a stick to help him. The circles were their men, while the squares were their enemies. Then Lydia began taping certain areas of the battlefield while also drawing lines and arrows and sometimes the natural terrain, doing her best to teach in several ways. John asked questions aloud to himself to make sure that he understood precisely what Lydia was attempting to teach him. When she nodded, they moved on to the next chapter or section. If she shook her head, Lydia changed the battlefield once more. All in all, it was a rather fun experience being taught by his wife. Lydia thought it was fun to teach and read about new things. 

Since Pete and the other bandits were consolidating their foothold in this city, John used this opportunity to spend time with his wife and properly put the Great One's gifts to good use. John trained with his metal flail in the backyard of their new home he purchased with Lydia. He simply gave the previous owners enough money, and they willingly gave him the house. Lydia, surprisingly, was like a fish in the water when it came to his leader book. She was absorbed in that book whenever he left the backyard after practicing with his flail. 

John felt sad that his wife wouldn't be able to put the knowledge inside the book to good use because of her physical condition. How could a leader lead without being able to speak? John vowed to find a way to cure his wife's condition. The lord wanted him to act like a bandit, right? What if he decided to steal from a doctor who only performed treatment on nobles? Could he receive some medicine reward?! John didn't take long to think about it. Two days later, he arrived at the house of Desmont's richest doctor with his mask on. He politely knocked on the door and waited until a short, wrinkly old man came out and looked up at him. A look of disgust and irritation appeared on his face after he appraised the quality of John's clothes. 

"Leave my home immediately before I call the military to lock you up for disturbing my rest. I doubt someone like you has enough funds to afford my skills. I don't do charity. Go to one of those herbalists in town if you want treatment." Physician Odel had no fear, confusion, or hesitation as he told the masked man off. 

"Give me all of your wealth, or I will break your legs." John had no issue with following through on this threat. 

It wasn't as if this doctor treated anyone other than nobles. Personally, John didn't care one bit about any nobles ever since his experience with Ryze. Maybe that would change one day in the future, but as a bandit, he doubted it. Why would a noble ever be on friendly terms with someone they consider below them? 

"Guards! Come deal with his ruffian!" Physician Odel yelled inside the house. 

John was in disbelief at the nerve of this old man but didn't let it affect his actions. He snatched the man by the back of his neck, walked into the small manor solely dedicated to the physician, and very lightly squeezed. Odel screamed his tiny little head off from the pressure around his neck and soon realized he wasn't messing with any ruffian but a madman! He screamed out to his guards for help. 

"Release the lord immediately, criminal!" The head guard had his sword unsheathed. 

"I'll let him go once I've taken everything. So, doctor, take me to your belongings. I only came for money, but I could take some lives while I'm at it, depending on your behavior." John set the atmosphere of this robbery firmly. 

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