

Chapter 88: Saving People

Savior finally got out of the moon's core.

It took a long time, but he finally did it. He successfully combined negative life energy (NLE) with life energy (LE).

He gained the concept of life energy Great Master, but didn't reach the Grandmaster level, not even close. Achieving the Grandmaster level takes far more than just research.

Gaining the Great Master realm is good already; he wouldn't have succeeded if he wasn't the main protagonist.

Rachel promoted him to be the main protagonist.

LE has a positive charge; it can heal mortals' bodies; NLE is its polar opposite, with a negative charge that harms living beings.

However, they are only the polar opposite in charge; their essence is the same.

What makes one 'living'? Is it the soul, body, meat, or blood?

The answer is life energy.

Anything with life energy is alive, and anything without life energy is dead.

The undead don't have life energy; they have negative life energy (NLE). So, they are dead because they lack life energy.

However, even the undead are paradoxically kind of in the 'living category.'

It's best to call them 'negative living creatures.' They are the opposite side of the same coin, but still the same coin.

Many don't know this about the undead; they just assume the undead are evil corpses that came back to life.

Indeed, the undead don't have a soul, but the soul is not necessary to live; only life energy is necessary.

The soul can be substituted with artificial souls or different charges; skilled, high-ranking beings can even replace the soul with illusions.

The undead cannot have a soul because the NLE destroys the soul, but they have soul replacements. Low-ranking vampires should drink blood as a replacement for the soul; zombies eat brains as a replacement; skeletons consume NLE directly as a replacement for the soul; mummies eat the flesh of living beings as a replacement, etc.

Low-ranking beings don't know why the undead behave evil; in fact, nothing about the undead is inherently evil. It's just that most undead are drawn to evil due to what they must do to survive.

Savior was very surprised to learn these things about the undead. He had also assumed the undead were evil, but he didn't know the truth was like this.

If he could find a way to help the undead find a replacement for the soul, then he might solve the undead problem completely.

Of course, it wouldn't be easy. He still failed to solve this problem after thousands of years of research.

However, he did have other discoveries and inventions.

Life energy(LE) and NLE are the same; only the charge differs. But, the charge problem was complicated to fix. Different charges destroy each other, so when NLE and LE come into contact, 'neutral Life energy' forms.

Neutral life energy (NeLE) is a misleading name; NULE has no energy. It's just a wave with infinitely low frequency.

As a result, in practice, any collision between NLE and LE eliminates energy from the world. To allow them to mix without losing their energy, Savior did something only a few advanced Rank 11 civilizations know.

He created a formation with fragment laws of Magnetic and Isolation, separated the charges from NLE and LE, put the negative and positive charges in the formation, and stored the resulting NeLE in the formation in isolation, preventing it from escaping.

Anytime he needs to use Negative life energy(NLE), he mixes NeLE with Negative energy, and the process is the same with Life energy.

It sounds simple, but the formation, execution, etc., all take time, talent, and luck to accomplish.

With this system, Savior has a powerful means of attack and healing. One good thing about NeLE is it's very concentrated and easy to store. So, he is now carrying massive reserves of them on his body.

He can heal living beings or undead with them, no matter how damaged they are. The efficiency would improve when he devises spells that work with LE and NLE. But designing spells is for later; now, he wants to return.

In addition, he has invented other methods and some spells that can be used even for the resurrection of living people. He is excited to use his new abilities to help everyone.

Rachel waved her hand and returned the two of them.


Savior looked around, and his heart ached.

"How can he do this?" he nearly cried.

After his return, he came to his favorite holiday place only to find it destroyed.

He was standing on the Red River continent, which was completely burnt. This continent had beautiful landscapes and many fun places, like casinos, strip clubs, etc., that he used to go to in his youth.' He had many children here, all of whom were liked by his father.

He could recognize his father's spells, and these were his handiwork.

"What are you going to do?" asked Rachel.

While tears flowed, he looked determined and declared, "I'm going to resurrect everyone!"

"You know it's not possible," Rachel said.

"In rank 8, yeah, it's not, but when I'm rank 9, it is!" he retorted.

"Even in rank 10, it's still impossible," Rachel shook her head.

"Are you going to help me reach rank 9 or not?" he asked coldly.

"Of course," Rachel used her ability and produced many rank 8 pills.

Savior sat cross-legged. Reaching rank 9 is only a difference in quantity, not quality. He is already at the peak of rank 8.

It was estimated that it would take 20,000 years for him to reach rank 9, but after gaining the main protagonist's luck, the time shrank by half.

He started it without hesitation. He took pills to shrink and condense his fragment laws and quickly produced a trace of rank 9 concentration fragment law. It went so smoothly that he was surprised. No one should underestimate the main protagonist's luck.

After consolidating his realm a little, he stood up and looked at the river of time.

Everything gets recorded in the river of time. The river of time used to be flawed, but Rachel long fixed it. Now, the river of time again records everything. There are missing pieces because of the loss of heaven, but those are about the past. People who lived on this continent are surely all recorded.

He dug deep into the river of time, locating the position of this continent. With his eyes closed, he started recording details of all the people who lived here—their lives, last positions, memories, bodies, etc.

A rank 9 mage has the mental capacity to do this. After all, it's only a continent. Only rank 10s could have done it if it was a whole world.

He continued.

He wants to resurrect everything and repair even inanimate objects. He carefully recorded the positions of mountains, rocks, rivers, and every detail.

When it all finished, he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He can do it, but it's not easy.

He took a deep breath and started.

"Landscape manipulation!" he shouted.

Great quantities of energy began depleting. Still, rank 9 energy is derived from fragment laws, so it is very powerful; Savior was able to hold on.

He took some pills to make sure his reserves were enough.

Everywhere began to change. Many mountains that were melted and flattened began to retake their shape. The Red River, which dried, regained its water.

After a while, everything returned to their original place.

"The first phase is done!" he thought.

Only non-living beings recovered.

To recover living beings, Life Energy (LE) is necessary.

If it were before, it would have taken a very long time to collect this much LE, but now...

"The easier part began!" he closed his eyes again.

"Life Recovery!" he cast.

As he said it, the trees began to grow back. In a few moments, everywhere was as it was before. It wasn't just trees; even birds and insects began appearing. Gradually, animals and humans began to appear as they were before the destruction.

It's just that all were unconscious. This is what happens when one doesn't have a soul. They are alive but not conscious.

Savior took a deep breath. He looked at the city around him. This city was not here before; it appeared due to his recovery. Still, everyone around was on the ground unconscious.

"Now, the hardest part!" he thought and began without hesitation.

He had discovered an important secret during his research, a discovery significant enough that Rachel found it impressive. She probably already knew it but didn't expect Savior to find it out.

Living beings can also lose their souls and can substitute them. The best substitute for the soul? It's very unexpected, but it's Negative Life Energy.

It should not just circulate the body but be in a formation.

Savior knew the potential use of this method, so he spent a lot of time researching a spell that could utilize it practically. He combined three spells: 'mass formation,' 'simple formation,' and 'imprint,' along with 'Negative soul formation,' all together.

The resulting spell was named by him 'Resurrection of Masses.' The hardest part was to combine 'imprint' with 'negative soul formation'; other parts were much easier.

He took hundreds of rank 9 'energy' pills that Rachel had collected in the days he was researching. Then ...

"Super ultra Wide expand double triple quadruple quintuple sextuple septuple octuplet Resurrection of masses!"

Massive amounts of energy started to disappear from his body, but with all those pills, he had enough energy.

He released a lot of Negative Life Energy (NLE) along with that energy.

The formations formed in living beings' bodies, and the negative energy filled in, acting like a soul. Every living being on the continent, from bacteria to Elves and humans, regained life in just a moment.

He smiled and coughed blood.

He had just broken through, and he drew a great quantity of NLE just now. NLE is stored within a formation in his body, and drawing too much at once is not good for his body.

Still, he is ready to sacrifice himself to save these people. He will fix everything his father destroys.

He sees himself as responsible for his father's actions.

Rachel sighed but didn't say anything. She is not against doing good; if it can motivate Savior, then she will encourage him. She wants her host to advance, nothing more, nothing less.


Liz looked around. "Hmm? Did I fall asleep? Weird! I'm a knight attendant. I shouldn't fall asleep like this! I hope it's not too late!" she stood up.

It's easier for women, but they still have to work. If she gets to training too late, they may look down on her and all women. As one of the first women knight attendants, she felt great responsibility.

So, she hurried up to get to training on time.


A while later, Zagronan heard that the Red River continent had suddenly been repaired. He checked for himself using a spell and was enraged.

"I just sharpened my edges, and now, that boy ruined it all! I feel my edges are all broken and blunt! I'm going to kill him!"

He began to fly!

Chapter 89: Blame

"Where is Savior?" Zagronan asked Rachel.

"Information regarding other hosts is classified!" she answered.

Zagronan knew Rachel wouldn't budge, so he searched the river of time. To his surprise, he couldn't find anything.

He would have been able to find something if Savior was rank 8, so this shows he reached rank 9.

Zagronan smirked. Even if Savior reaches rank 9, Zagronan isn't afraid of a fight; he is confident he can defeat Savior easily.

A Grandmaster in the concept of illusions is incomparable with any rank 9. Even against rank 10, they may have a slight chance of running with their life.

As for defeating rank 10 with only rank 9, it may happen in dream worlds, but not in reality! The difference between a fragment law and a complete law is beyond anything that can reached with only mastery realm alone.

"Let's just destroy everywhere until he shows up!" he thought. 

He is sure Savior wouldn't just watch as he destroys everything. 


Teleportation between continents is not possible, even for rank 9s. That is unless they create long-distance teleportation infrastructures. 

Such infrastructures exist but are controlled by powerful rank 9 forces. Zagronan didn't want to deal with those forces, so he just decided to fly.

He started moving, and after a few days, he looked at the Red River, which was like before he destroyed it.

"Let's start," he grinned.

"Wait!" Rachel said.

"What?" he asked.

"Leave this continent. Savior placed some of his inventions here, and I want to see the result!" she said. 

She already knew the NLE soul replacement method, but what Savior had done slightly differed from the database method. Even though it's a very low-level technique, and the help to her would be negligible, still, knowing it is better than not knowing.

Zagronan gritted his teeth and obeyed Rachel. 

He always listened to Rachel, no matter what; obeying Rachel did not blunt his edges. Obeying Rachel was like complying with the world's laws; it was inevitable. 


He left the Red River continent intact.

But there are many other continents in the world. One after another, he went on a frenzy and destroyed thousands of continents.

He only destroyed only weak continents so that he wouldn't upset rank 9 forces. Even though he is confident of winning, he doesn't want trouble for now.

There are countless weak continents to sharpen edges, so why attack strong continents?

Zagronan's edges sharpen better when he kills the weak. Fighting same-rank mages wouldn't really sharpen his edges.

This behavior is classic of demons; they always like to bully the weak and run from the strong.

Of course, it is despicable in the minds of most, but Zagronan, as a proud demon, wouldn't care what others think of him.

Even after he destroyed thousands of continents, Savior didn't show up.

Zagronan was genuinely surprised. He thought Savior would come to stop him.

He still believes Savior would eventually come to restore them.

So he kept watch of each continent, waiting for Savior to appear.

"Hey, Zag, you know that I wouldn't agree to you killing Savior, right?" she asked.

"Please, Rachel! I can make more children far better than him! Let me kill this brat!" he begged. He felt his edges would get rusty if he allowed Savior to live.

Rachel thought about it. 

As Rachel #1, she could decide the fate of everyone here. She would allow Zag to kill Zag if she thought keeping Savior would cause more trouble than he is worth. She does not care about Savior; everything is about losses and gains.

As for the principle of not killing the host, she won't kill Zagronan; Savior was not her host; he was her incarnation's host. Killing Savior would not bring bad karma for the rank 13 evaluation.

But that all said, she still put her thumb on the scale in favor of Savior; hosts always receive some special treatment in their favor.

After a moment, she shook her head. "I want him alive! He has a lot of potential. You are not allowed to kill him!"

"Then, can I at least beat him up?" he asked, frustrated.

"No, just leave him alone! Go sharpen your edges destroying continents!" she suggested.

"He won't let me! He will repair all I destroy! No matter how much I sharpen, he will ruin it!"

Zagronan was frustrated. 

If Savior repaired his destruction, his edges could not be sharpened.

Rachel rolled her eyes.

'Sharpening the edges' is just an excuse; he enjoys destroying things and is addicted to it. He wouldn't get weaker if he didn't 'sharpen his edges.'

She keeps quiet now because he is about to reach rank 10, but after he advances, she will no longer allow him to 'sharpen.'

'Sharpening edges' is an addition to destruction, and like any other addiction, it's very harmful, and it gets worse. He has to quit this addiction; otherwise, it gets worse and worse until he becomes a chaotic demon that only knows destruction.

At that time, he might not even obey Rachel.

Rachel began talking, "It seems you two can no longer live in the same world! I'm going to send him away soon. For now, you go and make preparations for rank 10. When he leaves, come and sharpen your whatever. Then, we reach rank 10," she said.

Zagronan reluctantly agreed.


Savior had a powerful concealment skill.

It was based on NLE and LE. The skill would keep him in a state between living and undead.

Is there a state between the living and the undead? The answer is no. One is either undead or living.

Hence, very few detection skills can detect such a weird state, like between living and undead. He took advantage of this and created a concealment spell that was one of his trump cards.

Still, if he was still rank 8, it wouldn't have worked against Zagronan.

He watched as Zagronan destroyed one continent after another. 

Zag didn't just destroy; he tortured people with special cruelty just to lure Savior out.

It was so horrible that Savior couldn't even watch without crying.

Savior is actually not easy to cry; it's just that recently, the situation has been so horrifying that he cannot help but cry often.

But no matter what, He didn't come out.

He is brave and ready to risk his life to save people, but risking is one thing, and committing suicide is another.

Today's Zagronan is at the peak of rank 9, has the same main protagonist luck, and is much older and more experienced, along with many other rank 9 friends. 

Savior stands no chance. 

If he goes and dies, then nobody else is there to restore things. He is good but not dumb; He is waiting for an opportunity to go and restore things. 

As for when this 'opportunity' arrives, he is not sure.

Before rank 10, Zagronan cannot remove records from the river of time, so Savior is not worried about the destroyed continents. No matter how much time passes, he can always resurrect everyone. 

As for all the torture they suffer before death, Savior will resurrect them to the day before, so they will not remember anything.

In the meantime, Rachel will collect good rank 9 pills as preparation.

"It's time to go!" said Rachel.

"What are you talking about?" he asked in confusion.

"My higher-ups have decided that we should leave here!" she said.

"I don't want to leave! These people counted on me!" he pointed toward destroyed continents.

"Sorry, it's not your choice!" Rachel snapped her fingers and disappeared along with Savior.


Martha Lyons was the CEO of 'Prosperous Enterprise.' 

Prosperous Enterprise was a corporation that ruled large parts of the Lyon continent. 

This world is a rank 12 world run by Rachel. However, Rachel's presence is only in the shadows. On the surface, this is a rank 12 civilization named Corporation Civilization. 

Rachel has many such worlds under her control. Most think she never makes any world; it is, in fact, false. She does create worlds, just not under her name. Many independent civilizations are secretly under her control.

The Prosperous Enterprise is a mega-corporation that controls everything in Lyon continent. It has many subsidiaries, such as Prosperous Mining, Prosperous Research, Prosperous General Government, etc. 

In the Lyon continent, and Corporation Civilization in general, there is no independent 'government'; the corporation is everything one needs, at least according to Prosperous's Board of Governors.

Martha Lyons was chosen as the CEO just a century ago. 

The Board of Governors chooses the CEO; as for who chooses the Board of Governors ...

Of course, the shareholders.

There are no noble families per se, but in practice, there are. The noble families are called senior members, those who own a good chunk of the shares.

There is no country, but there are big factions. The Prosperous Corporation has 9 factions, each representing one of the major shareholders. Those 9 individuals each hold more than one percent of the shares.

As for who owns the rest of the shares, they're owned mostly by other corporations. 

There is one other corporation in the continent and many other corporations in other continents that control most of Prosperous's shares. 

It is not unique to Prosperous; All corporations own each other's shares. It is a standard practice.

It has two main benefits.

First, it prevents wars. Why did Prosperous allow another corporation to remain in the continent, even though it was much larger and stronger? Of course, because Prosperous owns more than 45% of that corporation's shares, any attack is like attacking itself.

Second, one can buy influence. Because Prosperous owns that many shares, the other corporation on the continent is nearly a vessel, so there is no need to conquer. The other corporation still has a CEO and independent policies but will not go against Prosperous in a major way.

This way of governance was prevalent from so long ago that no one remembers. 

In practice, it is not that different from other types of governments. The governing branch of Prosperous sets laws and policies holds a court of justice, etc. It doesn't do all alone; for example, it sets policies that Prosperous Mining suggests can increase mining. 

Mines are a finite resource in some worlds, but mines grow like trees here. They are a renewable source.

Some people live well under it, but most are poor. 

It used to be better, but it began to go downhill from the day Martha Lyons became CEO. 

Many attributed the worsening situation to Martha being a woman.

Because the last 5 CEOs were men, many ordinary people blamed the new CEO's gender as the root of the problem.

The CEO is the talking head of the corporation and the one everyone blames if something goes wrong.

The general public wants to find problems with simple and visible stuff, like someone's gender or color.

The problem is not as simple as men hating women.

If the Last 5 CEOs were women, and under them, the situation was good, and as a man took over, everything nosedived, inevitably, some would point out the obvious difference. 

Many simple people would just believe it.

The root of the problem is that most people are unwilling to dig deeper. They just point out the obvious distinction and consider it the issue.

Prosperous did care about the public option of regular people.

Even though ordinary people were minor shareholders, they formed groups that controlled a good percentage.

So, Prosperous couldn't just oppress ordinary people brutally.

Still, ordinary people had a minority of the shares. Rank 9s, and other corporations held the most shares, which were much more informed and knew that Martha's gender, or even her methods in general, had nothing to do with the worsening situation.

The Taxes increased under her, environmental regulations loosened, and disfavoured speech began to be restricted. 

Prosperous has rank 9 protectors, so no matter how much normal people criticize, they can never seriously threaten the corporation. 

So why did Prosperus restrict speech? Many intellectuals blamed the new CEO for being so thin-skinned, unable to tolerate criticism even from ordinary people who caused no threat to her, a mage with Rank 8 power.


Martha Lyons was meditating. 

These days, the work pressure was enormous, so she meditated regularly. 

Many consider her the reason for the current situation, but she feels it's unfair. She is doing whatever the board orders; she doesn't have control.

Increasing taxes and environmental regulations, restricting speech, etc, were all Board of Governors's doing.

She was only the public face of it.

Recently, Hype Corporation bought a significant share of Prosperus. Along with several other corporations, they teamed up and fired the previous CEO and hired her.

The matters of the Board of Governors were not public, so nobody knew what had happened; all they knew was that the CEO had changed, and everything got worse.

She did try to soften the blow of the changes, but her powers had limits.

Hype didn't want to fore two CEOs in a row, but they would do it if Martha disobeyed them too openly.

She can only work in margins, reduce the punishment for 'speech crimes,' try to clean the environment after the destruction the mining brings, try to reduce taxes in other areas, etc.

She was the reason people still had a life and were not starving.

But nobody saw it, and everyone blamed her.

It was very disheartening.

Still, as the CEO, it was her job to take the criticisms, so she steeled herself and tolerated it.

She sighed and opened her eyes! 

She saw a man with long green hair standing and staring at her!

Chapter 90: I Love You!

Martha, a rank 8 mage, found it terrifying not to notice someone staring at her.

"Who are you?" she asked while calling for reinforcements secretly.

"Hmm… you are beautiful," he said.

Her height was a bit short, slightly thin, and her face was pale.

As a mage, she could take on any look, yet she kept her original appearance. To most people, she appeared normal, maybe slightly below average. 

Therefore, hearing the green-haired man describe her as beautiful was weird, both because of the situation and because she didn't think of herself that way.

"Who are you? Why did you break in?" she didn't attempt to run. 

As a rank 8 mage, she could run if she found him hostile. Staling time is the best bet if he is so strong that she has no chance of escaping. In any case, there is no point in trying to run.

"I'm Savior Greenlong! Happy to meet you," he said. 

Rachel had already explained a bit about this world. He is still very upset about being unable to restore the people in his world, but he isn't the type to become bitter and depressed, losing motivation to move. He would restore them when he returned; until then, he would help whoever else he could.

Martha frowned.

"Okay, I don't mean your name! Who are you, and WHY are you here?" she asked, emphasizing the "WHY."

Savior tied his long hair and said, "I'm here to help." 

In Rachel's explanation, this world's people suffer from bad governance. He plans to fix it.

"What help? Look, this place is my private residence! You can't just barge in! Now, if you have an excuse for barging in, say it; otherwise, get the hell out!" she said.

Savior looked around and noticed where he was. His location was picked by Rachel, not by him. 

"Sorry!" he said and teleported away.

Marth's face got serious.

"Rank 9! How can an unknown rank 9 just appear? He is definitely from somewhere else! I should investigate his purpose for coming here!" she thought.

This world is a rank 12, with one rank 12 chairman known as Cooperation Democracy. 

There are many rank 11 and rank 10 immortals, too; in such an environment, rank 9 is not as eye-catching. But that is when one looks at the whole world from above!

A rank 12's land area is vast, far vaster than rank 11 worlds. One may not find a rank 9 even in one hundred continents. Only some continents that major corporations manage have a high concentration of rank 9s. 

This continent is not one of those. The Lyon continent has 10 rank 9s, all of whom are famous.

Prosperous is a major force in the area, but in the world, it's just a grain of sand on the beach.

After a while, two rank 9s arrived: a cultivator and a corporatist. 

A corporatist is a path similar to mages and cultivators. 

Mages study nature's laws to gain power, while cultivators explore the laws of nature and cultivate themselves to gain power. As a result, mages are better researchers, but cultivators are better fighters. 

However, if one were to determine who among a mage, cultivator, and corporatist has the most combat power, the answer is a corporatist. It's not even close.

Corporatists rely on external forces for power, specifically, the corporation. As a collection of many, the corporation is much more powerful, with much deeper pockets than any single mage and cultivator. 

It's just that corporatists are bound by their corporations. The corporation's board can order them to do things, and a corporatist must obey. Some corporatists have the majority shares in their corporation; they are truly powerful and unrestrained. After all, when one has the majority voting power, nobody can order them to do anything they don't want.

However, for those who don't have a majority, they run the risk of turning into a slave working for the corporation.

The universal law of this world is 'Corporation democracy.' Here, the corporation's shares aren't just on paper; they are ingrained deeply and fully supported by the world.

When one buys a share in a corporation, it also gets recorded in the world's laws. No matter what rank, nobody can take over a corporation without paying. Of course, one may still destroy a corporation. 

This is also the main reason mortals, despite being weak, still have some voice. They have some shares; therefore, according to the world's law, they have the right to participate.

Martha smiled at the two. 

The cultivator was her girlfriend, Eve, a major shareholder with 1.3% of the shares. 

The corporatist was her boyfriend, Philip, who is now nearly a slave of the new board of governors. 

Martha was at a time with both of them; regarding romance, she is open-minded, being with whoever she likes, without regard for gender. 

Many mortals also choose to be with both men and women; it is legal everywhere on the continent. There are no laws regarding social issues like this. 

For Martha, the logic of this is even stronger. After all, as rank 8 and 9s, they can freely change gender, looks, etc; they can even turn into other species.

Although the essence wouldn't change, and it just looks, the appearance is enough for private acts partners do together. 

Only the two rank 9s, her past romance partners, came among all she called. 

It wasn't very reassuring. 

As the CEO, everyone should obey her, but they know she is only the face and doesn't have real power. 

Still, as she ordered, they will eventually come, but they drag their feet. In emergencies, dragging the feet is the same as not coming.

"What's going on, Martha?" asked Philip. 

He is only mid-rank 9, but his combat power equals peak rank 9 mages. 

"A man just appeared here. He was rank 9. I think from another continent. We should investigate his origins and purpose," she said.

"A rank 9 out of nowhere? How did he appear here? The continent has a rank 10 protecting formation!" Eve was confused.

"I don't know. But he was strange. Prioritize this matter; I will go to report it to the board. This matter is serious enough to be reported." Martha said.

Philip nodded and said, "I will follow for protection. Eve, you go and investigate the clues. Call if anything is wrong." 

Eve and Martha nodded.


Savior closed his eyes and sighed. 

"Don't tell me it's love at first sight? These kinds of romances never go well!" Rachel warned.

Savior thought and said, "I don't know! My experience tells me that love is nonsense. But my heart wants to be attached to someone, to truly love someone for no reason. Not for money or power, pure love!" he sighed again.

Rachel almost puked! She was never a romantic person, even when she was human. She was rational, strong, businesswoman type. 

Now, as a pill container, even the tiny bit of romantic taste she had is gone. She looks down on romance, on loving someone without logic; she thinks those people are idiots. These are RACHEL's views.

She said, "Now what? You want to abandon helping people?" she asked.

"No, I want someone, preferably the girl we just saw, to be with me! I want to share my pain through the times! I will be immortal someday, and I don't want to spend eternity alone!" he said.

"Do whatever you want! Just know that a few people are now looking at your traces; hide if you don't want to be found!" Rachel controls this world, so nothing is hidden from her. 

Savior nodded and activated the 'between undead and living' state. Below rank 10, very few can detect him when he is in this state. 


Even though Eve tried hard, she failed to find the mysterious rank 9's location. She found traces, but it was as if he vanished at a certain point.

The board took this matter very seriously. 

Prosperus didn't have any rank 10, but Hype did. As a result, the board of governors requested Hype's help. However, Hype rejected it. 

There are only 3 rank 10s in the entire Hype Corporation. Their time is far more valuable than coming here personally to find some rank 9. They will come if other rank 10s attacked, but anything that can be solved with rank 9s should be handled by rank 9s. 

As a result, Hype sent 3 more rank 9s with good detection abilities for help. These 3 had a lot of skill but still failed to find anything new. 

As a result, it was determined that the man must have a treasure. They speculated the treasure allowed him to pierce through the protective formation. Therefore, he managed to come in and leave secretly. 

The board of governors requested the formation to be upgraded. Hype put the request in a long queue; maybe they will accept it in a few million years.


Savior, who changed his looks and disguised himself, was in a restaurant atop a tree. 

His current appearance was that of a man with red hair and white skin, and he also had pointy ears. After all, this is a wood elf 'city,' so if he wants to blend, he can only disguise himself as an elf.

Savior was naked, too! The culture of wood elves throughout the universe is about respecting nature and opposing clothing; these were default settings by 'Alive,' the rank 14 civilization that created wood elves. 

It's very difficult to change such default settings. Some species have more of a 'default setting,' also known as culture, and some have less. 

Some have none at all! The divine species is an example. They are a very adaptable species that can be both angels and demons; obviously, they are sold like blank sheets with no culture and memory.

Humans also are sold in different kinds. There are mage culture, cultivator culture, modern culture, medieval culture, etc. It's up to the buyer to choose what culture their humans would have. 

For wood elves, there is only one culture: respecting nature and liking being naked. 

The cultures can change, but it takes a long time. The wood elves here have retained nearly all their default cultures.

Savior looked at the food in front of him. It was entirely made of fresh vegetation; it didn't even have salt.

It looked delicious, but after eating one spoon, even Savior, who was more than 100,000 years old, barely swallowed it. 

Of course, he could have disabled his taste buds, but that would eliminate his purpose of trying new foods.

"These wood elves are amazing! How can they eat this?" he was astonished. He tried wood elves' plant-based food before, but those weren't as bad. The foods he ate before had salt and oil, were cooked, and were even delicious. On the other hand, this wasn't cooked, with no spices, oil, or salt.

"These wood elves are much more like their default culture. You know, the default wood elves oppose anything not in its 'natural form.' That means plant-based oil is prohibited; only salt directly taken out of a mine is allowed. Cooking is not allowed, as it changes plants out of their natural form," Rachel explained.

Savior sighed. He hates these kinds of strict laws. In his view, things should be flexible to accommodate everyone comfortably. What if one wood elf doesn't like it? Savior can already imagine scenes where their community would shun them.

As he was thinking of these, Martha finally arrived! 

"I'm glad you came!" he smiled.

"Is what you said true?" she asked.

"Yeah! I am the main protagonist; I can help you!" he said. 

The concept of a protagonist was not unknown to rank 10s. As the CEO of a corporation, Martha also knew what it was.

"Why do you want to help me?" she asked.

Savior said, holding up two fingers, "First, because I researched you, and I know you want to help people exactly like me. The second, because I love you, Martha!" he said.

"What?" she was taken aback! The way he said it made it more creepy than romantic!

"I said I love you!" he repeated. 

Martha suppressed the urge to leave; the 'main protagonist' matter is more important. 

"Okay... now, let's talk about what we want to do!" she changed the topic away from 'love'. 

"Sure," Savior started explaining his plans. 

After a while, Martha was shocked! "You don't get it! Hype is a rank 10 force! Your plan does not work!" she warned. 

Savior smiled, "You are underestimating my main protagonist's luck! With my luck, nobody below rank 12 can harm me! This plan would work, and we will save people from Hype." 

Martha went quiet. For now, she has managed to keep ordinary people from starving, but her ability has limits. Soon, Hype would start exploiting the mines with more intensity. 

At that time, the people in this world would be slaves in everything but name. The people have shares, but only a minority. They can be trampled upon when, like now, one force or coalition has a clear majority. Nobody needs ordinary people's votes, so they don't care about their suffering. 

Martha hailed from an ordinary, poor family. She wanted to help, but until now, she couldn't do much. Now, she has an opportunity to turn things around. That is if Savior was telling the truth. 

She knew about the protagonists's existence, but not much. She didn't know how powerful the legendary protagonist's luck was. 

She thought for a few minutes without talking. Then, she said, "Let's do it!"

Chapter 91: Universal Law of Infinity

Zagronan smiled widely. 

In the last few months, he had been busy destroying many weak continents to sharpen his edges. 

Finally, today, he stopped. 

His mental condition is now excellent. 

As a grandmaster of illusions, it was easy for him to discover the formula for the 'illusion slaughter of 7 demons,' but advancing would be much more challenging. 

He can only try, and if he fails, the experience he gains will fuel him to try again. 

Many of the ingredients were rare, not found in this world. Rachel could only contact regional headquarters and ask for them. She wouldn't have asked if it were anything else, but this is related to a task assigned by the main body. Nothing is more important than that. 

As a result, Zagronan received lots of resources, all kinds of fragment laws, and ways. 

What makes it more complicated are the 'ways.' Fragment laws are the same everywhere, but ways can change from world to world. What Rachel sent from headquarters was different from what Zagronan was familiar with. 

Therefore, he spent a few more centuries ensuring the ways were compatible with the 'illusion slaughter of 7 demons.' 

Before actually trying to advance, he went on another round of destruction. The world has a lot of continents, so nobody cared; even if they did, nobody dared.


Zagronan was sitting cross-legged. 

Rachel had brought him into a semi-world near regional headquarters created with realization energy coding.

"Let's start," he murmured, taking out many items. 

He received numerous precious items from Rachel; however, the chances are slim. He only knew the main formula and the rest of the complimentary items were guesses; they may or may not be needed. 

It's possible first to discover the complete formula and then try, but that would take tens of thousands of years. It's much faster to learn while breaking through.

He opened the main ingredient fragment laws. There were more than 10. His formula wasn't mature; in general, the shorter the formula, the more mature and polished it is. 

Long formulas like this have a much bigger chance of failure. Still, he has to try and fail to be able to polish the formula.

He inhaled the fragment laws without hesitation. With his eyes closed, he started building a formation with them; these fragment laws were the foundation of the formation. 

Then, the rest of the sealed containers opened, and the materials flowed in.

These were the main 'ways,' also part of the foundation of the formation. 

After a while, the foundation of the formation was ready. 

"I should be very careful now," he thought seriously. 

He has a few precious treasures from Rachel that can increase his chances of advancement, but he won't use them now; this attempt will most likely fail, and he wants to test it, so using those defeats the purpose.

Tens of Thousands of bottles opened all at once, several hundred types of fragment laws and tens of thousands of ways were inhaled by him. 

The exact amount of every ingredient is very important when trying to advance. If one piece gets accidentally missing, the whole thing will fail. 

The Semi-world was an isolated place used explicitly for advancing to rank 10, so it helped a lot; without it, even a breeze might cause a disruption and fail a rank 10 advancement.

With eyes closed, Zagronan put them all in the formation; he frowned. 

"Some things are missing, and some that shouldn't have been included are included," he thought. 

Those that are already in formation can no longer come out. So, he had no choice but to include even more to negate the effect of the extra stuff. 

Many other ways and fragment laws' bottles opened and entered his body. 

He continued to frown.

"Too many! I can't control them all!" 

There are nearly a hundred thousand types of ingredients, each with an exact amount; they must combine simultaneously to create the complete law. 

It's tough to achieve even with the mind of a rank 9. 

The quantity of each is exact, like 0.394452866317 … more than twenty digits long. The formation can help, but the number of ingredients makes it much harder.

"Let's do this," he stopped worrying. 

He has treasures that can stop him from exploding in the event of a failure. 

The process is not a slow one; it's sudden. In a moment, one either advances or explodes. 

The formation released the exact quantity of each ingredient; the meeting place will be his aperture. 

"Success?" even he was surprised as things were going too well.

But the next moment, a certain fragment law caused a problem. 

"No, it's a bit short!" he thought regretfully. 

The whole process would fail, even if it's just a tiny bit short. 

Zagronan had already taken a temporary aperture-strengthening rank 10 pill before he started.

So, even though he failed, nothing exploded. Still, his aperture would get destroyed if it continued like this. 

He took a rank 10 dissipate pill. This pill would completely dissipate everything. Later, he can repair his damaged aperture with pills.

"What? No .... "


He exploded!


"Hey? Zag?" Rachel frowned. 

Zagronan exploded, but she could feel him alive. 

The explosion was big! It could have destroyed a world by itself.

Fortunately, she was protected by the semi-world.

The semi-world she made was resilient. It was specially to advance to rank 10, so it could take a rank 10 explosion with no sweat.

"Zag? Come out!"

There was no answer.

"Zag, you're alive! Congratulations, you are rank 10!" she said with a smile.

No answer.

"Sigh," she sighed. 

There are situations like this in the database. 

The possibilities are so abysmally low that it's near impossible, but the main protagonist's luck is not to be underestimated. 

What happened is likely to be an unknown complete law. When things were messy in his aperture, he accidentally formed the formula of another unidentified complete law. Classic protagonist luck.

With that complete law, he reached rank 10. 

When one breaks to rank 10, the aperture strengthens. When the aperture strengthens, it will interfere with the pill that strengthens it. 

This situation is nearly impossible because if the complete law fails, the aperture won't improve so that the pill won't be interfered with. If the advancement succeeds, nothing is needed to stop anything from exploding.

But in Zagronan's situation, the advancing succeeded, but he didn't use all the ingredients; the leftovers were still in the aperture.

The aperture of a rank 10 can easily resist it.

But when it just advanced, it was very vulnerable; the leftovers destroyed his aperture and caused his 'death.'

Then, he exploded, hence causing a rank 10 explosion.

But Rachel knows he didn't die. She would know if her host died.

"It has probably something to do with illusion," she thought. 

She has a database by her side; if she can't realize this, then she is dumb. 

"Zag, listen to me. You are not dead! You are alive!" she shouted.

Zagronan most likely thinks he is dead, so he doesn't appear. 

Illusions are mysterious. 

Rachel already guesses that Zag's complete law has some kind of ability to turn reality into illusions. 

She has all the data; this place is filled with sensors, with all the data going straight to the database. Still, she is not going to dig through them now. 

"Zag," she shouted. 

She can't leave without him. So, she remained and called him every once in a while.


A thousand years passed. 

Rachel is still here, calling every once in a while. 

She even enjoys remaining in one place without worrying about anything.


Ten thousand years passed, and still, Zagronan didn't come out. But Rachel is enjoying her stay here. She calls him every once in a while.


A hundred thousand years passed! 

"Hmm?" Rachel looked at a particular place. She saw something there. 

"You want to sink the semi-world into an illusion? You can't do that! This semi-world is reinforced against all kinds of…" Her jaw dropped as she saw a piece of this reinforced 'semi-world' disappear from reality and plunge into illusions! 

"What? What complete law have you discovered? Let me look!" 

She started to look at the data quickly. 

To plunge such a reinforced place into illusions … Worthy of a main protagonist! 

She looked at the sea of data. 

As a rank 10, Rachel has excellent mental ability. 

"Are you kidding me?" She looked with wide eyes.

"'Infinite illusions'? How is it possible? Infinite complete laws are not possible!" 

Infinite complete laws take infinite ingredients and, therefore, are literally impossible.

"I should inform the main body! This matter is even beyond regional headquarters!" 

Many secrets are concealed from the incarnations so the main body may know about infinite complete laws. 

Each incarnation has a way to talk to the main body directly; it's just that only true emergencies that need the main body's attention should be reported. 

Rachel trusts her incarnations that they won't call needlessly.


Main Rachel is calculating using data gained from the 'Pull Transmigrator.' 

She has been busy testing this ability and gathering data. 

Suddenly, someone called. 

As a rank 13, she can do many things at once, so as she continued calculating, she also answered her incarnation.

"Hey? Main body?" Rachel #1 said.

"Yeah," the main body said.

"I just discovered…" Rachel #1 explained.

"Hmm, I know what it is!" the main body said.

"What is it?" Rachel #1 asked.

"It's classified!" the main body said.


"I'm going to send someone to get him out of that state. In the meantime, you just remain there; no need to say anything about this to regional headquarters!" she ordered.

"Ok," Rachel #1 answered.

The main body ended the call. 


Rachel smiled.

"I got another one of the infinite laws!" she is happy.

Even by most rank 13 civilizations, it's believed that infinite complete laws are impossible. However, they are not! 

It's just that their formula is random. They change every moment, so there is no way to get them. The formula she got from data gathered by Rachel #1 is useless because the formula has long changed.

"The database is getting messy! I should reorganize it!" she thought.

The data has been there for many years, yet she failed to detect it. It's because too many incarnations send all kinds of data, and too few calculate them.

She is powerful but cannot trust anyone with the data; she can only grit her teeth and calculate everything herself and a few rank 13 incarnations in the headquarters.

It's not that she doesn't trust her incarnations; it's just that she is afraid of them getting hacked; some stuff in the database can be catastrophic if they get leaked.

Even if the chances are small, she doesn't risk it.

She plans to disregard the usual data and only focus on detecting infinite laws.

It's difficult beyond belief to create infinite laws. However, there is a good reason many are looking for them. 

The universal law of infinity has long been sought after, but nobody has licensed it. This universal law can help Rachel to shorten her time to rank 14 by a lot. 

So, she has been trying to gather infinite complete laws to discover the universal law of infinity. 

She already has a lot of infinities, but a few, such as illusions and dreams, are still not in her hands. 

Therefore, she ordered the incarnations to explore those. She didn't expect to get any infinities even for billions of years; who expected her to get one so quickly? 

The main character's luck is ineffective on infinities, so it's not like she can create many protagonists to discover infinities quickly.

Even now, she has no idea how to calculate infinities' complete law formula or how to increase her chances of crafting them. 

It's pure luck and not any luck. 

Chances of infinities are luck based on the creation.

After all, infinities share a trait with the creation: they are infinite like the creation!

She doubts that even rank 14s know more than her in this regard. Rank 14s only draw a little power from the creation, far from controlling it.

She gaining an infinite complete law this fast is great luck, like winning the lottery.

Her mood improved a lot.

Now, she wants to avoid extracting the complete law. That might damage it. 

She will just observe from afar.

Of course, after this, she will not allow incarnation and her host to be in danger. She will pay attention personally and will even send Luther if necessary.

Luther is the strongest being in the universe, below rank 14.

So, unless rank 14s interfere, that host would be safe, no matter his location.

Chapter 92: Subscription System

Rachel remained in the semi-world as instructed.

The semi-world only has endless gray soil and a dark sky, nothing interesting.

She didn't have to wait for long. Only after one day a man arrived.

Rachel #1 had no idea who he was but knew the main body sent him.

Rachel has a foolproof identification system, so she did not doubt him. Only rank 14s could possibly hack the identification system, but no rank 14 would bother. After all, any of them could wipe the entire universe, including Rachel, clean.

The man has no face, and his figure is uncertain; one moment tall, another moment short, with no rhythm, extremely chaotic.

This technique is obviously to conceal his identity; Rachel #1 guessed him to be some big shot in the headquarters.

The man waved his hand, and the semi-world disappeared like it never existed.

Rachel #1 was plunged into chaos, but thankfully, now at rank 10, she can easily resist the chaos.

Zagronan was also plunged into chaos.

Before, in the semi-world, it was difficult to detect him because, with endless illusions, hiding was just too easy.

In the endless space, however, hiding is not that easy.

Sure, Zagronan himself can resist the chaos, but his illusions can not. Careful formations and research are necessary to create and maintain illusions in the endless space. Just raw illusions won't hold up.

With the cover of the semi-world gone, even Rachel spotted his approximate location.

The man was faster than her. He reached out with his hand, grabbed Zag, and sent him far away to an unknown place.

He turned his 'face' toward Rachel, and she disappeared the next moment.


Rachel has no idea where it is, but she isn't worried.

The main body wouldn't harm her; even if she did, Rachel #1 wouldn't complain.

Zagronan was lying on the ground just beside her.

He is now out of the illusion; She waited for him to regain consciousness.

Zagronan woke up.

He seemed to have had a long dream.

"Huh? Where are we?" he hastily stood up and looked around. With rank 9, it's unbelievable to fall asleep without remembering.

"Congratulations! You have reached rank 10," Rachel said.

"What?" he felt astonished.

Rachel started explaining. After a while, Zagronan frowned deeply.

"So, I have a complete law?" he started looking inside himself. He found nothing.

"Yeah! It's infinite illusions complete law! You should have no problem controlling it, so look more carefully," she said.

If one suddenly gets illusion complete laws, likely, they wouldn't even know it; after all, even detecting illusion complete laws is difficult.

But Zagronan is an Illusion concept grandmaster, so he should be able to do it.

Zagronan sat down and meditated.

The place was in a big cave, so he felt safe enough not to care about the outside for now.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said, "I felt it! It's majestic!" he exclaimed.

"What did you feel?" Rachel asked.

Zagronan owns this law; he will know more about it than Rachel; it is not in the database.

"I feel it has endless potential like I can create as much illusion as I want at no cost!" he said.

Rachel nodded.

The main Rachel declassified info about infinity to her. After all, with her being the Rachel incarnation in Zagronan's possession, hiding it would not be feasible.

"Right; infinite complete laws are overpowered! Even one infinite complete law can make a rank 10 stronger than most rank 11s!" she said.

"You mean I'm now as strong as rank 11?" Zagronan asked in disbelief. From his perspective, he was rank 9 just yesterday.

"Yeah! Your infinite illusions complete law can create endless illusions with a bit of energy. The limiting factor is not energy; it's the output you can get from it. But even the tiny output you can get out should be enough to place you squarely at the same combat power as rank 11s. So, from now on, you can at least defend against anyone below rank 12!" she excitedly said.

"What about rank 12?" he asked casually.

"Of course, you have no chance! Rank 12s use universal law, which is a completely different level. No matter how many or what complete laws you have, they are only complete laws, not universal ones," she said.

"What if I attack a rank 12 with infinite illusions?" he asked, looking more and more elated.

"They wave their hand and kill you; even easier than killing a fly! Don't worry about rank 12!" she smiled wryly.

"Okay! Let's explore the world! I want to test my complete law! I will destroy a few continents to try my powers!" he smiled.

"No more destruction!" she said firmly.

If Zagronan continues down the path of destruction, he will someday become a mindless monster. He is a monster at the moment, but at least he has a brain.

"What do you mean? If my edges get blunted, I will go mad! Don't do this to me…" he begged.

Rachel pretended not to hear it.

"Please! I'm much smarter when I'm sharp-edged! I can't..."

After more than a month of nonstop begging, Zagronan finally gave up ... for now!

Rachel is sure he will continue to beg in the future, but for now, he agreed to explore the continent first.

Later, Rachel will get him to a testing ground. After all, even she wants to test him. Of course, the testing ground won't be in an inhibited world. Rachel has worlds only built to test firepower, so finding a location is not a problem.

Zagronan went out of the cave and looked at the sky. There was one sun, but it shone blue. Until now, all the suns he saw were yellow!

"I like blue!" he smirked.

His most favored light is red, but blue is also acceptable, at least better than yellow.

"Let's go look around. Remember, no killing without my permission!" Rachel warned.

Zagronan shook his head regretfully and sighed. He never thought of disobeying. Sometimes, he wonders why he can't disobey Rachel.

He never found any answer; he just 'knew' he couldn't disobey.


The world is a colossal rank 13 world near Rachel's headquarters.

It has more than 100 universal laws, its vastness not expressible by mortal language. There are countless diverse sub-worlds in different styles - cultivation, mage, heaven, hell, undead land, illusions, dreams, etc.

What's more, Rachel is not a secret here! Everyone has Rachel.

From birth, everyone would be given a Rachel. They would grow with their Rachel and die with their Rachel. If they are lucky enough to reach rank 10 with their Rachel, they would then become part of the management team.

The management team is composed of everyone who ever reached rank 10 . They live in the central sub-world and get dispatched to various missions.

High-level civilizations now know about Rachel's hosts, so using the management team as agents is not dangerous. None of the management team members who would be dispatched know anything important.


Preston Country is located in the South Continent.

The South Continent is on 'Earth-992' in the world' 14-9'.

World' 14-9' is a vacuum-planet world.

Vacuum-planet worlds are planets in vacuums; there is no main world, heaven, etc. They consist of planets, stars, moons, asteroids, etc.

These types of worlds are not found anywhere else; they are Rachel's original design. Of course, she plagiarised it from Earth.

Rachel is in everyone's life. But her presence doesn't prevent conflicts. Here, she is hands-off! Hosts can kill each other and have wars.

If someone dies, then they are not good enough. She doesn't care.

Worlds starting with '14' have some distinctions from other worlds.

Everyone from the moment of birth is given a 'Bronze subscription.' The Bronze subscription includes a small house, food, water, necessities, etc., and a maximum lifespan of 10,000,000 years. Therefore, there is no poor person in Preston.

However, if one wants to promote their subscription, there are other requirements.

Once in a while, 'promotion badges.' appear in random places. One must get a 'silver promotion badge' to advance into the Silver subscription.

Silver or bronze subscriptions have nothing to do with ranks; one may be rank 10 but still have a bronze subscription, while another may be rank 0 and have a gold subscription.

There are no other ways to obtain food, housing, and materials. With all looting and theft also banned, this made 'subscription badges' sought after like no other product.

Subscription badges appear in random places and are sealed for 1 month. In this one month, their location is visible to all.

The role of the government in '14' worlds is very limited. There are countries, but they do very little. Nobody can tax anyone because everything is based on subscriptions.

Still, there are governments. After all, most choose to have a normal life and die rather than trying to gather badges. They lack nothing in life, with everything provided by subscriptions.

People can also form groups.

The maximum number of people in a group is 3. If a group of 3 gets one badge, it automatically gets split into 1/3 of a badge each. If more people try to group illegally, the anti-cheat system will detect it and ban them from getting any badge.

People with Bronze subscriptions live a maximum of 10,000,000 years. For example, rank 8 mages can live up to 80,640,000 years, but if their subscription is bronze, they would die at the 10,000,000 mark, even if their rank would have allowed them to live longer otherwise.


Zagronan picked up something shiny on the ground.

"Huh? Why does it have a timer?" he started playing with it.

It was black but shiny. He liked the color.

"Zag, you don't want to mess with that!" Rachel smiled bitterly.

Was their luck good or bad?

Zagronan was brought here personally by the main body, so he doesn't need subscriptions. Encountering this badge is good luck for most, but for Zag, it only brings conflict.

Rachel, of course, is not afraid; Zagronan can win against anyone who attacks, but she wants to avoid slaughter.

Just at this moment, someone with the aura of rank 9 appeared!

There are different arenas. Some arenas allow rank 9, while others only allow rank 0,1,2, etc.

If everyone was grouped together, lower ranks would have no chance. Zagronan was in level 9+ arena, where anyone could enter.

Rank 10+, of course, they are so big that they don't need these kinds of games.

The rank 9 looked at Zagronan.

She felt no energy from him but still hesitated to attack.

But the badge was too valuable, so she attacked with her strongest attack!

A large land area, almost as large as a continent, shook from this attack! Fortunately, this planet is enormous, and this place specifically is used to these kinds of attacks.

The place where Zagronan was completely melted, Or it didn't.

The attacker looked with disbelief! Everything returned to as they were before the attack!

"Rank 10?" she screamed internally and ran! Or didn't!

She ran far away but looked around and found herself standing where she was a moment ago.

She kneeled on the ground to beg. Or maybe not!

With a blink, she discovered she was still standing as before!

No matter what she did, she returned to her original position the next moment.

"This is fun! I like bullying the weak!" Zagronan laughed loudly. Now that he cannot kill them let's torture them! He felt like he found a loophole!

"Hey, Zag! You can't enjoy doing evil!" she was worried about him losing his mind.

"What do you mean? What is wrong with evil? Why are you doing this to me!" he was happy a moment ago, but as soon as he heard what Rachel said, he started crying like a baby. He felt wronged. What is wrong with being a proud demon? Why does Rachel find so many problems with him? He doesn't get it at all.

Rachel sighed and relented. "Just don't harm them; a little play with illusions is fine!" she said reluctantly.

Soon, more arrived, but without exception, all fell into his illusions.

Zagronan started enjoying himself! He made them experience their biggest fears.

Soon, all began begging for death!

But Zag only doubled down.

Many even died from fear, or they didn't! Zag won't let them even die!

"I love it! This is even more fun than slaughter!" Zagronan felt like he found a new hobby.

"Rachel, I miss Lana! She would love this!" he said while pleading.

For some reason, his edges don't get blunted when he begs Rachel.

"I'll bring her later," she said.

Zagronan nodded happily.

With Lana here, this might not be as bad as he thought.

Chapter 93: Dream Law

Lee is sitting cross-legged in a semi-world. 

She is finally ready to advance. 

It took relatively long; although she has a lot of masteries, she is not a protagonist after all. 

Her Rachel helped only a little; giving everyone the main protagonist's luck and lots of resources would be impractical. 

Still, as Lee was trying to craft a dream complete law, Rachel sent some helpful resources and treasures for breaking through.

Lee tried to advance to rank 10 but failed the first time.

Her realm dropped to the late stage of the ninth rank. It took her 10,000 years to meditate back up, even with all the pills she got from Rachel. 

Finally, she reached the peak again, so Rachel brought her into a semi-world again.

Lee opened numerous sealed boxes.

She collected most of them herself, with only a few rare ones sent by Rachel. 

With closed eyes, she started without ado. 

More than 10 different kinds of fragment laws entered her body along with hundreds of ways. 

She quickly constructed the formation with them. This time, her formula is much shorter, and she has experience. 

After the formation consolidated, she opened all the other bottles. Near a hundred different fragment laws and over a thousand ways entered her body. 

She spent a lot of time shortening the formula as much as possible.

If it were anyone else, they might not have been able to do it, but Lee had many masteries, so her ability was far beyond rank 9. 

A formula with only around 1000 ingredients is precious; she may be able to sell it for a fortune. 

High-ranking civilizations need all kinds of formulas to enrich themselves and perfect their formulas; no formula is perfect; there are always ways to improve it. Knowing other mages' perspectives is an excellent way to improve one's own formula. 

Lee has many great-grandmaster masterpieces; her perspective is very valuable.

She can't use her masteries to their maximum extent now because her rank is low. When she reaches rank 10, she can design and sell all kinds of spells, earning lots of money. 

Even with all her masteries, she still failed once; that shows how difficult it is to advance. 

But this time, everything went smoothly. The formation worked perfectly, combining all the materials and creating a complete law! 


"Complete law of 'Dream moderation of binds and seals for justice!'" Lee was delighted. 

From today, she is immortal! 

Rachel is also happy. This complete law is new! 

The reason for its strange name is obvious. Lee discovered many other dream laws, but Rachel had all of those, so after many tries, she finally advanced with this law that Rachel did not have.

This law is quite broad. It involved three things.

1- Moderating dreams, which by itself can be very broad. 

It can be used in a roundabout way to manipulate other's dreams; with some spells, it is going to be hard to defend against.

Very few know a thing about the dream concept.

2- Binds and seals, which have many uses, including in making formations. 

Technically, it's only about binding dreams, but again, it can be used to bind reality, too. It will get weaker in reality, but because its concept is rare, most cannot defend against it properly.

3- Justice, which has good firepower, especially against those who are considered evil by the caster. 

This one is also about justice in dreams, not reality, but there are ways to apply it to reality.

The law itself is broad, but by itself, it's not that good; after all, its primary functions are all about dreams, so it will be at a disadvantage in the face of a law that directly applies to reality.

If Lee device a spell that can draw others into her dream, however, this law will be very powerful; in her dream, as long as the opponent is not an expert in dream concept and is not too much more powerful than her, she is guaranteed to win.

Also, one must not underestimate concepts. She can use them to devise some mighty spells and formations.

With excellent spells, she can even fight against weaker rank 11s. 

Masterful spells are critical in battles.

Let's use an analogy.

For example, a rank 11 has sturdy armor and a giant steel sword; in contrast, a rank 10 has just a tiny steel needle; both have the same steel, but rank 11 has much more of it.

But even a tiny needle can be enough to kill a knight in sturdy armor. 

Of course, there are limits to this. If the knight is wearing full armor that leaves no space to attack, then no amount of skill can bridge the gap. 

Strong rank 11s are full plate armor knights, which Lee has no chance against, no matter her masteries.

As for rank 12, they are flying steel giants with laser eyes; against them, a tiny needle makes no difference.

"Congrats," Rachel said.

"Thanks!" Lee smiled.

She consolidated her rank and was sent back to her world. 

Nurses were caring for a child in a room guarded by rank 9 mages.

"Get out!" Lee said. 

They bowed and left.

Alex was asleep. 

Even after tens of thousands of years, Alex is still a baby. 

Lee now knows why. Alex is the Dream of Karl, the child he never had; the entire dream world was centered around Alex, and when the dream world disappeared, it all went into Alex.

Lee got concepts, which in turn caused the dreams to be will-less and therefore easier to gather in one place, which formed Alex. 

Alex is not a child; he is Karl's most important and lasting dream. But it doesn't mean Alex cannot become real. 

With a Dream complete law, Lee can make Alex 'kind of' real. She can moderate dreams; Alex is a dream, so in theory, Lee can manipulate him and turn him into an adult person who is indistinguishable from anyone else.

But she has to research a spell and formation. Without a good formation, the modified Alex can lose his shape in combat, and without a good spell, Lee may not be able to do it; after all, Alex is the dream of a rank 13 being. 

Karl died countless years ago, so his dream now is much weaker than it was at first; his dream also has no will, making it easier to modify. Even more, Lee is familiar with it, so she can cut many corners. But even with all that, it's still a bit much for her to manipulate a dream of a rank 13. 

Success is not guaranteed, but it is possible. She wants to do it; it's the least she can do for Karl, who gave her his inheritance. Lee likes paying back favors. Karl never willingly gave her anything, but the fact is her masteries are from him; she must at least make his dream 'real.'


Red is flying around. 

Rachel had fixed him long ago. The process was easy for Rachel, who is a master of coding. 

After that day, Rachel #1 ordered Red, after she fixed him, to create a dragon nest on that continent where the Demon King of Sloth was sleeping. 

The main body does not want Lazy George to wake up. He can run away from her space seal spells, making him troublesome. 

Of course, she can destroy him personally in a head-to-head battle, let alone she also has Luther, the strongest in the universe. 

Still, one particular universal law in Lazy George's hand is too hard to block. She has to build a massive formation with astronomical amounts of realization points to block that universal law just to stop him from running; there is nothing to gain from attacking him.

Therefore, it's best to keep the status quo; anyway, he is always asleep; it would not be too late to get revenge once Rachel reaches rank 14. 

Red, who was sane now, created a huge clan. 

He has little chance of reaching rank 10. He is no genius and is not good at anything; he even fears flying again! 

The only reason he is as strong as he is is because of Rachel's pills. Therefore, Rachel will not help him to reach rank 10. She helps geniuses, and he is by no means a genius. Maybe if one of Red's many children turns out a genius, she would help them instead.


In heaven, Doris is looking at a huge tree! 

She has been watching it for a few thousand years. It's fascinating! First, it sprouted out of the soil and then began to grow! It grew so much that it reached more than 500 meters in height! 

Doris feels her life is filled with all kinds of exciting events! She continued to watch the tree as it continued to grow tall.


Bertha is now a rank 8 knight and a rank 9 mage. Her knight rank gradually lags because knights consume too many resources.

She reached these ranks even without trying, only relying on pills given by Rachel. She wasn't interested in meditating but used pills as a hobby and passively reached this point.

Recently, Rachel has kept talking about rank 10, but Bertha is unsure. 

In rank 10, the influence of light energy goes away! Without light energy, could she still love Millan? Even the thought makes Bertha terrified! 

Still, with Rachel's insistence, she is not confident she can resist it. One day, she may reach rank 10. She has to find a way to solve the light energy problem. Even though it's difficult, Bertha is optimistic.


Emma is partying again! 

She parties every few days. Everything is as happy as ever, with no change. Nobody dies, gets sick, or loses anything; everything is as it always was.


God of Fate is now late rank 9, and is researching her complete law.

She changed her gender to female again.

She tried being male but did not like it; her spirit is more slanted toward females.

For a god, her attention to gender is weird; most gods do not care at all.

She is still far from rank 10; maybe it will take millions of years more.


The Icetree is a rank 10 world independent. 

It is mostly covered by ice, with giant trees in certain places, which are home to Snow elves. 

Snow elves usually don't live on trees, but they have no choice in this world. The ice is so cold that even snow elves can't resist it.

Lewis is disguised as one of the snow elves. He has been here for thousands of years, and many think of him as an ancestor. 

Of course, he isn't the ancestor of anyone; he doesn't have any children with them. Still, as a very old elder of a snow elf clan, it's normal to be called an ancestor, so he just accepted the title.

He is experiencing the world to clear his mind. 

He has little drive to advance now. As an immortal, he wants to let go of all his worries and live peacefully.

Alister is also with him; he plays the role of his wife!

This is, of course, nonsense. To begin with, Lewis is not interested in women.

However, in Snow Evles's society, two men having relations is unacceptable; 

Lewis is rank 10, so he can impose his will if he wants, but he doesn't want to disrupt the poor elves who are barely living in this freezing world; he just disguised Alistair as a girl so they fit in.

He may later try to change things to make things easier for the even poorer, oppressed few elves who may, like him, not like the opposite gender. They may be severely punished for the Great 'crime' of loving the same gender.

But for now, Lewis wants nothing but peace.

Alistair was uncomfortable at first but gradually got used to it.

He is benefiting immensely from being with Lewis, reaching rank 7 already.


Dyer is now an experienced contractor. 

As he guessed, the Great Dream wanted him to help in world creation. 

Contractors formed teams among themselves to progress faster. Dyer's team is one of the best, creating more than 300 worlds alone. 

Some areas, like important coding and settings, were done by the Great Dream's security staff, but contractors did most. 

Dyer planned to continue working to pay the debt and gather resources for his advancement.


Oll is in his lab. 

He had been experimenting for many years but didn't find much. The main reason is that he didn't get the expected anti-Rachel help. 

Anti-Rachel was indeed researching Rachel, but they showed no interest in working with Oll. It made him depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

He glanced at a particular unconscious pig-headed demon. 

This pig head was his best sample. He learned a few things from it. 

Most strange was a weird, foreign aura. Oll has no idea what it is and is still researching it. He is unsure whether the higher-ups would give him enough resources. 

Oll already has plans to volunteer to join Anti-Rachel. Great Dream is not obligated to help much, but they still most likely allow him to go because, as an immortal with a lot of voting power who disfavors the current CEO, they would love him to go away and not vote.

"What a bunch of incompetent power-hungry 'immortals.'" he felt shame that such people led the Great Dream. 

With this thought, he continued his analysis of the foreign aura.

Chapter 94: Food

1 million years later ...

On a cosmic scale, a million years is insignificant.

But for most people, a million years is an unimaginably long time.

During this period, Anti-Rachel remained relatively inactive.

Despite their numerous projects advancing rapidly, they only marginally weakened Rachel.

No Rank 12 worlds were destroyed, aside from the initial one. In that case, Rachel managed to recover the universal law, rendering the attack a mere financial loss rather than a foundational one.

In the present day, Lin Ming stands as the undisputed leader of the alliance, with his clone consistently present at headquarters.

Satisfying everyone with his leadership, he neither forces anyone nor shows leniency towards Rachel.

Still, he managed to disrupt Rachel's infiltrations significantly, so today, very few alliance members get hacked by Rachel.

The research team of Anti-Rachel constantly makes improvements to the code to the point that many believe Rachel's reputation as the best coder is not well deserved.

For this reason, many who were initially not members began to consider membership; after all, Anti-Rachel has codes that can resist Rachel's infiltrations and very few requirements; who wouldn't want to join?

Anti-Rachel became more prominent and influential, with Lin Ming as its leader.


Lin Ming sat in his chair.

As the clone, he possesses most of the main body's memories and is authorized to make independent decisions. Being a Rank 13, he is allowed to wield two universal laws and possesses a wealth of energy.

However, his true influence is less a result of his personal power and more a testament to his leadership.

He maintained close contact with Rachel throughout this time. Everything went according to plan. He now has a lot of information regarding many civilizations, all of which he gave to Rachel.

Anti-Rachel has a developing army, too; Ling Ming expects that in the future, Anti-Rachel will become a civilization itself.

He has experience uniting everyone into a big federation; he did it with the Clear Water Sect.

It's relatively easy; first, he needs legitimacy, a constitution, a court, and an army, a congress.

Anti-Rachel has a constitution, and a court was set up a while ago.

The function of the court is to resolve conflicts between civilizations. On its surface, its powers are minimal, but what courts are best at is expanding their own powers.

Aside from the court, Lin Ming himself mostly takes care of the financial part. One of the other best ways to create a federation is money.

The civilizations who are members must pay taxes to subscribe to code updates; it adds up to a lot. Lin Ming is setting up grant programs with conditions attached. For example, if they want to receive grants for code improvements, they must install certain weapons in their world's defense system.

He is also trying to come up with consensus laws. He plans to set up popular laws to create a precedent. A precedent that allows the alliance to set up and enforce laws.

Many underestimate precedents; they are important. If it's allowed to happen once, it would be much easier the second time.

As for Congress, it's a work in progress.

He plans to set it up in around ten million years.

A congress would give Anti-Rachel legitimacy, making everyone feel that they have a voice, so they resist integration less.

It will likely happen in less than a billion years with many top civilizations on board; Lin Ming is sure about it.


Zagronan is seated on a chair in a luxurious room. Lana also sits beside him at the table, and a few 'demon kings' are standing around.

He rang a tiny bell, and servants promptly entered, bringing in food dishes.

"It looks good!" thought Zagronan.

Over the past million years, he had been striving to reach Rank 11. However, achieving a Rank 11 body proved to be more time-consuming than anticipated, even with the aid of various pills.

To attain Rank 11, one must first elevate their body to Rank 11.

Recently, after consuming an unimaginable number of Rank 10 pills, he finally achieved a Rank 11 body.

For other Rank 10 immortals, this process might take billions of years, as they lack an endless supply of Rank 10 pills.

A Rank 11 body can tolerate an unlimited number of complete laws. Zagronan can keep creating numerous complete laws, becoming much more powerful than he is currently.

Today, he is calculating another complete law and is only a bit away from rank 11.

As the feast was laid out on the table, he began to eat. His taste for food had evolved over the past million years.

Now, he prefers small quantities of food from various cultures.

In addition to tormenting people with illusions, his new hobby became exploring different cuisines.

Having already sampled nearly all human and elven dishes, the food on the table today hailed from the Beastmen.

Lana, who was eating nearby, also enjoyed trying different foods. Consequently, she accompanied him every time.

Zagronan observed the food; it appeared uncooked, resembling the internal organs of some animal.

The Beastmen encompassed various races, ranging from wolf and dog to cat, tiger, and dragon Beastmen.

Typically sold by 'Alive' in batches with a few of each kind, they were wild by nature, accustomed to consuming raw meat—a default setting that proved challenging to alter.

Even if one managed to change their eating habits, they were often unsuitable for delicate tasks, showing less talent in those areas. However, they excelled as fighters, which explained their prevalent role in multi-species societies, particularly within the military.

Zagronan nodded and consumed the food.

As a demon, he had no hesitation about eating the internal organs of an unknown creature.

"Hmm, I don't like it!" he shook his head.

Despite his preference for more refined cuisine, he finished the entire plate. While better than typical raw meat, it still lacked any additional flavors.

Turning to the head chef, he inquired, "Is this their best food?"

The servant responded cautiously, "This food is prevalent among Beastmen warriors; they appreciate its simplicity."

Zagronan remarked, "I appreciate simplicity too, but not this one! I rate it 1.5/10. Next!" and tossed the plate aside.

Lana said, "I'm giving it a 2." She, too, didn't find it appealing.

She remarked, "It tastes like a dragon heart but with only a hint of dragon blood, mostly horse blood. I would have given it a 5 if it were pure dragon."

The head chef tallied the points, gritting his teeth as he did so.

The servants then brought out other dishes.

Zagronan sampled some and exclaimed, "I give it a 1! It's worse than the last one!"

Lana added, "I'm giving this one a 4. A Rank 8 monster's brain could have been served better, but I guess those Beastmen don't want to do it."

The head chef gritted his teeth and signaled for the next round of dishes.

Lana's ratings for the following eight dishes ranged from 2 to 6, with one cooked newborn scoring a 9; she liked newborns.

Zagronan's ratings varied from 1 to 3, even assigning a negative 1 to the newborn. The head chef was on the verge of screaming at the mention of a negative score; such a thing didn't exist!

He contested, and Zagronan nodded, amending his mark to 1.

The head chef's score added to 83, falling short of 100. Which meant ...

"Good! Now, I'm going to eat you!" Lana smiled.

It was her favorite part. The head chef dropped to his knees, petrified, not even uttering a plea.

The food contest was Zagronan's idea, but Lana made a few suggestions to make it more 'exciting.'

They judged the foods fairly, and if the chef received less than 100 marks from both of them for 10 dishes, then they would eat the chef.

Zagronan agreed; however, he wasn't interested in uncooked and unrefined meat, so the chefs were usually consumed by Lana herself.

While she also disliked uncooked meat, she enjoyed the process, their fear, and the cruelty of it.

Zagronan watched as the chef screamed and died. Lana indulged in the most delicious parts before returning to her seat, covered in blood and smiling.

"Oh look, another child!" Lana announced.

She was pregnant, and her child had just been born. As a peak rank 9 demon, childbirth was not the least bit harmful to her. Her body was especially suited for childbearing, and with her unbelievably high vitality, she barely paid attention even during childbirth—no pain, no inconvenience.

Zagronan nodded.

After this long, he is numb to being a father. After reaching rank 9, all children born became royal blood demons.

There were no other untalented newborns for Lana to eat. Still, she liked newborns, so she started eating the royal bloods.

Zagronan was against it, but Lana didn't care. She smiled at her newborn and opened her mouth, swallowing the poor thing whole.

Zagronan had no reaction. He was too used to it. After a million years, one becomes numb to everything.

The last time in the illusion world, Rachel saved his state of mind, but this time, his state of mind changed after a million years.

"Okay, call the next chef," Zagronan ordered.

One of the demon kings went out, and the next demon chef arrived after a while.


Savior sighed.

After a lot of hard work, they managed to take Hype down! But not in the way he thought. They didn't fight it; instead, they ousted the CEO! The process was bizarre!

Savior had planned a lot and was about to start causing chaos to attract a rank 10 from Hype. However, he hit something on the ground and fell as he walked. Looking down, he was astonished! What could be so tough that even he, a rank 9 demon, fell when he hit it?

He began to dig the ground. After a while, he found a secret treasury! In it, there were no magic crystals, etc. Only old, ownerless shares of many corporations!

When he looked at the extent of it, he felt speechless. Even he was amazed at his luck!

He put his name on all the shares and became the biggest shareholder of many corporations, including Hype! He went to Hype headquarters with the shares, sacked the previous CEO, and took over the positions. Two of the rank 10s were corporatists, so with no effort, he became the boss of two rank 10s!

Savior regretted planning so much! With the main protagonist's luck, nothing below rank 12 can harm him; if they try, they will only benefit him, perhaps leading him to some treasure.

Martha was amazed!

Her behavior changed, and she began to treat him much better. She approached him and proposed marriage, a role typically reserved for those identifying as men in most places.

This world was no exception, but Martha took the initiative because she feared he might find someone else. Savior accepted the marriage proposal, and soon, they were married.

While Savior already had many children, he felt profound happiness when he saw his first child with Martha. Missing his other children from his home world, he asked Rachel to bring them here. However, she refused.

As time passed, his relationship with Martha deteriorated.

Martha was a good-hearted person who helped many people during this time but had flaws. She was a cheater, and he caught her with others multiple times.

Savior was not okay with it. While he forgave it a few times, he eventually divorced her. She wasn't the one he could spend eternity with.

He is still looking for a life partner but hasn't found one yet.


Rachel Headquarters.

"How can it be?" Luther was astonished.

"I'm surprised, too! But it's true," she said.

"Can we calculate it now?" Luther asked.

"We can try! We have enough infinitely complete laws to try!" she was ecstatic.

Infinity universal law is now within reach!

A while ago, they acquired another complete infinite law! She didn't expect to get even one for billions of years but got two in a million!

"I'll go get the computers!" Luther teleported away.

Computers are her inventions—entire worlds with only processing hardware. They can significantly help in reverse engineering complete laws.

Rachel smiled. If she can get an infinity universal law, things will change. She can reach rank 14 much faster!

Next chapter