
Interrogation IV

Whispers and loud murmuring broke out amongst the SS-Officers. They were all suprised, they hadn't known about Dr. Zieglers condition, and they were unsure wether to believe Wojciechowski. The Lagerführer raised his hands, and the whispers abruptly stopped. Werner was looking at Wojiechowski in suprise. Why would the polish doctor say that, they'd never x-rayed Dr. Zieglers skull - and then he realized what Wojciechowski had done. It was genius, frankly. The X-Rays of Werner's skull might as well have been Dr. Zieglers; and since the polish doctor had told Ziegler that Werner was not in fact, suffering from cancer, the doctor hadn't written anything down. 

"Can you prove this?" The Lagerführer asked. 

"I can." Again murmers broke out. He must be telling the truth if he agreed to provide evidence. "But I'll have to go to Dr. Zieglers office for it. We can go there now, if you wish. I am quite sure he put them in his desk with the other files."

"How would you know he puts his files in his desk?" The Lagerführer asked in suspicion.

"Joseph, excuse me, Herr Lagerführer; I'm a doctor as well, I was a professor at a university, and I have visited his office. I know where hee puts the files. It is, of course, possible that he put them somewhere else - hid them - if he didn't want Werner, his assistant, to see them."

"Alright. We will search his desk." The Lagerführer agreed. "I will go myself, Rickenbach, stay here with the two of them." The little group of Nazis split up, half went with the Lagerführer and the other half stayed behind with Rickenbach. 

Wojciechowski and Werner were quiet. Wojcieechowski wished he could have gone with them; if they found it they could hide it and say it had never existed. But his fear was without reason; the Lagerführer seriously just wanted to know who had done it; he was not set out to destroy the two. 

The minutes that passed by as they waited for the search group to return were murderous. Wojchiechowksi expected them to burst in any minute; saying they hadn't found it, resulting in them believing that he had lied. Werner had never liked waiting, he too was tortured by it, it had begun in the waiting rooms of the hospitals, when he'd waited on the doctors to tell them about his tumor. 

They didn't have to wait long; it was about half an hour that had passed when he Lagerführer and his search party returned. He held a file in his hands. He lay it on the desk next to Wojciechowski. "Here it is."

"Excellent. Should I explain?" 

"Another time, we need a second opinion from one of our doctors, he'll approve or deny your evaluation of Dr. Zieglers skull. He will be here tonight, latest tomorrow. Until then, you are dismissed." 

So they were seperatly lead back into their cells, and the doors were closed upon them and they were left to wait again.

To Werners surprise and shock, a cherry round face stared at him through the small window his room had. It belonged to no other than Nikolai. "Werner!" He shouted. "Can you hear me?" He stood on a little crate, because the window was high up. Werner got over his surprise and nodded his head vigourously. "How are you?" Werner shrugged in response. "I wasn't sure if you were still alive, but I'm glad-." His face dissapeared. The crate had cracked, sending Nikolai sprawling to the ground. Werner had guessed his fate and had started to laugh, so typicall for Nikolai! 

Nikolai got up and brushed himself off, to his misfortune, the Lagerführer had just rounded the corner. He'd seen him first on the floor, and knowing that Werner was behind the wall, he realized that Nikolai had made an attempt to communicate. 

"Was machen Sie? (what are you doing)" He called out. 

"Ich stehe auf! (I'm standing up!)

"Did you try to talk to Werner through the window?" The Lagerführer asked, accusing him of treason. Nikolai just grinned. 

"He's not Rapunzel, Joseph, he can't let his hair down for me to climb in and save him."

"Get your crate and get the hell out of here." The Lagerführer commanded. But the Russian had other plans. He stepped forwards and grabbed the Germans hand. 

"But Joseph, let me check up on my friend...he's lonely, much like you are." The Lagerführer was at a loss for words; like he often was around his russian peer. "And why are you looking at me like that? You almost seem like you want to kiss me." Nikolai was, of course, right. The Lagerführer did want to kiss him, but he hadn't even realized it himself. "I dare you to." Nikolai teased. "I've seen you look at my lips a lot...don't you want to taste them?" And he slowly pressed his left shoulder against the of the Lagerführers, an instant later he had him pinned to the wall. 

Werner wondered where Nikolai had went. It had been over a minute, had the soviet harmed himself accidentally? He had no means of reaching the window and looking out, so he just stood in the middle of the room, and stared at the square of grey light. 

He never would have expected that Nikolai was kissing the very man who had threatened to tortute him. Then again, Nikolai was such an unpredictable and ununderstandable man...

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