
Tamed ch 16

I then launched myself to the griffin, and violently slamming my solid strike cleaver to it, and in which the griffin just evade and block my attack, the griffin then attempt to slash me with it's long claws, but to it's surprised it's claw or rather it's whole arm was detached from it's body, surprised by of what happen the griffin tried to back away but was unable to, as the griffin saw that there are 5 small balls the size of a golf ball floating to it's side and behind it, the griffin instincts is telling it that it will be dangerous to touched it

'heh, I knew that once you've locked you're eyes on me you tend to careless about your surroundings so I use it to my advantage by forming a small cursed energy outside of your peripheral vision and quickly infused it with tremendous amount of cursed energy, and once this cursed energy made contact with your arm or any parts of you body it will explode'

With a satisfied smile plastered on ichiro's face he then continue with his unrelenting attack, and in which the griffin reply with a downward slash, ichiro then gracefully parry it and follow with an upper cut which temporarily incapacitate the griffin, ichiro then used this chance to further beat the griffin, but to his surprise before he could do that, the griffin suddenly stood up stretching it's wings and violently slamming them down causing a massive debris of sand came flying in all directions and also blinding ichiro's sight, and in the next moment when Ichiro opened his eyes he find himself in the sky with a missing arm and a leg he then saw the griffin way above the sky heading it's way to ichiro with an unimaginable speed, intending to end the fight

'i see, so that how it is, it knows that with a missing arm it's fighting prowess on land has decreased significantly, so it resort on aerial fight, but what's surprising is it knows that if it tries to do something I would quickly know so it let it self get hit and act as if it was incapacitate and made me keep my guard down, it then use it as an opportunity to block my vision and then grabbed my leg and flew me to the sky where it has more advantage and started ripping me limb by limb'

"Damn it, why all of you are capable of this, honestly I'm kinda scared of what the other shikigamis's is capable of, but I kinda expected this, so I'm only a little surprise-"

Before I could finish my sentence the griffin then descent from the sky aiming at my head intending to kill me but was unsuccessful as I shift my body on the last second and use my other leg to block the impending attack, and the only thing that the griffin manage to get is my other leg

"Hey!!!... That hurts you know, just because I can heal my self, doesn't mean I'm immune to pain, shouldn't you treat your future master with respect"

The griffin then continue with it's attack but to it's surprised, the griffin find itself falling down, when the griffin try to get up, it was unable to, as one of its wings was destroyed, ichiro then fall from the sky but surprisingly came out unscathed

"Surprised, you forgot about these"

The griffin looked at Ichiro holding a cursed energy the size of a golf ball

"Now then do you still wish to continue"

With a tired growl the griffin tried to stand up but was unable to with a missing arm and wings, but with one last bit of effort it tried to attack ichiro, but to it disappointment ichiro easily evade it

"Whatever you're doing is futile, with you current strength I doubt you could fight anymore so Surrender your self to me, and become my shikigami"

With this words the griffin stop moving and gently bow it's head and in the next moment it's body was suddenly covered in shadow, and I feel that same familiar sensation when I successfully tame Baku

"Alright I guess it was a success, now then let's try it, griffin"

As I calls out the name, a majestic creature suddenly appear in front of me,

"Alright it's a success, with this I now have two shikigami, thinking about the other 8 shikigami's and what kind of abilities they might have I'm starting to get excited here, man becoming strong sure is fun, anyway now's not the time to think about the other shikigamis and just focus today, since I already have a griffin, why don't we try flying to the sky"

As I fly with griffin, I found myself at peace, I feel so free, like there's nothing that could hold me back, like there's no chains that binds me

"Since I already tame 2 out of the 10 shikigami I have, I need to fully utilize there capabilities to aid me in my shikigami conquest, after all I don't want to use my shikigami as a mean of distracting enemies I want to fully use their ability, from now on I will be training alongside my shikigami to form a bond as well as teamwork since I don't want to use my shikigami as merely a support, or a way of transportation, they have so much potential, and I don't want it to go to waste like what megumi did with his ten shadow"

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