
(XL) Vilewaters

A group of over two hundred survivors stood next to the large pen carrying bags and sacks containing their belongings, talking amongst each other as they discussed excitedly amongst themselves. 

Sam soared through the air, landing violently inside the animal pen, kicking up a large cloud of dust and startling most of the group. He dusted himself off and slowly approached the gate, resting against it. 

Behind him were a couple dozen different types of livestock running around and sticking to their own small herds. A couple of ranch hands approached him after he flagged them over. 

"Do you guys know where we can find a couple horses?" He asked, turning and looking at the clusters of cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs. 

"I think Old Mac might have a couple of stallions..." One of the farmers answered. 

"I think John's ranch might also have a few." Another added as the group started to talk over one another, arguing over who had horses. 

"Alright!" Sam loudly interjected, holding his hand up and sighing heavily, "Split up and go to both! Bring people that can ride." 

"Well hell, son!" An old rancher exclaimed, "This here is Indiana! Everyone can ride!" 

"Nah..." Sam shook his head, disagreeing, "Indiana is gone. Everything we knew is over." 

The young man turned and pointed to the four trailers next to the fence, explaining, "We need at least ten horses. The more, the better." 

Everyone nodded as they understood the instructions, turning to leave in search of the horses needed to pull the trailers to either Saint Louis or Chicago. 

Sam stuck around for a few hours, splitting the continuously growing crowd into two groups and sending them toward their destination while waiting for the return of the ranchers. 

He gathered the livestock, separating them into two groups using the four trailers, sending two fully stocked with animals to each camp. 

The sun had already passed overhead, and it was early afternoon by the time they returned with twelve horses. He hooked four to two of the trailers, with two hauling the last two trailers each. 

Eight hundred of the two thousand survivors agreed to relocate, with him sending just over three hundred to the Saint Louis base camp and the remaining 485 to the Chicago proximity camp.

Now, both camps had roughly the same number of Awakeners and would probably become the highest concentration of Hunters worldwide. 

He pulled out a map of the country as he studied it. He pulled out a black marker and circled Saint Louis, drawing lines outward in different directions to nearby cities, creating the spokes of a wheel. 

He circled Kansas City to the west, Chicago to the north, Louisville to the east, and Memphis to the south before enveloping the entire cluster. 

He folded up the map, returning it to his bag as he nodded, satisfied with the future base camps he planned to establish and create a defensive perimeter.

Now that the grunts were acquired, it was time to gather the geniuses he would trust to revolutionize this new world and usher in a new era. He smirked as he adjusted his bag and slowly left the city. 

'Master, do you not wish to gather more of the inhabitants?' Khrista asked telepathically. 

'Nope.' Sam thought as he turned around, staring at the ruins for a moment before leaving, 'If they don't understand now, soon... they will.' 

He vanished from his position, darting to the north along the highway like a bolt of lightning as he headed toward his next destination: Detroit.

In his past life, there was a mischievous woman who controlled water molecules to such a high degree that she could create magical tinctures utilizing the Beast Cores and animal parts. 

He had only visited Vilewaters a few times with Camille, Ichiko, and Serenity. The city was built on The Divine Doctor's back, using her ability to control water. 

She was a world-renowned surgeon before the fall, and after, she cleaned water and helped Vilewaters become a significant contributor to the Hunter's Association. 

Sam raced forward, casually moving the trapped cars to the sides of the highway as he ran. He shuddered as he approached the city limits, remembering his dislike for the woman. 

No matter how much he didn't want her around, there was nobody anywhere near close enough to be a replacement for her. As much as he hated it, he needed her. 

The hospital was surprisingly still standing and one of the only buildings left. Sam dashed through the city, bounding from building to building as he approached the massive skyscraper. 

He landed in a large park in the middle of the hospital's parking lot as Khrista appeared from the shadows behind him. He turned and handed her his bag once again. 

She bowed and departed silently, stopping a dozen meters away as she turned back and stared at him solemnly before calling out, "Master!" 

"Yes, Khris?" He answered, turning to face her, noticing her worried expression, having never felt his uneasiness like this before. 

"Stay safe." She called out, forcing a soft smile as he nodded and returned it before she departed into the shadows. 

Samael sighed heavily, hanging his head before reluctantly approaching the entrance and walking into the hospital. The sun was setting behind him, casting dark shadows throughout the lobby. 

'She should still be here...' He thought as he looked down the hallways, seeing nothing but darkness. Thanks to the loss of electricity, all of the security doors were open for him. 

He searched through every room on the ground floor before furrowing his brow, not wanting to climb the stairs and explore each level. He approached the elevator, looked at the directory, and groaned. 

"300 stories tall..." He mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief, "She could be anywhere!" 

He growled in frustration, releasing it as he violently punched the elevator doors, caving the metal inward and destroying it. He huffed loudly before entering the stairwell. 

For the next few hours, he made his way higher in the hospital, not encountering anyone up and about, only a few injured and sleeping survivors. 

He raced from floor to floor, searching the rooms as he slowly reached the hundredth floor, and after the sun had set entirely, creating complete darkness in the hospital, he got to the two hundredth floor. 

Still, there was no sign of the doctor, and as he climbed the massive tower, even fewer signs of people being present were found. The last twenty floors, he hadn't seen a soul. Yet, he continued to climb. 

Sam was covered in sweat as he reached the three hundredth floor, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. 

"Knowing her self-absorbed ass, she's definitely all the way up here..." He muttered, thinking he was alone, when a shrill laugh could be heard behind him. 

"Oh! Ho ho ho oh!" 

Sam slowly closed his eyes, goosebumps running along his body as he shivered at the laugh. 

"Who might you be, young man?" A sultry and smooth voice like velvet called out behind him, "And who is this self-absorbed woman you speak of?" 

Sam sighed, begrudgingly opening his eyes as he turned around, staring blankly at the young girl, wearing a black dress underneath a lab coat and black heels, sitting on the guard rail above. 

"Nobody important." Sam replied, "I'm Sam; are you Rosalyn?"

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