

"When should we leave, uncle?" Safiya asked one hot afternoon outside his compound as he tended to a sick horse with a broken leg.

He sighed and applied a substance to the horse's leg, then tied it with a neat cloth. "Next week will be fine," he replied.

Safiya nodded. "Okay."

He turned to her, as if about to say something but instead shook his head with a laugh before speaking. "You are so much like your father, Safiya. He too would do whatever he set his mind on."

Safiya smiled. "I'm glad."

"You should know I'm not trying to stop you, Safiya. I'm just worried about your safety," he said.

Safiya gave him a small smile. "I know, uncle, and I appreciate it so much. But i won't rest until Ahmed's mother is healed; it's the only way I can help as his friend." 'And maybe confront the king later, but not to kill him'. She said to herself.

He returned her smile before continuing to tend to the horse.

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