

She had never witnessed this sort of fight scene before; it was real, with dead bodies and blood—too gruesome, too brutal.

The fight intensified and despite being injured, Ahmed successfully pierced his sword into the chest of one of them and removed it. Blood gushed out and the man fell to the ground. Without thinking about the person he had just killed, he turned swiftly and swayed his sword to the next man's neck, catching him off guard and killing him.

Sheby heaved a sigh and watched him, too shocked to move because of what she had seen, but at last, at least he was safe. He looked about him, at the dead bodies, their blood flowing on the ground as the rain washed it away. Ahmed grew weak and knelt with one knee while he pinned his sword to the ground to support himself from falling.

As Sheby was about to come out of her hidden place and approach him, an unknown arrow flew towards his chest. She gasped, clutching her chest tightly.

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