
Chapter 220: Facing the Ancient Leshen

A rumble echoed from the sky. A knight with a unicorn emblem drew his bow towards the night sky, but what came towards him was a flock of crows, so dense that it darkened the sky.

Even a whole unit of archers would be overwhelmed by such a situation. The knight fired an arrow in vain, piercing the bodies of two ravens. Instantly, a cloud of ravens lifted him into the air and brutally slammed him to the ground, leaving him stunned.

As he tried to call for help, claws suddenly lifted his steel visor.

The intelligence of crows is extremely high, even not inferior to that of uneducated children. Not to mention that they are controlled by an ancient and wise life like the Leshen, so they are not defenseless against the humans hiding inside their armor.

The knight let out a piercing scream before his mouth was covered. After a few short gasps, he stopped struggling.

The crows abandoned the knight's corpse, but soon a horde of wild ghouls and wolves surrounded him, fighting over the scarce human flesh. They glared at each other, ready to fight over their prize in the middle of the battlefield.

The sound of a thousand-year-old tree collapsing echoed across the battlefield. The source of that rumble was ancient Leshen.

At that deep, low sound, the monsters and beasts, who had been fighting each other until then, stopped as if they had heard the command of a war horn. They turned around and rushed towards the humans.

On the front lines of the battle, the Cintra soldiers seemed almost unconcerned compared to the other troops, who were in chaos.

They worked in groups of three or five, using bows and arrows to deal with the monsters rushing over from a distance, or tacitly cooperated to kill wild wolves, and they didn't even have too much blood on their bodies.

"How long do you think it will take them to react and organize a formation to hunt down the ancient Leshen?"

After hearing Kolgrim's question, Letho thought for a while. "Not much. These monsters just caught the army by surprise. There will be quite a few casualties, but they won't crumble. What I'm worried about is that the Ancient Leshen will try to escape mid-battle."

Milva frowned upon hearing this. "It is the prey that the Earl specifically requested, so it can't run away!"

The female archer grabbed the mahogany bow that was as long as her height, and her body, which had been strengthened by the [Follower] system, burst out with amazing strength.

The sound of the bow being drawn reached the ears of the witchers clearly. Although she could not draw it fully like Lann, the mere act of drawing the bow was impressive.

"Is this still human strength?" Kolgrim muttered.

Milva used all the strength in her body. To facilitate shooting, she wore only a bracelet on her left arm, while her right thumb was covered by a leather ring. Both arms, bare, showed fine, defined muscle lines.

Her figure, although athletic, did not seem like that of someone capable of drawing a bow with such power.

"Forget Lann, how come even his servants are so abnormal?"

The distance of a hundred steps was covered in an instant, and the special arrow shaft cut through the air, but, in the next second, it was as if it had crashed into a rock wall, breaking into several pieces.

The Ancient Leshen bowed his head in an almost human-like manner, pulled out the steel arrow stuck shallowly in his chest, and tossed it aside. Within seconds, the wound on his wooden body had completely closed up.

"What's going on? Another immortal? Why do I keep running into such opponents recently?" Milva frowned, drew her bow and put another arrow on it. "I wonder if I can shoot the head, it looks like it's made of bones..."

Letho placed his hand on Milva's bow, shaking his head at her bewildered look.

"Ancient Leshen can't be hurt by steel. Only our Relict oil or a silver sword can affect it. Or if you have a dimeritium arrowhead, that would do too."

Milva showed an absurd expression. "How can I have such a precious thing?"

Letho offered her a bottle of sword oil, suggesting that she apply it to the tip of her arrow. "I know Lann has special arrows tipped with dimeritium. With your skill, it wouldn't be a waste to use them. You should ask him for them and show him what you're capable of. With his character, he wouldn't hesitate to give them to you, even praise you. Don't underestimate yourself so much."

Milva was stunned. "Really? Lord Earl... won't refuse me?"

Letho showed a strange expression. "I was referring to the dimeritium arrows..."

Shaking his head, Letho decided to ignore the archer who was lost in her thoughts and called out to the other witchers. "The monsters accompanying the Ancient Leshen have been almost eliminated by the army. It's time to attack!"

"Okay!" The witchers responded in unison.

With silver swords smeared with oil and poison, the witchers slithered through the ranks of Kaedwen soldiers like snakes, silently approaching the Ancient Leshen. The soldiers, however, did not dare to approach the creature, which stood over four meters tall, and only attacked it from afar with arrows that barely tickled it. This forced the witchers to reveal themselves earlier than planned.

Before they could execute any tactics, they saw a green flash, and the Ancient Leshen disappeared from sight, leaving behind only a tangled bunch of roots.

"Not good!"

The witchers immediately went on alert. Without hesitation, they activated Sign Quen on themselves and activated the witcher's senses to track any signs in the air.

Suddenly, Kolgrim felt a chill in his heart.

"Spread up!"

He screamed in desperation as he pushed past a soldier blocking his way and lunged forward without thinking. The soldier barely had time to curse the witchers when the ground began to shake. Tree-thick roots emerged from the earth, piercing the Kaedwen soldiers.

Amidst the confusion, the enormous Ancient Leshen reappeared beneath a sinister green light, letting out a howl that echoed across the sky.

The human soldiers were shocked when they saw this. They might have the courage to face enemies that outnumbered themselves, but when monsters several times their size stood in front of them, they were immediately scared out of their wits.

The formations disintegrated, and the corpses of their comrades, pierced like bloody pumpkins, only increased their fear. Only a few warriors, with no regard for their lives, swung their swords at the monster, leaving light scratches on its wooden body, which disappeared almost immediately.

Then, with a deafening boom, the Ancient Leshen stomped on the ground with force, and more roots emerged, turning a dozen soldiers into food for the plants.

The soldiers who were not attacked by the tree roots immediately scattered.

The Ancient Leshen ignored those insignificant humans and turned towards Kolgrim, who had just escaped.

However, the monster did not notice that among the human soldiers who were fleeing, a sturdy figure was shuttling through the crowd at an unreasonable speed.

Letho, with his newly acquired venomous silver sword, fiercely pierced the Leshen's back with a well-aimed blow.

Although it was difficult, it managed to penetrate. Blue smoke began to rise from the wound, a sign that the Relict oil was taking effect.

The Leshen's body began to blacken and rot around the wound, as if it were decomposing.

The poison imbued into Letho's Legendary Viper venomous silver sword was wreaking havoc, and not even a monster as formidable as the Ancient Leshen could prevent it.

Letho, satisfied with his blow, quickly backed away. With a kick, he propelled himself away from the monster, agilely dodging its huge hand. He jumped several meters, landing safely some distance away.

As it hit the ground, it released a small ring: the pin on a dimeritium bomb.

With a bang, green metallic dust enveloped the Leshen, suppressing the magic surrounding it.

But in his eagerness to flee, Letho failed to consider his surroundings. Though he was safe, Kaedwen's soldiers were left at the mercy of the Ancient Leshen's fury. Without its magic, the monster remained gigantic and impenetrable, and its rage was unleashed without discrimination.

Of course, Letho probably didn't care too much.

"Use fire! This monster is immune to steel, but not to fire!" Auckes shouted, both to give the soldiers a chance and to seek his own advantage. The presence of so many soldiers limited the use of his area signs like Igni and Aard.

Hearing the warning, some soldiers reacted, raising torches and charging towards the monster. However, a flock of crows descended from the sky, attacking one of the soldiers before he could get close, causing him to drop his torch.


An arrow crossed the battlefield, piercing a torch and igniting the arrowhead covered in thick sword oil, creating an arc of fire in the air that stabbed into the Leshen's neck.

The archer smiled at the success of her shot, as she pulled more arrows from her quiver and changed position.

Kolgrim saw the opportunity and shouted to Milva, running through the soldiers, while raising his left hand to cast the Igni sign.

Milva immediately understood what the witcher meant. Although they had not rehearsed in advance, the two who had fought several times to get used to each other also showed amazing tacit understanding.

In the dark night, a second cluster of cone-shaped flames soon lit up. And the sharp arrows continued to pierce through the flames, before hitting the Leshen's body, causing it to illuminate the dark night.

Each arrow from Milva that hit the Leshen made it retreat step by step.


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