
Chapter 65: Jericho

"Oh." She went quiet for a moment before looking up at us again. "Ok so let's go ahead and do that then. Can you share your wolves' names with me?"

I smiled at her and raised her hand to my lips. "His name is Toth."

"Oh wow! That's… um… Egyptian if I remember right. The God of science and magic. That would explain the sexy as fuck accent. I just couldn't quite place it last night."

'Not only beautiful but smart. Thank her for the compliment for me. It makes me unusually happy to have a human think my voice is sexy. You are a lucky human to have her.'

'Don't I know it.'

"He said you were dead on, love. And that you are both smart and beautiful. And he asked me to thank you for the compliment. You made him really happy that you find his voice sexy."

She beamed at me. "Thanks, Toth, and you're welcome. Just speaking the truth though." She looked over at Deke. "What about yours?"

"He said his name is Tarvos."

Zoey looked thoughtful. 

"I think that's Celtic, right? After the Gaulish God if I remember the lore correctly."

Deke laughed quietly. "You did the impossible, baby. He's shocked and a little bit speechless. And quite impressed you knew that bit of information. Especially since it's not a well-known fact."

"What can I say? I love mythology and languages. I didn't have friends, so I would hide in the library to keep warm in the winter. It only made sense to read and learn while I was in there." She paused. "What about yours, Ash?"

"His name is Aku."

"Hmmm… that's…" She stopped and blinked a few times. "Damn…"

"What, sweetheart?"

"Well, if your wolves are the true gods of their names, yours is really fucking old Ash. Aku is Babylonian and literally translates to Moon God."

'I and Tarvos are not the original to carry those names… but Aku is.'

'Holy shit! Really?'


I looked wide-eyed at Ash.

"Dude… your wolf is the original Aku?"

He nodded, looking in shock himself.

"Damn Ash. If I'm doing my math right that means your wolf has been around for…." Zoey scrunched her nose as she did her mental math before her mouth dropped open. "Holy shit. Your wolf's been around for over 3,500 years?!" Her voice squeaked.

I watched Ash swallow and I saw him go a little pale.

"You ok, Ash?" 

I reached over and grabbed his shoulder. His voice was hoarse when he answered me.

"Yeah. Just feeling very… unworthy of my wolf right now. He's got so much knowledge and I never even thought to ask him anything about himself. Which makes me an asshole and a very poor Alpha."

"No, it doesn't. It makes you human, Ash." 

Zoey got up and went and sat in his lap as we all felt his sorrow. I watched her comfort him as his arms went around her and he buried his head in her hair.

"As I'm sure your wolf has explained, shifters don't think about where their wolves come from beyond that they are gifted to us from the Goddess. Trust me, you are worthy of your wolf, and you are an amazing Alpha. I'm seen some really shitty ones, but you truly care for your pack, and you put them before yourself all the time. So, cheer up my love. You deserve your wolf and not asking questions doesn't make you any less of an Alpha."

He looked up at her and I hadn't seen that level of vulnerability in his eyes in a long time. Not since we were kids.

"You really think so, Zoey? That I'm worthy of him? He is a true Moon God with so much power. He let me feel some of it and it blew me away. I… I'm scared Zoey."

My eyes widened as I saw tears come to his eyes. I squeezed his shoulder and Deke came over and did the same as our mate laid her hand on his cheek.

"What are you scared of Ash?" Her voice was soft.

"Of failing him. Of failing the Goddess because she chose me for him. Of failing you and our family. Of failing my pack."

"Oh, my love. You aren't failing anyone. The Goddess would never have matched you with Aku if you weren't capable and deserving of being with him. And I'm sure he wouldn't have agreed to join with you if he thought you couldn't handle it. None of us can control or see the future but together we can all face it. All eight of us."

Ash looked startled as his eyes started to glow and Aku spoke through him.

"You are quite wise, Zoey. And you are very correct. I would not have agreed to be Asher's wolf had I not felt he was worthy of the strength and power I can give him. He has been a good human and I am proud to be his wolf. While we wolves can't see the future, we can get certain impressions. Like I know there will be trials ahead, but I also know there is much love and joy ahead as well."

Zoey's lips parted as she heard Aku speak. Her voice was low and full of awe and heat.

"Wow. Do all wolves have such sexy accents? Like hot accents are my weakness. Well, one of my weaknesses."

He gave a deep chuckle and I saw her shiver. 

"Most do as we are from so many different ancient cultures. Just wait until Tarvos decides to speak. I have seen women swoon for his Celtic accent. It's a very strong Irish sound."

"Oh, holy fuck… Deke…. I swear you get hotter all the time. A fucking Irish accented wolf? I'm so gonna melt for him."

I glanced at Deke. "Dude, I feel I'm losing a race here. How did you get all the hot shit?"

He shrugged and grinned at me. "Just lucky, I guess. I bet you wish you were the marshmallow teddy bear now, don't you."

I was shocked and a little disgruntled to find he was right.

"Yeah, I kinda do. Fucker." I grumbled at him, and he laughed along with Aku.

"Fear not, Jericho. Toth has quite a few surprises in store for you to more than make up for Tarvos. Now that your mate has truly helped you bond with us, we can really show you what we are made of."

I was startled. "You mean we weren't bonded before?"

"Yes, but in knowing who we really are, it takes that bonding to another level. We were forbidden to tell you our names and reveal who we actually were until you directly asked us. Now we can share our full potential."

"Is that just us or is it that way for all shifters?"

"All shifters, though not with the same degree of power we have. We three are some of the most powerful wolves given by the Goddess. However, now that you know, our powers will also stop you from telling other shifters about the potential for the deeper bond. They must find it on their own or live without it. It doesn't hurt us to never share our powers, but it brings us great joy when we can. Now enjoy your time together, my friends. Now that we are all connected on that deeper level you will all be hearing from us often."

Aku winked and the glow in Ash's eyes faded, and he looked a little shell-shocked. I completely understood. We were all floored with the information he gave us. I gave a low whistle. 

"Damn. That was… unexpected."

"Understatement, Jer. Seriously."

I rolled my eyes at Zoey.

"Watch it, Jer. We still have the playroom in our future. I might just tie you to the bench and see how red I can make YOUR ass."

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