
A brief conversation about outbreaks

"That is the renowned shield that protects against outbreaks, right?" inquired Lucca, contemplating the field's shield.

"Exactly, when that barrier fades away, the outbreak occurs!" she pointed to the protective field.

"It seems quite intriguing!" said Ivy, displaying a smile.

Upon hearing the comments from Lucca's group, a blue-haired student inquired, "Teacher, when will we have the opportunity to delve deeper into our understanding of outbreaks?"

"That's a second-year subject! And you can presume that you'll also be involved in an outbreak, right?" revealed the teacher.

Many were excited about the news, but some felt afraid to participate in such an event.

"But couldn't the teacher provide us with basic information about it?" insisted the student with blue hair.

"Yes, teacher! Please!" many students echoed, and she gave in.

The teacher sighed and explained, "Everyone knows that those barriers are what protect us in case of an outbreak, right?" All the students nodded, and she continued, "In fact, these barriers fall from time to time. The lower the rank of the field, the less time it takes for it to fall. For example, a Rank 1 field takes 5 years, while a Rank 2 takes 15 years, and so on!" The teacher responded with another sigh.

Upon hearing this, Lucca remembered what his mother had told him when he asked about outbreaks and immediately raised his hand.

Seeing Lucca's raised hand, Elara allowed him to speak, "My mother told me that as soon as an outbreak occurs, we need to protect our territory to prevent the field level from increasing. Can you explain it better?"

Everyone began to pay attention to Lucca's question, because they had never heard this kind of information before 

Surprised by Lucca's question, the teacher smiled slightly and replied, "You asked me for the basics, and we're already going beyond that. But let me clarify something: not every outbreak requires you to protect the territory!"

Before Lucca could ask more questions, the teacher looked at the sky and noticed that the sun was almost at noon. She shouted, "Go! Go! The conversation is over. Rest or go to the field; the camp has already started! Time is of the essence in this camp!"

Upon hearing this, they began to leave the wall, forgetting about Lucca's question. Some went to the dungeon, while others started to explore the fortress. However, Lucca's group decided to stay on the wall.

"Let me see if I understood. The teacher said that winning an outbreak has more than one objective, or does it depend on luck for the objective of protecting a territory? Can you tell me?" Lucca asked, looking at Alice and Ana, as they were the ones with more information.

"There can be outbreaks with more than one objective, but it's very rare. Usually, it's one objective, like the one you mentioned. It's an objective that can happen." Ana replied.

"Got it! Thank you." Lucca thanked and thought to himself, 'Okay, it's like several mini-games on a roulette, and the roulette just spins and lands on one game.'

In the midst of Lucca's thoughts, Alice spoke, "Do you want to go in there?" Pointing to the field, she continued, "Or should we have lunch first?"

Everyone raised their hands to go eat something since they were hungry from the journey. Lucca's group liked to go straight to the field to hunt, but Lucca didn't like physical effort after eating, a preference he brought from his past life

After an hour, they finally left the fortress and headed to the field, ready to start the camp and climb the leaderboard.

When they reached where the shield was, Lucca stood still, looking at it. He tried to touch it, but he couldn't. His hand passed through the barrier as if it were invisible!

Lucca was speechless to describe what had just happened. He couldn't understand how his hand passed through the barrier as if it were nothing.

"Ivy and Nolan also tried and had the same surprised reaction as Lucca. However, Ana and Alice laughed at their reactions. Alice said, 'Come on, we don't have time to waste watching you guys admire the shield."

Hearing that, the three regained their composure and started walking towards the plain.

"Which direction do you suggest we go, Lucca?" Alice asked, knowing that Lucca had excellent abilities to detect the targets they wanted.

"Shall we stay at the same level or go to lower levels since the teacher said they are stronger here?" he asked.

"Let's lower it a bit, to level 40 to 45!" Alice replied after thinking for a moment. After that, they headed towards their first prey in the camp.

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