
Heart Bleeds.

As Reiner stood almost naked in the cold, the harsh reality of his situation weighed heavily on him.

The frigid air bit at his exposed skin, and he felt a deep chill setting in.

It was an uncomfortable and vulnerable moment, but he knew it was a necessary step to change into the warmer clothing from the suitcase.

In terms of safety, Reiner was undoubtedly exposed to the elements and faced the immediate risk of hypothermia due to the cold temperatures.

The decision to change into the warmer attire was a matter of survival, as his torn and icy clothing had left him inadequately protected against the elements.

Reiner had found a sheltered spot on the leeward side of a small hillock.

This spot provided some relief from the biting wind and allowed him to change his clothing with a degree of protection from the cold.

While it provided some respite from the direct cold, it wasn't a permanent or secure shelter.

Reiner was acutely aware of his vulnerability in the unfamiliar surroundings.

The desolate snow field presented not only harsh environmental challenges but also the potential for unknown dangers. While changing into his new attire, he kept a cautious eye on his surroundings.

Though he didn't have specific countermeasures in place, Reiner remained vigilant and alert to any potential threats, holding the dagger he found tightly with his right hand.

After confirming his safety again, Reiner started stepping into the thick, dark brown woolen trousers.

The insulation immediately embraced his legs, providing a comforting warmth against the frigid air. He secured them in place with a sturdy belt.

Next, he put on the white woolen tunic, which felt cozy against his skin. Its soft and insulating material provided an extra layer of warmth.

As Reiner changed into the woolen tunic, he couldn't help but notice the changes in his injuries.

The jagged gash on his chest, once about six inches long, was now approximately half the size it had been. The wound, which had been deep with ragged edges and had oozed blood in a steady, dark trickle, had healed significantly.

The claw marks on his chest were no longer as severe as they had been initially. They were still visible but had become less prominent, and the skin around the wound had partially closed.

While the claw marks had not yet fully recovered, their diminished severity indicated a healing process that was well underway.

Although Reiner was impressed, a frown appeared on his face.

I have to disinfect it.

There is still some time before it will heal completely. It would be risky to let this wound bare and open.

He reached for a small flask of clear, homemade wound-cleansing solution that Zephyr had prepared earlier. As an archeologist, it was natural to sustain injuries while working. Therefore, Zephyr kept this with him while traveling.

This concoction was created using distilled herbal extracts, known for their mild antiseptic properties, such as sage and thyme, combined with a touch of diluted wine vinegar.

I have to clean the wound first. But how?

Initially, he thought to clean with a woolen cloth. However, it wasn't an ideal method because wool fibers can leave behind lint, which might not be entirely sterile. In modern medical practice, it's recommended to use sterile materials, such as sterile gauze or clean cloth, to clean wounds.

He couldn't use water either. Taking into account the potential risk of hypothermia in the snow-covered field, Reiner chose to forgo using water to clean his wounds.

In the end, he reached for a piece of clean, dry linen from the suitcase.

With a careful touch, he gently dabbed at the gash on his chest and the claw marks on his back, using the clean linen to remove any lingering dirt and debris.

His heart bled as he used linen to clean his wounds.

It's because Linen is more expensive than wool and cotton!!

In a world where linen is a material used for the clothing of nobles in a predominantly frozen environment, it was considered a luxury fabric due to its finer quality and properties such as breathability and comfort.

Given its scarcity and the labor-intensive process of producing it, linen was relatively expensive compared to other things.

Furthermore, noble clothing made from linen is a symbol of wealth and status, as it is not only aesthetically pleasing but also provides a level of comfort and insulation in a cold environment.

The price of linen in such a world would be relatively high, making it a luxury item that only the nobility and the affluent could afford.

While the cost of the basic liner was around 300 units, the piece Reiner was using to clean his wounds would be approximately 12 inches by 12 inches (30 cm by 30 cm), providing enough surface area to effectively clean the injuries while remaining manageable for the task.

It would be a whopping 100 units.

It's a really unlucky day.

Once the wounds were sufficiently cleansed, he reached for a small flask of his homemade wound-cleansing solution.

With the clean linen (another part of the piece) and the homemade antiseptic solution, Reiner ensured that his wounds were disinfected and free from impurities. The natural antiseptic solution stung slightly, a reminder of the injury's initial pain, but it was a necessary step to ensure cleanliness and prevent any potential infection.

Although I want to bandage it, I don't have any ideal materials for it. Moreover, it would heal in an hour.

In the end, he wore his tunic. Unfortunately, he had to throw away that piece of linen. It wasn't usable anymore.

The tunic's soft fabric brushed gently against his skin, and as he put it on, his fingers grazed over the areas that had once been painful and inflamed.

Similarly, as the tunic covered his back, he could sense that the bruises and abrasions were less pronounced.

He put that flask into his suitcase again and closed the lid.

Reiner then slid his arms into the sleeves of the heavy, olive green coat. While the fur-lined collar and cuffs provided additional insulation.

He reached up to gently ruffle his black hair. The snowflakes that had settled on his dark locks were transformed into tiny, glistening droplets of water. He shook his head slightly, allowing any remaining snow to fall to the ground.

Reiner reached for a warm hat from the suitcase and placed it on his head. The hat had a round, crown-like shape that covered the top of his head.

It featured a moderately wide brim that extended all the way around, offering protection for his ears and the back of his neck.

The outer material of the hat was made of the same rugged, water-resistant olive green fabric as his coat, ensuring that it could withstand the harsh elements.

While the interior of the hat was lined with soft wool.

Given that Reiner was wearing a heavy, insulated coat with a fur-lined collar and cuffs, he felt he wouldn't need a scarf.

Finally, he reached for a pair of warm gloves from the suitcase and pulled them onto his hands.

However, when he looked at that linen piece near his feet, his heart still bled.

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My heart also bleeds after seeing no money.

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