
Chapter 134

Before his head fell to the ground, Dio grabbed his arm and spun him while throwing him onto the floor.

Starfire came to Dio, and they both jumped through the window where he had just thrown Cain.


After Cain hit the side of a building, big chunks of concrete fell to the empty base below and destroyed the building.

The missing head had already been restored.

The problem wasn't that they couldn't hurt him; it was that God wasn't kidding when he made him immortal.

Dio knew that was his curse, but did the Creator really have to make it so powerful that a severed head heals in a few seconds?

That's ridiculous!

"Watch out!"

Starfire shouted from his side, hitting his left arm, moving Dio out of the way but getting hit in his place.


Dio shouted.

This energy was dangerous, unlike the broad-area effect, because it was more focused.

Dio hit the ground while creating a small crater, and he looked at Starfire's body falling.

He ran at high speed while appearing below her and catching her.

"Are you okay?"

Dio asked when he noticed that her hair had darkened.

"He took a lot out of me."

Starfire replied in a low voice and was clearly tired.

"Can you still fight?"

Dio asked her. He hated himself right now because he knew she shouldn't answer, but he needed her by his side right now.

"Put me down, and I'll show you."

Starfire replied while laughing.

After placing her on the ground, Dio took his stance.

Cain walked quietly through the destroyed street in front of them.

"You've amused me, mortals, so I will grant you immortality."

"Well, thank you very much for that, but no."

Dio responded to him, with Starfire by his side and her fists glowing.

Starfire was also running out of energy.

Dio realized after seeing that her energy was not shining as it normally does.

"My gift cannot be refused!"

Cain shouted, with a voice that was rougher and more powerful.

Dio had a bad feeling at that very moment, which was made clear when Cain transformed in front of him.

The average-height man became a sickly white monster of two and a half meters, and his limbs grew thinner.

The hair disappeared, the nails sharpened like blades, the ears expanded upward, and the nose and eyes became bat-like.

Cain opened his mouth and revealed teeth elongated and thin like a shark's. He stuck out his large, white tongue and licked his lips.


Cain attacked and destroyed the ground with his strength. It was faster than any attack so far.

Dio rolled to the left, and Cain passed by him.

Cain changed positions and returned towards him with the flap of bat-like wings that emerged from his back.

Dio placed his shield in front of him while still on the ground sparking around it.

Starfire, who was hovering next to Dio, hits Cain in the side of the face with a powerful punch. Cain spun in the air and hit a store on their side.


Dio didn't know what was inside, but everything exploded shortly after.

"Is that enough?"

Starfire asked.

"I highly doubt it."

From the top of the burning store, Cain broke through the roof and flew high.


Cain roared from above.


Suddenly, a female voice shouted.

Mary grabbed Cain's back and they both fell quickly a few meters to Dio and Starfire.


They create another crater in the ground.

"It seems like my idea worked."

Dio smiled happily.

"Is she on our side now?"

Starfire asked with confusion.

"An old saying from Earth, Starfire: the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"That makes no sense; the enemy is the enemy."

Starfire said it with even more confusion.

"Not on Earth."


Boston shouted coming from the same direction Mary came from.

"It worked!"

Boston shouted happily.

"I saw it, great job. Stay close, Boston; you might have to help us again."

"Yes, sir!"

Boston shouted happily.

"Let's go quickly; she won't last long alone."

Dio ignored all this boss talk and said to Starfire.

They both find Mary lying on her back in the crater she made and their forms change into monstrous werewolves.

She was holding Cain's arms and trying to keep his fangs off her neck.

Starfire was faster than Dio while kicking Cain in the head and getting him off Mary.

"How ridiculous, helping the heroes you were about to kill."

Mary didn't thank her for the help and stood up.


Cain on the ground exploded and turned into a large group of bats that flew in all directions.

"Starfire, retreat!"

Dio shouted at her and jumped backward with all his strength.

Starfire managed to fly back, and they both watched the scene in front of them.

The thousands of bats in the air looked like a swarm of locusts or a black cloud.

They were flying so fast and in sync with each other that they looked like one bat.

"This is new."

Mary said this while appearing next to them in her naked form after leaving the mist form.

"Here he comes!"

Dio warned the two.

The black cloud expanded even more, and Dio could recognize the shape of a mouth opening in the bats as it went toward them to consume them.

Dio looked around, and before shouting to retreat again, he came up with a plan.

After sheathing his sword, Dio ran to the left, knelt down, and easily lifted the bottom of a regular car on the street above his head.

"Starfire, on target or on my signal!"

Dio shouted at her.

When Cain was closer, Dio threw the spinning car in the air, and when the bottom part became visible and Cain was close, Dio gave the order.


Starfire shot the car.

Starfire may not know where the fuel tank is at the bottom of a car, but she was smart and knew his plan, so she shot with everything she had—enough to explode the car.


The explosion affected the bats by scattering them and breaking their synchronization.

Dio drew his sword again.

The bats chaotically flew around them and spread out even more.

Suddenly, a monster hand from Cain's new form appeared and grabbed Dio by the neck.

Cain picked up Dio off the ground frozen. The bats flew into him quickly, making him gain more and more human shape.

Dio also surprised everyone by not needing all the bats to get back to full form, and many of them are still flying around.


Starfire shouted and jumped with her blazing fists to their position.

Cain was no longer playing around.

He looked at Starfire, and from his eyes, a red beam hit her chest like heat vision and she crashed to the other side of the street.

Starfire fell to the ground.

Mary, who was the last person who would help Dio, also attacked and turned into a wolf.

She ran alongside Cain and bit his leg.

However, Mary froze like Dio as her fangs pierced Cain's skin.

Dio had been trying to escape since the moment he was caught.

This damn guy did something.

Dio couldn't move, and he was being drained twice as fast as before.

Cain didn't care; he raised his hand extended it like a blade, and tried to pierce Dio.

There was something from his left that touched his wrist before Cain pierced Dio's stomach slightly diverting its lethal trajectory.

This was even though Cain's long nails were able to slice through the flesh and cut the side of his body.


Dio couldn't help but scream in pain.

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