
Chapter 81

"This is getting really fun!"

Koriand'r shouted happily in front of Dio.

Koriand'r always enjoys their sparring sessions.

This time, they are training in combat while floating.

Dio needs to learn Koriand'r's fighting style now that he can fly because it was designed for those who can fly.

Koriand'r and Dio are floating a few inches above the mat on the gym floor on the Tower's lowest floor.

Raven is sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and her purple cape covering almost her whole body.

Normally, she prefers to be alone, but Koriand'r always manages to drag the girl closer to her when she sees her.

Kaldur'ahm is also here. He was wearing a blue workout outfit and is now lifting more than a ton in bench presses.

Koriand'r then flew to Dio and grabbed his shoulders with both arms.

Dio grabbed the straps of the sports bra she was wearing and spun her around in the air until he let her go, which made her move away from him.

"You almost ripped my new outfit."

Koriand'r said this away from him, with both hands on her chest, while checking if the sports bra was still in place.

It was very tempting to be a hero and train with such a beautiful woman, but Dio wasn't as affected by what she was wearing after training with her almost every day.

On the other hand, Wally would faint if he saw Koriand'r dressed in just a sports bra that covered only her breasts and with gray workout pants sticking to her beautiful orange skin.

Now it's Dio's turn to attack. He punched her in the face, which hit the side of his wrist with an open hand.

Dio spins his body in the air and kicks her face.

Koriand'r dodges his hit by lowering a few centimeters and grabbing his leg while throwing him to the ground.

"We're not on the ground, Dio. We're flying, so we don't need the ground to push or spin in the air. A habit you'll have to forget when flying."

Koriand'r repeated it for the third time.

Dio stood up from the ground and floated a few inches while facing Koriand'r. She may be a ball of energy and excitement, but she is undoubtedly a good trainer.

When they are on the ground, they have to kick it to gain momentum forward, but in the air, this is no longer necessary.

As a result, Dio was making unnecessary movements that an enemy could use. The problem is that it will take Dio some time to get used to resisting this instinct, even knowing this.

Koriand'r made her move; she wanted to grab his arm now, but Dio slid to her left and pushed her arm, which made her turn her back to him.

Dio took advantage and put his arms around her neck in a chokehold, while his legs were also wrapped around her waist and one of her arms.

"Give up?"

Dio asked her while moving my head away from her long red hair.

"Are you sure you don't want to let me go?"

Koriand'r asked in a playful tone.

She doesn't give Dio time to answer or think, and she flies upwards.

When she approached the ceiling, Koriand'r turned her body and slammed his back against it.


The shock made Dio let go, and Koriand'r turned while grabbing his shirt and threw him to the ground.


Dio dropped a few inches into the ground, and all the air from his lungs escaped his body, but she wasn't done yet.

Dio looks up and sees her flying vertically with her arm extended.

Dio forced his body, lifted his legs upward, and brought them towards his head, thus raising himself and crouching on the ground.

In front of him, Koriand's arm was almost buried in the ground. Dio did a backflip while still squatting down, and he hit her in the face with his foot.

In the air, she spun a few times until she regained control of her body.

She gave him a smile of pure joy and then wiped the blood from her lip, where he hit her with the kick.

Then she clenches both fists, and her green energy envelops them.

Dio floated until he was facing her in the air and returned the smile, then they both moved simultaneously.

"Enough, you two!"

Ravena shouted.

There are two claws made of shiny black energy from her surrounding their bodies to prevent them from colliding in the air.

"Raven, why did you stop us? We were getting to the best part."

Koriand'r looked at Raven and asked.

"Look around, you idiots. Your fight is going to destroy this entire floor."

Raven replied and stood up while looking at them with unhappiness.

"I think we got a little carried away."

Dio said this while looking around.

The gym is quite sturdy, but they broke the ceiling and the floor, and the shockwave they caused disturbed Kaldur'ahm, who was pulling weight on our side and is now close while staring at them.

"Sorry for interrupting you, Kaldur."

Dio apologizes to him after Raven's crow claw releases them, and they both return to the ground.

"Don't worry, it was more interesting to watch your training."

Kaldur'ahm smiled at them.

"So, can we continue?"

Koriand'r asked Raven, who just shook her head.

"Why don't we stop for today, Koriand'r?"

Dio suggested.

"But we were starting to heat up."

Koriand'r pouted.

"When I come back, we'll continue, this time outside."

Dio said to improve her mood, which works.

"I'll take a shower and then have breakfast; I don't want to be late."

Koriand'r said and flew away.

"And I need to hurry not to be late either."

Kaldur'ahm said this while looking at the digital clock on the wall of the gym.

"Do you have a date?"

Dio asked with a smile.

"A friend of mine is celebrating her birthday today, and I plan to attend."

Kaldur'ahm replied without embarrassment.

"Have a good party then."

Dio said, and he nodded and left.

"Are you going today?"

Ravena asked him while approaching.

"It's the best time."

Dio replied.

It's been a week since Dio got all the materials he needed, but he didn't go straight to the underworld.

Since Dio didn't know how long he could stay there, he had to make preparations and do it on a date when he was free from school.

Vanessa is also quite busy preparing for her move to college.

Vanessa's excitement to leave her empty house is huge; Dio doesn't blame her. He was also bored, living in an empty house for months.

Dio told her he would be away for a few days without talking, but she wasn't upset because she was busy too.

"Are you sure you don't want help?"

Raven asked him while facing him with her hood covering almost her entire face, which left only her mouth exposed.

"The door would take longer to load with both of us going there."

"I could go in my astral form."

Raven suggested.

"It could be dangerous, Raven while entering hell in your astral form."

Dio once again refuses her help.

It's the second time she's offered. He felt bad about refusing her help, but it was not safe for both of them to travel together.


Raven gave up trying to make him accept her help.

"How about the two of us train a bit?"

It's been a few days since they trained.

Raven just nodded and sat on the floor with her legs crossed in front of me. Dio approached her and sat down a few centimeters apart while maintaining his posture.

They close their eyes, and a few seconds later, Dio's soul floats out of his body, where he sees Raven in her astral form above her body.

"You've shortened the time; that's good."

Raven complimented him.

Raven has been teaching him the spells of Azarath for a while now, but his progress is still slow.

"But I still can't make my soul take shape,"

Dio said it with disappointment.

"Yeah, that's also keeping me up at night. I don't understand why you're not progressing. You can still use telekinesis even though you are unable to use the Soul-Self."

Raven said it with confusion too.

In Dio's spiritual form, he raises his hand, pointing to the weights on the other side of the room.

Dio imagines a line extending from his arm and flying to the smaller weight. When he raises his hand, the weight also lifts into the air.

"Maybe I'm not very compatible with these forms of magic."

Dio gave his opinion while lowering the weight.

Telekinesis is a trick that every magician can perform, but lifting heavy objects consumes a lot of energy.

So it's easier to use a simple levitation spell and then control it.

Dio never focused much on learning it, but Raven's telekinesis is much more powerful than the normal one, so it's worth practicing even in his astral form.

But this telekinesis should only be possible after being able to manifest the user's Soul-Self.

Dio kind of skipped that step.

"Without being able to summon your Soul-Self, you won't be able to use other Azarath spells connected to your physical body. But maybe..."

Raven began but stopped talking.


Dio asked.

"If you're not very compatible with Azarath spells, why not modify them and create one of your own? You're great at that."

Raven suggested.

She wasn't wrong. It would also be easier to do that than create a spell from scratch since Dio has the original material to guide him.



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