
Chapter 58

Robin then told them everything that happened on the mission, which made Dio think of movies where a soldier reports to a general.

Robin only stopped to let Dio tell him about the things he didn't know when they got to the ritual.

"I understand."

Batman said when the report was finished.

"Do you have any idea what the Church of Blood was trying to summon?"

Green Lantern asked, and everyone looked at Dio.

It appears he becomes the Justice League's paranormal consultant when the League's sorcerers aren't present.

"They were trying to summon an extradimensional demon into this reality."

Dio simply said, as if it's something very normal.

This isn't the Justice League's first encounter with a demon.

"How bad would that be?"

Batman asked.

"Very, very bad. Trigon is a demon who managed to conquer his entire dimension and turn it into his personal hell. In addition to his incredible abilities, he has an army of demons."

Green Lantern asked after everyone had had a moment to process what Dio had said.

"If this Trigon is so powerful, why does he need a ritual to come here?"

"He can come to this plane, but not with full power and for a short time. I don't know the details, but there are ancient laws that must be followed, and one of them is that Trigon can only come to another reality with his full power if he's 'invited'."

Dio kept the information about receiving an invitation from one's own blood private.

Raven is allowed to have her own secrets, and revealing to everyone that she's the daughter of this demon isn't a good way to make a good first impression.

"Do we need to worry about the Church being able to perform another ritual like this?"

Batman asked with seriousness.

"The amulet they stole is very rare. They would need another similar one or a specialist sorcerer to try again. I don't think any sorcerer would willingly summon Trigon, even if they were forced to, because if he comes here, everything will die. So it will take some time for them to perform such a ritual again."

"And the Well is part of this ritual?"

Batman asked again.

"You mean the green water? Yes, somehow, the two are connected."

Batman already knew about the Well because of his other enemy, but he didn't share this information.

It would create suspicion about Dio if he knew about the well, so it's better to pretend he knows nothing.

"And what do we know about the girl being used as a sacrifice?"

Green Lantern asked.

Robin raised his wrist, typed something on his computer, and connected it to the TV on the wall.

Then images of Raven start to appear on the screen, all quite old, when she was about four or five years old.

"She was registered as Rachel Roth, daughter of Arella Roth, whose father was not registered. I also found out that her mother was part of the Church of Blood, but she severed ties with them before her daughter was born. They lived a normal life for two years in a small town after that until they were reported missing years ago."

Robin said that and finished his report.

The boy certainly spent the whole trip researching their new friend.

"Do you think they were kidnapped by the Church and kept under their control until now?"

Green Lantern asked, and his face turned a bit stern.

"Dio, what do you think about her abilities?"

Robin asked Dio and avoided the question from Green Lantern.

"Why are you asking me?"

Dio asked curiously.

"I don't know much about magic, but it seemed like that's what she was using earlier."

Robin replied.

"You're right, it was magic, but where she learned it or from whom, I can't help you."

Dio replied.

"How powerful are her magical abilities?"

Batman asked Dio.

"Her technique isn't focused on physical damage like mine, but she's definitely more skilled at using her powers than I am."

Dio admitted his magical inferiority.

'There's no shame in that because the girl grew up in a magical society and studied with them for years, but I'm 80% sure I can win if we have to fight.'

"We need to contact the system; they'll help her."

"No way!"

Dio immediately rejects the Green Lantern's meaningless suggestion.

"I agree,"

Batman said.


Gren Lantern asked and didn't understand the problem.

"We know very little about the girl, but we know that the Church of Blood is very interested in her, and if we put her in the system, it won't take long for them to find her with the political power that some of their members have."

Batman explained.

"The safest place for her right now is with us."

Robin said.

"I agree, but we need to talk to her./"

Batman accepted.

Robin stood up from his chair, removed the amulet from his belt, gave it to Batman, and then went toward the door.

Dio really wants to research the amulet, but he knows it's way beyond his league.

It's better to leave it in more capable hands, and he can only hope that he will have another chance to do so in the future.

"And I'm going to take a bath."

Dio said as he stood up.

"Before you do that, I suggest calling your sister. She's been calling Diana every half hour, asking about you."

Batman informed him.

'Crap, I forgot to inform Vanessa about the mission. I haven't called her in days, and she's going to chew me out.'

Dio ran as fast as he could and got off the elevator to the floor where the rooms were. This talk should happen in his room if he wants to have it.

Dio ignored Wally, Kaldur'ahm, and Roy, who were eating in front of the large TV screen in the living room, and climbed the stairs to his room.

However, Dio stopped running when he saw Koriand'r and Ravena standing, looking at the door to his room.

"Can I help you with something?"

Dio asked while looking at them.

Koriand'r turned and looked at him with a smile and said, "Dio, it looks like our new companion liked your spells on your room's door."

"I didn't know you were a magician."

Ravena said softly, still looking at his door. She had her face covered every time Dio used magic.

"I'm more of an apprentice. Nice to meet you; my name is Diomedes Inwood."

Dio introduced himself and raised his hand toward her.

"My name is Raven."

Raven said this without shaking his hand.

"Dio, do you know which room Raven will stay in? I'd like her to be close to mine."

Koriand'r asked.

"We still don't know if they will allow me to stay."

Raven said to Koriand'r.

"It's already confirmed; you're more than welcome."

Dio announced.

"That's amazing; I really love the team, but the female company was missing."

Koriand'r said it with a smile and jumped in joy.

"And you can choose any vacant room you want."

Dio continued.

"Thank you."

Raven said and looked at him without showing any joy.

It's a bit strange to see her so cold and indifferent, especially since not long ago, she almost killed a man in her anger.

"It was nothing, Raven. But before you settle into your room, Robin and the League want to talk to you. He must be looking for you now."

Dio said.

"There you are."

Robin's voice called them from behind Dio.

"Raven, Batman wanted to have a talk with you."

Robin added.

Ravena nodded to Dio and began walking toward Robin.

"I would love to talk about magic later when you have time, Raven."

Dio turned and looked at her back, covered by her purple cloak, and said.

Raven stopped walking, and after a second, she just nodded with her back to me and continued.

"I'm going too!"

Koriand'r said, still excited, and ran toward her new friend.

Dio watched them until they were out of sight and then entered his room, which had remained untouched since his leaving.

Dio grabbed his cheap phone and called Vanessa.

Dio is aware that he needs to buy a good phone in light of current technology, but Luthor and Wayne produce the best ones.

Dio assumed that these two had hidden ways in their technology that allowed them to record and keep an eye on everyone.


Vanessa screamed, which startled Dio when the call connected.

"I'm really sorry, Van; I was on an urgent mission without any ways to contact you."

Dio explained as quickly as he could.

"Such an urgent mission that you couldn't even send a message before?"

Vanessa asked with irony dripping from her words.

"That was definitely my mistake, and I promise it won't happen again."

The call falls silent for a moment, and Dio braces himself for the next outburst.

"I thought you had forgotten me."

Vanessa said it with a voice filled with sadness.

"I would never leave you, Van; you know that, and I promise this won't happen again."


Vanessa replied with sniffling on the other end of the line.

"How about this? The weekend is coming up; why don't you visit the city?"

Dio suggested improving her mood.

"Can I see your new home?"

Vanessa asked more excitedly.

"I'll have to ask the owners of it, but if you can't come, we'll just tour the city together. There's no shortage of interesting landmarks."

The Titan Tower may be their home, but it's also the headquarters of a group of heroes.

Dio can't just show up here with his sister without saying anything.

"Okay, I'm coming tomorrow."

Vanessa responded.

"That's great. Send me a message about the bus schedule when you buy the ticket, and I'll be there to pick you up."

"I've already bought it; I was going tomorrow even if you hadn't gotten in touch."

"Even better."

"You can stop trying to improve my mood. Instead, why don't you tell me about your adventure?"

So, Dio tried his best to explain the mission without truly revealing it, as he didn't think discussing it over the phone was sensitive.

"So, you went from being a hero to a League spy?"

Vanessa asked after "the whole" story.

"No, we acted that way because it was the best option at the time. We didn't want to provide ammunition that could be used against us in the future."

Dio explained.

"Anyway, it must have been a lot of fun."

"Take my word for it; it wasn't."

Dio said this while remembering the situation in Kasnia.

After that, they returned to talking about what was happening in her life.

Everything was going fine until she told him she had started dating someone from her school.

Dio stayed calm and asked for his name, but she refused and said that he would ask Steve or one of his A.R.G.U.S. friends to investigate him.



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