
Section 354 Survival of the Fittest

What Nuanyu said was somewhat cryptic, but Shen Yue understood her meaning - intuition is just a reflex of the human neural system formed by the accumulation of experience! It's just that some people have given it a mystical tint.

This woman, who appears like a witch, is fundamentally a very scientific woman!

Nuanyu quietly looked at Shen Yue without speaking, but her demeanor transmitted that she was still waiting for Shen Yue's answer.

Shen Yue also found their current situation quite strange.

Ever since arriving in Siam, every event had been orchestrated by Nuanyu - from Jin Xin being framed to the extradition vehicle being hijacked now, causing an upheaval in Bangkok, and forced him, Shen Yue, to run ragged. All these had the mark of this woman, Nuanyu.

Regardless of how it was looked at, Nuanyu was not a good person, but he could never harbor any ill feelings towards her.

Perhaps all the people are killed by others, she merely seems like an experimenter.

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