
Chapter 44

The two Masters took the rest of the Jedi off of Lok, leaving Jial and the Yautja alone. No matter how the Jedi that came with them felt, they couldn't disobey Master Yoda. This was especially true when it was their Jedi who were in the wrong in the first place. Although they did not know exactly what the trio said or did, the fact that Master Yoda and Master Fay were leaving so quickly expressed their opinions on the matter. 

When all the Jedi were gone, Jial left his room to oversee the progress of the droid shipment they needed to make to the Techno Union. The group would arrive the next day so he wanted to ensure that all of the droids were ready to be shipped off. 

"Master. Are you busy?" Nott called from over the comms

"I'm at the factory just checking on the shipment that is heading out tomorrow. What's up?" 

"A Mere representative and his entourage are here. They want to speak with you," Nott informed him

"The Mere? Alright. I'll be back in 10 minutes," Jial told her before leaving the factory to return and meet with the representatives. 

The Mere were the only native species to the Karthakk System. Their planet, Maramere, was an aquatic planet that was almost entirely covered in water, suitable for their aquatic species. Maramere was actually the only planet in the system that was considered habitable compared to Lok and Nod Kartha, the other planet in the system. They were considered the true rulers of not only the Karthakk System but the entire Karthakk Sector. The only two competitors were in other systems and were known spice producers so the Republic looked down on those other planets. 

Jial had not bothered trying to form relations with the Mere because they had nothing to offer him. The planet's water made it difficult to conquer unless he had an army of aquatic droids or species. 

'What on Lok could these guys want?' Jil thought while entering the meeting room

There, he saw several Mere sitting in chairs around the table while HK-47 served them tea. Nott was sitting in the seat next to Jial's and talking with the others when she saw the doors open and Jial entered. The young lady stood up and gave a small bow to her Master in greeting. 

"Hello, Master. This is Sir Triton of the Mere people. He is also their representative in the Galactic Senate," Nott introduced the other party so they could skip over introductions

"A pleasure to meet you," the Mere greeted. The male held out his orange hand which Jial shook, feeling how wet it was. 

"Nice to meet you as well," Jial greeted before taking his seat. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Straight to the point like the rumors say," Triton laughed at the directness. He was used to dealing with politicians so Jial's way of speaking was quite refreshing to him. 

"I'm here to propose something, with the permission of my people. We want to declare independence from the Republic and swear loyalty to the Yautja," Triton told him his intentions, stunning Jial and Nott

"Why though?" Jial had to ask. Although the offer sounded tempting, it meant that he would be responsible for their protection

"Simple. The Republic has left us to fend for ourselves ever since we joined. No matter how much we complain about pirates or slavers coming to raid our people, we have received no help," Triton complained about the Republic, singing the same song that was sung across most of the Outer Rim.

To the Core Worlds and Mid Rim, the Republic meant protection. To the Outer Rim, it meant being exploited for resources or being taxed heavily. Maramere was being taxed 20% of all products that they had exported or imported, not including the fees that the Trade Federation charged as well. Their people were barely able to see any profit. 

"So you wish to switch over to us? And what makes you think that we are trying to expand ourselves?" Jial asked

"It is obvious, my young friend," Triton teased. "We have seen the probes you sent to Nod Kartha. News of your battles against the Black Sun as well as joining the Techno Union have also spread. And from 3 dead bodies that my men saw before I arrived, you also do not fear the Jedi. A man like you would never settle with just a single planet."

"Are you saying my greed is uncontrollable?"

"Not your greed. Your pride," Triton assured him. "You are strong and you know it. And because of that, you will grow until you reach your limit. And Lok is certainly not your limit."

Jial chuckled at the older man's words. He wanted to deny them but he knew it was the truth. He was not going to settle with just the Karthakk System or even Sector. He was planning to be like the Hutts and carve out his own space. Yautja Space.

"What are you offering?"

"10% taxation and 10 tons of food per month. As long as you don't mind seafood," Triton joked

"Deal. We will send part of our fleet over to assist with your defense," Jial agreed to the terms. The money and food were good but the respect he would get from having Maramere become his vassal was worth far more than both. 

News quickly spread across the Galaxy. While many were interested in Yautja Droid Development, most did not expect them to reach the level of a super corporation for at least 10 more years. But the fact that the only other power in the system not only joined them but succeeded from the Republic in order to do so proved their potential. 

Countless orders came in for the droids after this news was spread. Everyone wanted to buy the droids not for their abilities anymore. They wanted to purchase the droids in order to get closer to Yautja while it was still small. This sudden surge of order surprised Jial, the Trade Federation, and the Techno Union, causing an instant surge in trade between the 3.

The Techno Union sent in shipments of materials after materials so that Yautja Droid Development could meet their demand while the Trade Federation sent in fleets with plenty of guards in order to ensure the sale of all of the products. Without even meaning to, Jial had grown the Yautja to a new height thanks to his actions against the Jedi and Black Sun Syndicate.

After 4 years had passed, the Yautja were not the same as before. They were a major power with a fleet that could be comparable to several planetary defense fleets and an army that could rival the Black Sun in numbers. Nod Kartha had officially been taken over by them and turned into a planet used purely for resources and droid production to match their new position as a super corporation. And Lok was officially known as Yautja Prime.

'Finally. I can finally leave this sector. Time to get rid of those Black Sun bastards,' Jial was aboard The Corsair, ready to head off to battle. Around him, his attack fleet was ready to move out.

--- 170 BBY, Yautja Prime---

--- 1st Year, War of the Underworld ---

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