
Black Fragments (Part 4)

A Flowers from the greenhouse will eventually wilt; it's better not to raise them at all.

Kenny Lin smiled; he liked seeing Amalia like this.

Amalia didn't care about his current thoughts.

Since she had decided to give the black fragments to Wealth, she wouldn't change her mind.

However, some things needed to be stated upfront.

Amalia held Wealth on her knee, her expression serious as she looked at it, "Wealth, you can have these black fragments, but if you can't handle them and end up becoming a mutated creature with only animal instincts left, your father and I might have to kill you to prevent future troubles. We don't want you to end up captured by someone else."

Wealth shivered, feeling a little upset.

Why was its owner suddenly being so cold and heartless?

It thought only its former owner who would act like this.

Next chapter