
I have to go...

Eliot and Kylie were in the cafeteria when they heard some commotion from outside the cafeteria. Students were all getting up and rushing to see what was happening. 

"Should we go check it out? " Kylie asked but Eliot was already standing. He had a sickening feeling in his gut that it was someone he knew. 

Kylie ran after him and they gathered in the hallway outside the cafeteria. There was such a large crowd gathered there that students were unable to leave the cafeteria. 

Eliot pushed through the crowd to the very front of the crowd. The recurring word he heard as he went there was 'Levi'. 

He hoped it wasn't true but he also knew that the chances of that being the case were very high. When he reached the very front of the crowd, he gasped at the sight.

Levi was beating up a 3rd year student. The student was much bigger than he was and part of his face was swollen and bleeding. 

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