
Leap of Faith

The Next day~

Miles was on his way towards cafeteria to fill his hungry belly, but someone was asking him questions endlessly...

"Hey Man! Since when did you get so tall and you even look stronger now?", Ganke whispered silently as he walked beside Miles.

"You are even a little more handsome, What the heck! And you say this is the result of hitting Puberty?" Ganke Lee felt his heart was about to explode.

He couldn't believe Miles was given easy hacks in life because he hit the Puberty first.

Many people also noticed the change as well, Miles was even getting a lot of looks from many girls around, he was extremely handsome now.

Surprisingly no one seemed to suspect anything about him, even at his increase in height.

"That was strange, but works for me!", Miles said to himself in relief.

He also noticed that his appetite has increased, he was gobbling food down, but his tummy just kept storing the food like a 'Warehouse', It wasn't until he ate about 3 people's food that he burped and calmly went to start his today's school day.

Miles smiled and calmly went throughout the whole school day easily, no one seemed affected by his sudden change, of course except Ganke Lee.

Of course the thing he cared about most is his new fighting ability after yesterday night's 'Power Upgrade'.

Whether it was the way he talked, walked or even ate he noticed he was able to control his body precisely, it wasn't like what you see in movies, that "Spiderman was not able to properly master his newfound strength and damaged some things".

It felt like, it was one of System perks, that he was able to masterfully control his increased strength and not crush anything.

Miles had never felt so good about himself even on Earth.

"I wonder, how my strength would compare to other combatants of the world, only time will tell," Miles thought, he found joy in fighting, even more joy in defeating his enemies and saving people, but if it came to his life he would save himself first.

- - - -

After returning to his dorm room~

Miles changed his clothes and immediately headed out to a nearby clothing store, an bought some clothing for himself, after informing his loving mother about his small clothes problem, she even wired him some money online to buy some clothes.

In the end, Miles returned to his dorm room with large bags of clothes.

"Bro, did you rob a store or something?" Ganke was in confusion as he saw Miles throwing bags of clothes in the room.

"Tsk, of course not, I bought all of this, my old clothes didn't fit anymore" Miles replied calmly and began to sort through his new clothes, he even placed all his old clothing in a large bag and wanted to donate them.

"Ah that's right, you became so tall, I'd be surprised if your old clothes fit" Ganke suddenly realized and began helping Miles unpack his new clothes and then pack his old clothes into a different bag.

When they both finished packing the clothes, Ganke Lee left the room because he had to do some things.

After Ganke left Miles carried the large bag of old clothing with one hand before opening both of the windows and jumping out immediately, with his reaction and reflexes he easily maneuvered his way across the academy building before changing directions after reaching the usual path he took.

30 minutes later, Miles donated those unwanted clothes to orphans.

Miles knew he was not a good person, but he still liked to do good things to balance karma.

- - - -

Time went by, soon the sun had set, and night descended.

Miles didn't bother returning to the Academy, He went into a dark alley before changing into an all-black outfit with a fitted hoodie, he put a joker mask on his face and gloves on his hands.

If his fingerprints are traced back to him, then he wouldn't have tears left to cry.

And as I had said before Luckily, Brooklyn was a haven for gangsters and all types of crime, pretty much everywhere Miles went, he would see some type of Altercation happening. The city was never peaceful.

As Miles was about to jump to another rooftop, his phone which was in his pocket suddenly began ringing.

"Dad? What does he want at this time?" Miles was confused but he immediately answered after finding a quiet area around him.

"Hey Dad, what's up, yes I'm in bed right now, everything is ok, yup, ok I understand, how are you and Mom? that's good" Miles talked with his dad for a short while before ending the call.

His dad had only called to inform him to not go outside and to stay in school, ironically Miles was already outside doing everything but what his dad said.

"Can I just go around beating up random Gangsters? will that even work?" Miles gained an idea as he thought about a certain "hood" in Brooklyn which was filled with gang bangers and evil humans.

It didn't take long for Miles to make his way to one of these neighborhoods.

Standing a few dozen meters away from a run down house, Miles noticed a group of 'suspicious" looking people in tank tops walking around the block while smoking.

They indeed looked intimidating. But little did they know they would be beaten up black and blue today for some EXP Points.

"F*ck I can't believe I'm still scared of guns" Miles frowned as he gazed at the group from a rooftop, with his strong vision he immediately noticed that a few of them had guns in their pants.

But his fear was understandable, Unless Miles was 100% sure that guns wouldn't affect him, he wouldn't confront gangsters and those of the like upfront.

"Miles, it's just a leap of faith", Miles told himself.

And he had his faith in his tingly Spider Sense, Miles with his reflexes, he will definitely be able to dodge the bullets and coupled with his last night LEVEL UP and Martial-arts, he will defeat this group as 'an adult snatches candy from a toddler'.

Besides his body defense is also very good he can almost ignore most of common kitchen knives.

"Shit, The EXP points will be worth it", Miles said before releasing a cold breath of air and slowly approaching the group of delinquents from the alleys and crevices around the neighborhood area.

"Hehe, Boss, you've been in a good mood lately, what's going on," One of the lackeys in the group of delinquents said as he rubbed his hands together with a strange smile on his face.

His ugly face made his smile seem very disgusting!

The Burly man at the lead couldn't help but take a glance at this lackey of his.

"What the heck? why do you always look like a pervert every time you open your mouth" The leader who had golden grills in his teeth said sharply, he felt like kicking this lackey in the balls.

"But, I've been dealing with some very important drug Lords lately, perhaps we can make more money if everything goes smoothly this month" The leader calmed down and began to explain to his underlings.

Hearing this, The group of delinquents became very excited as they continued to laugh and shout.

As the group of delinquents passed by a certain couple on the sidewalk, they immediately began causing trouble.

"Hey you, tell your girl to come to serve my boss, or we will break both of your legs," The lackey said as he pointed at the burly gangster who stood there smugly.

The couple who had just left their house couldn't help but become shocked and scared at the sudden interaction.

Although they had wanted to avoid this group of gangsters, it seemed like they had been purposely following this whole time.

"Wtf? Is this chinese young master or something like plot happening here?" Miles couldn't help but think back to the eastern fantasy cultivation novels he would read.

Then, Miles couldn't help but look at the lackey again "only those braindead characters would act like this".

It's hard to believe 'real humans' also act like this!

what an eye-opener.

"B-Baby" The short and petite young woman was immediately scared and held tightly onto her boyfriend's arm, did these people want to rape her at such a time in the night?

Her boyfriend was also in a bad position, his eyes immediately landed on the guns hidden in the pockets of the delinquents and he was overtaken by fear.

Without another thought, He pushed his girlfriend off him and immediately shot off into the distance without even looking back.

"Haha, what a bitch, bro saw my gun and immediately hit feet"

"No fucking way, that's funny"


The delinquents watched this all happen and immediately burst out laughing, they were more than used to such situations every day.

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