It only has 3 chapters, so its hard to grasp the story and the development. However, there are some points that would be good to watch over and review it later.
Writing Quality: It has some problem with some sentences and how they're structured. For this, I would recommend you to check over some book known for their dialogue quality, like The Name of the Wind. Don't need to read it all, most likely the first pages to get a gist of it.
Story Development: It lacks a structural flow to follow up. Its important to have one, because its the thing that holds the reader and creates connections with the story's character. I would suggest to study some tv-show, of its made.
Character Design: It lacks inner-though and description of themselves in the scenes. Its important to write and give some emphasis for this, because it will make easier for the reader to grow some feelings for the characters, be it anger (the bullies), empathy (the mc), curiosity and so on.
All in all, keep up the good work :)