
Chapter 5: Doctoring

He arrived at the end of the tunnel, seeing the familiar area. Just as Sigmund had left it, the Skrill was laid at the back, as though it had no care in the world.

After placing the basket of fish down, Sigmund took a few steps backwards and sat down.

This time he had come prepared, he brought out his notebook and started to read.

While his village was prospering, his Dad had made him help out the villagers with all sorts of jobs, whether it be smithing or farming. Conveniently, he had worked alongside the village doctor. He was a crazy man who refused to spend too much time in the sun, claiming it could cause an invisible disease that was lethal. Despite his quirks, the people of the village trusted his medicinal remedies to sort them out.

Sigmund was ordered by his father to spend almost a year shadowing such a crazy old coot.

However this allowed him to harness a lot of knowledge and first hand experience that he otherwise would have never had the facilities to explore. It was this knowledge and notes that Sigmund was reading, looking for the best way to treat such large wounds. The old doctor was in no way skilled with animals, let alone dragons, but he did have a special skill when it came to dealing with injuries.

"There's no point reading about all this stuff if you won't even let me inspect your wounds first though..."

His vision turned from the notebook over o the still slumbering Skrill. Its breathing seemed ragged and he showed no signs of waking, even with the allure of fresh salmon so close.

'The poor thing is probably low on energy... I will give it some more time to rest and check up on it every now and then'

Sigmund thought to himself as he went back to reading once more.

If he did not act carefully, Sigmund could end up replacing the fish as the main course.

Another hour went by with the Skrill not waking, just its faint breathing resonating in the cave.

"It's been a bit too long of a sleep... I should try and check, even if I lose an arm or two"

Sigmund grabbed his notebook and quietly stood up. Gingerly, Sigmund edged his way over to the Skrill, making his way behind the giant death machine.

The closer he got, the more he realised how intimidating this beast truly was.

'Had this been at full health, I doubt it would have even given me the time of day. It could crush me with its tail alone...'

A reality check was always a surreal experience.

Although he tried his best to be as quiet as possible, inevitably his movements still made some noise. Yet, there was no movement from the injured dragon.

Kneeling down beside the Skrill, he could not sense any movement so Sigmund pushed forward.

'Lets have a look then...'

Sigmund inspected the deep gashes along the Dragons body and noticed they were cleanly cut, as though it was a sharpened weapon as opposed to a naturally formed claw.

'These are likely sword or spear marks, my bet would be on a sword since the cut is fairly clean.'

The wounds were still bleeding despite the dragon having rested already.

"Right big guy, I am going to grab a few things from my home, if this isn't treated, I doubt you will last the night!"

With those words, Sigmund left, not worrying about being quiet. His main focus at the moment was getting that wound treated even if nothing came of it.

Whilst he rummaged around in his house, he grabbed everything he felt he needed. Once he started, it meant he could not stop.

"That should be just about everything, this is probably the most I can do."

Sigmund filled up his satchel and made his way back to the cave. The path was much easier without the rain and thunder.

As he trekked down the path, he could not help but begin to panic slightly at the pressure of what he was about to attempt.

Once again, he found himself beside the resting Skrill. Its body felt colder than before, every so slightly, but enough that it caused Sigmund to squint his eyes in concern.

"Right bud, it's time for us to get this ball rolling. It will hurt. A lot. So please don't bite my head off."

The gashes were long, plaguing the full length of the dragons body. 

Gripping one of many cloths he had brought, Sigmund dipped it into a bucket of water and wiped the wound clean.

As he did, the Skrill groaned with what little energy it still had.

"I know, I know, it's always unpleasant, I am sure the water is irritating you but bear with it for now."

A practice the village doctor had drummed into Sigmund was to always clean the wound before attempting any treatment.

'That's the easier part done, now to the next step...'

With all of the blood gone, Sigmund got a full scope of the wound.

"Fortunately it should be fine once I have you stitched up but lets not get hasty"

Sigmund withdrew a needle from his satchel and attached a thin piece of thread dipped in alcohol to the needle.

'Thank god I don't have to do cauterisation anymore, that quack doctor sure was innovative. I can imagine having to burn a wounded dragon, that's like asking to be sent to Valhalla!'

His thoughts strayed slightly before he refocused on what he was doing.

The procedure didn't take long, Sigmund used a normal mattress stitch as he would on humans to close the wound before rubbing honey on top of the closed wound.

With the procedure done, Sigmund fell backwards, his back and forehead were covered in a cold sweat as he reached for his waterskin, proceeding to dump its contents over his face and in his mouth.

"That was something..."

He murmured before slowly sitting up.

'I best get over to the farmlands and check the hunting traps, I missed the chance yesterday'

With that thought, Sigmund grabbed his tools and left the cave, completely unaware of the pointing eyes following his back.