
Chapter 7 Shock

After Stacy shared her determination to work at the hospital with her father, Mr. Feng, she anxiously awaited his response. Her heart silently prayed for his approval, her eyes filled with determination.

Mr. Feng, gazing into his daughter's eyes, recognized her unwavering resolve and decided to grant her a chance to pursue her dream.

He thought back to his own youth when he was still in his twenties, and he sighed before finally speaking, "Two years, and after that, you will listen to me and take over the company."

Stacy nodded eagerly, resembling a child whose candy had been held hostage. "Fine, two years it is," she exclaimed, jumping with joy and hugging her father. "Thanks, Dad, you're the best."

Her father patted her gently, a warm smile on his face, and she dashed off to her room. Excitement filled her as she grabbed her phone and began searching for job opportunities online.

After applying to three different hospital positions, she could hardly contain her happiness.

To share her thrilling news, she called her close friend, Yuan Yuan, whose busy career as a fashion designer kept her occupied at one of Shanghai's top fashion companies.

As she dialed Yuan Yuan's number, her voice resonated with excitement. However, the response she received was not what she expected.

"Hello, Yuan Yuan, guess what!" Stacy exclaimed.

Yuan Yuan's voice sounded irritated, likely due to some lingering frustration from the previous night's post. "Stacy, dear, I can't guess right now; I'm very busy."

Stacy realized that Yuan Yuan was at work, preoccupied with drafting designs for customers.

Yuan Yuan's impeccable talent and reputation in her company kept her continually engaged with clients. "I'm sorry; I forgot you would be at work. We can talk later," Stacy apologized.

Yuan Yuan's abrupt behavior was unusual, making Stacy wonder if she had unintentionally offended her friend.

However, she quickly brushed it off, too thrilled about her impending journey to dwell on it. She lay on her bed, a radiant smile on her face.

Feeling the need to share her joy, Stacy decided to call Jin, her boyfriend. She dialed his number, and when he picked up, she couldn't contain her excitement.

"Hello, Jin, guess what?" Stacy said with happiness in her voice.

Jin, ever the practical one, responded with humor, "You won a lottery?"

Stacy's face fell slightly at his jest. "Oh, come on, Jin, be serious," she implored.

Jin insisted, "You know I don't like guessing."

Slightly exasperated but still thrilled, Stacy shared her good news. "Okay, fine. Dad finally agreed for me to work at the hospital. This calls for celebration. Are you free to go out?"

A brief silence followed before Jin delivered the disappointing news. "No, I'm sorry, dear, but I have late-night work to finish."

Stacy's voice reflected her disappointment. "It's alright. Goodbye. Love you." She ended the call and lay on her bed, feeling a sense of loneliness.

In her office, Yuan Yuan was seething with anger, struggling to concentrate on the design she was drafting.

Her thoughts repeatedly returned to Stacy's post from the previous night, and the more she dwelled on it, the more furious she became.

Unable to control her emotions, she picked up her phone and dialed Jin's number.

"Hello, why did you have to get her such a nice present?" Yuan Yuan asked, her voice heavy with jealousy.

Jin sighed in response. "Yuan, believe me, I had to do it. It's not a big deal; besides it's just a present. Don't worry about it." He tried to assure her so she could calm down, but it seems his attempt failed.

Yuan Yuan's anger intensified. "I want to see you after work," she declared before ending the call abruptly, not giving Jin a chance to respond.

Throughout the day Yuan yuan couldn't seem to concentrate on her work, she was either absent minded, or she would make silly stupid mistakes or forget what she wanted to do.

She hated her friend for coming back and trying to separate her and Jin, she was the one who had left him, now she is back and she wants to claim him, never she couldn't let her get her way.

It was evening, and Stacy found herself at home, bored. Her boyfriend was occupied with his work, and her best friends had their own commitments.

Feeling a bit adventurous, she decided to venture out on her own and celebrated by herself.

Determined to make the most of the evening, she carefully selected her outfit – a hot red, short, open-back gown that accentuated her figure and a pair of sleek black heels.

Her brown hair cascaded beautifully onto her shoulders, framing her face.

With a final touch of light makeup that enhanced her natural beauty, Stacy grabbed a small black bag and left the house.

She didn't bother with a car; instead, she decided to embrace the pleasant evening breeze as she walked to her destination.

Stacy had heard about the most famous club in Shanghai, and she thought it might be the perfect place to spend her evening.

She waved down a passing taxi, hopped in, and soon arrived at the bustling entrance of the renowned establishment.

As she stepped out of the taxi, the vibrant energy of the city enveloped her, and she felt a thrill of anticipation.

The night was still young, and she was ready to have some fun and maybe even make new friends. Her red gown turned heads as she entered the club, making her feel confident and alluring.

She stood in front of the building. She could already hear the bubbling sounds of music and the sweet smell of alcohol. She was a very good drinker. Most guys admitted she was good after several competitions with them. She headed into the club.

Inside the club, the music was pumping, the dance floor was alive, and the atmosphere was electric.

People were dancing, chatting, and enjoying themselves, creating a lively backdrop for Stacy's adventure.

She began by ordering her favorite cocktail and found an empty spot at the bar, where she could observe the crowd. She decided not to take a strong drink today.

The evening was just starting to heat up, and Stacy was determined to make the most of it.

As the night wore on, she couldn't help but notice a familiar face in the crowd. Her heart skipped a beat, She wondered if it was actually who she thought it was but it can't be possible .

What would he do at a club? He said he couldn't come out today due to work. Stacy couldn't contain her surprise and shock as she called out his name.


He turned, and for a moment, Stacy couldn't believe her eyes. Standing beside Jin was Yuan Yuan, her best friend.

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