
Chapter 303 – Escaping the Forest Biome

Staying around the clearing with 5 slates was a bad idea, so Max and Lily quickly went inside the forest. Of course, they didn't forget to recover her 5 arrows. They could still be useful.

They hid behind a large tree and crouched.

"Based on what the tutorial said, once we get 5 slates, we need to put them on top of each other. That will allow our GPS to get a certain signal that shows where the exit to the next map is. Am I right this far?"

"Un, that's what I heard as well." Lily nodded, confirming his words. "I don't know how that works, though. But let's try it."


Max took out all the slates he had gathered and arranged them like a tower on the ground. Starting from the size of the animal. The biggest animal, the elephant, was on the ground, followed by a lion, chicken, snake, and eagle.

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