
Too Expensive

Can I do it?

This question was constantly on Luck's mind as he excitedly changed his clothes, sat down at his computer and went online.

Can I really produce cement?

It was an idea that suddenly came to his mind while talking to Nikolay in Gliese.

Maybe he wouldn't have to buy the cement.

Maybe he could produce the cement himself!

Of course, it would not be like today's cement, but he thought that he could produce cement from the Roman period, after all, artefacts and buildings from the Roman period still exist even today.

After searching one or two websites, Luck finally found the answer he was looking for!

"That's it! It can be done!"

According to the website, cement was actually very simple to make and the materials needed for cement were readily available.

Primitive cement was basically made of two ingredients!

Lime and volcanic mould or pozzuolana!

Cement is simply a mixture of slaked lime and volcanic mould!

Slaked lime is the sediment obtained by mixing lime heated to 1000 degrees with water!

Luck exclaimed with delight as he read about the stages of lime making.

"It's so simple!"

Thinking that he had finally found a way to repair the walls of the compound, he excitedly began to search the internet for the price of lime.

But Luck's excitement soon faded.

"Holy crap! How can 1 tonne of lime cost more than cement itself!"

1 tonne of lime cost $30,000 and 1 tonne of cement cost $5,000! He felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless pit while trying to make cement much cheaper!

Leaning back in his chair in desperation, Luck stared at the ceiling, not knowing what to do.


The door to Luck's room suddenly opened.

"I said dinner's ready! How many times are you going to make me scream!"

Luck, who had not heard his mother call him to dinner dozens of times, was startled for a moment.

"I didn't hear..."

Luck's mum, who didn't bother to close the door as she left the room, said, "You wouldn't hear! You're sitting at the computer like a plant again!"


Black watched the angry Arya with timid eyes from a corner of the room.

Luck looked at Black, who was hiding behind the couch with his tail between his legs and said,

"You've learnt to be scared of my mum too, huh son?"

"Did you say something?"

Luck sat quietly at the dining table when he heard his mother's aggressive voice coming from the kitchen.

"No mummy! What's for dinner I'm so hungry!"

"Whatever I did, that's what's for dinner!"


Zeki was moving excitedly from side to side in his cage as he watched Luck sitting at the dining table!

"Let me go! Let me out!"

Luck looked at Zeki jumping excitedly in his cage and wanted to let the bird out, but then he remembered that his mum would be angry at a bird flying around at mealtime and gave up the idea.

"Sorry, if I let you out of your cage, my mum will either pluck your feathers or throw you out on the street."

At the mention of Arya, Zeki cowered in fear.

He watched with puzzled eyes as the bird that had jumped with excitement just a second ago suddenly went silent.

"Mum seems to have shown her authority to everyone."

Arya, who came out of the kitchen with plates full of food, said sceptically, "Did you say something?"

"No, Mummy."



Nikolai sat in his office waiting for Luck to reappear.

"Dad, I can go and wait in his room for Luck to show up!"

"Yes, Dad! We can wait for him to show up just like yesterday!"

Nikolai sighed as he looked at his two excitedly restless daughters

These two silly girls were now like two brides waiting for her husband!

Luck and my daughters....

Nikolai dismissed this thought with a shake of his head.

He'll never take both my daughters!

Knock, knock, knock!

When there was a knock on the door of his office, Nikolai's two daughters rushed to open the door without a moment's hesitation.

Nikolai: ...

As soon as the door of the room opened, the two girls, seeing Luck behind a servant, excitedly grabbed Luck and pulled him into the room and closed the door behind them immediately.

"Sir, Mr Luck is here..."

Maid: (0_o)


Nikolai could feel the vein in his forehead pulsate as he saw his two daughters re-entering Luck's two arms.

Looking meaningfully at his two daughters and Luck, Nikolai said, "Ahem, girls...."

The two girls blushed as they realised what they had done again and let go of Luck's arm.

"Luck, there must be a reason why you left in such a hurry yesterday."

Luck hung his head in shame.

"Yeah...I mean no...sorry."

Nikolai raised one eyebrow curiously, "What do you mean?"

Luck sighed "Yesterday I was excited thinking that we could produce cement on our own, but the raw materials for cement are very expensive..."

Nikolay was surprised by Luck's idea.

You wanted to produce a product like cement?

Did you really want to make an important product that could be used in the construction of fortifications?

Is something like that easy to produce?

"Are the raw materials for cement very expensive?"

When Luck heard Nikolay's question, he expressed all the frustration that had accumulated inside him and said, "Don't ask! Do you know how much lime costs a tonne! More expensive than a tonne of cement!"

Nikolay: (o_o=)

Senna and Elsa: ('0_o?)

Is it lime?

Is it lime that's expensive?

Nikolai remembers that there was a lime mine 10 kilometres away from the compound!

It had been abandoned as a worthless mineral, since lime had little use except for the occasional dumping on agricultural land!

Seeing a glimmer of hope, Nikolay tried to contain his excitement and asked, "What else do you need for cement?"

Sighing, Luck said "Lime and Volcanic Mould...I didn't even look at the price of lime after I found out how expensive it is."

His voice trembling with excitement, Nikolai said, "Volcanic mould and lime? Is that all you need?"

Luck looked at Nikolay sceptically.

Why is this guy so excited?

"Yes, just the two...why do you ask?"

Nikolay ignored Luck's question, "If we provide you with these two substances, can you produce lime for us?"

"I mean yes, I think I can...as long as I have a kiln that can heat the lime up to 1000 degrees, yes I can produce cement."

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